Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 110 Internal strife

He quickly turned his head and watched with wide eyes as a ball of energy flew past him in a corner, jumped over him and bombed an orc, shooting the orc away on the spot.

Qin Ming punched another orc on the head, spinning him up on the spot and falling heavily to the ground.

Then he didn't forget to raise his hand to reload his gun, and quickly rushed to the trebuchet.

Looking at this large, rough-looking trebuchet, Qin Ming jumped up to it.

Hawkeye and Air Cannon on the side saw this and quickly followed suit.

The three guys just stood on top of the trebuchet, each using long-range attacks to shoot wildly at the orcs that were constantly coming from all directions.

After killing several people in a row, Qin Ming, who stopped shooting, suddenly stretched out his hand and shouted.


Hearing this roar, Hawkeye quickly raised his head and looked over, but instead of throwing the grenade that the two gunmen had given him, he took out the grenade himself, pulled off the fuse, and threw it under the trebuchet.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming, who was standing at the top of the trebuchet, the most suitable position for throwing thunder, could not help but shrink his pupils. He turned around and was about to jump off the trebuchet, but he did not expect that a sound of wind suddenly hit his ears.

With a bang, a wave of fists that passed him around the corner suddenly turned and hit his chest hard, blowing him away on the spot.

And in the next second, a huge explosion sounded. It turned out to be the explosion of a grenade under the trebuchet, which directly blew the trebuchet until it collapsed and shattered.

Qin Ming, who was hitting the trebuchet, was naturally affected by the fire and flew directly into the orcs.

Seeing the huge wooden trebuchet collapse, Qin Ming also lost his trace. He could only see a large number of orcs gathering towards him.

Hawkeye and the air cannon looked at each other and suddenly attacked each other at the same time.

An arrow was shot out and instantly stuck on the air cannon's shoulder.

The air cannon's turning wave punch also hit Hawkeye's body in an arc.

The two people who were attacked at the same time grunted and ran as fast as they could to avoid being caught up and surrounded by the orcs, while frantically attacking each other.

The companions who were discussing countermeasures together just now were fighting each other in the blink of an eye.

Obviously this mission is in peaceful mode, and there will be no reward for killing each other, but at this moment, the two of them are extremely ruthless.

It was as if there was no discussion before, but they had a tacit understanding to attack Qin Ming simultaneously and try to kill him.

In peaceful mode, it is true that adventurers will not gain any benefits from fighting with each other, but this does not mean that they will not fight.

Because there are always conflicts of interest among adventurers.

When the protagonist group was not found before, the world of this mission was very difficult. Naturally, everyone needed to hug together to keep warm in order to hope to complete the mission.

But now not only the protagonist has been found, but two of them have been found in one fell swoop.

So under this situation, completing the task is no longer difficult. The difficulty is how to distribute the loot!

The characters in the plot will not divide the spoils, so the five adventurers only need to divide the things that are revealed by defeating monsters.

Even if the best thing is shared among five people, not much will be left after getting it.

So if you want to get more benefits, there is only one way left...


There was another crisp sound, and he had already run out of the camp. He rolled and hid behind the rocks, avoiding the air cannon fired by arrows. While randomly stuffing recovery items into his mouth, he aimed forward and fired three consecutive waves of wave fists.

The white energy ball drew various arcs in mid-air, jumped directly over the bunker where Hawkeye was, and hit Hawkeye hard.

Hawkeye screamed out in pain. Seeing that he couldn't hit the opponent, he took out a prop and threw it on the ground.

With a pop of white smoke, two guys dressed as ancient soldiers walked out of the smoke!

The two of them, one holding a spear and the other holding a sword and shield, rushed toward the air cannon frantically, shouting as they rushed.

"Serve King Wu!"

The Three Kingdoms War! Special props for the Wu camp! Troop order!

In a one-on-one fight, the air cannon that can turn the wave fist can be said to have every advantage.

As long as you successfully distance yourself, you can completely overwhelm your opponent.

But once the number of enemies increases, his technique will be a little frustrated. The reason is very simple, because this guy's air cannon automatically tracks! Unless it's under full aim! Otherwise, you won’t listen to his orders at all!

And once the enemy touches his face, how can he concentrate on aiming!

Three consecutive rounds of air cannon were fired, but none of the enemies were killed. Instead, they were quickly approached.

The air cannon turned pale when he saw this scene, and suddenly roared, took out a machine gun from the inventory, and aimed at the three people here and started shooting wildly.

Metal Slug World! Blue equipment!

H-type submachine gun!

Pulling the trigger firmly, he instantly smashed the spear soldier who rushed over into a sieve, and at the same time forced the other sword and shield soldier back.

He looked at Hawkeye who was about to take the opportunity to launch a sneak attack, but was frightened and hid behind the bunker after seeing the ferocious firepower.

The air cannon standing on the stone was holding a light machine gun with a ferocious expression.

"Come on! Come out! See if I don't kill you suddenly! Come out!"

As he spoke, he hung the air cannon on the machine gun rope around his neck, and fired another air cannon with his hand.

Then the air cannon turned and hit the sword and shield soldier on the other side.

Hawkeye, who was forced to not show his head by the fierce firepower, hurriedly raised the bow and arrow in his hand and waved it, shouting at the same time.

"Don't fight! Don't fight for now!"

"You said you don't want to fight? The nightmare space is opened by your family!"

"Brother Air Cannon! I still have one in my hand! A blue rocket launcher that can be used once in each mission world! I brought it from the Dino Fighter world! Everyone is not easy to mess with! Let's stop fighting!"

While speaking, Hawkeye had already taken out his ultimate weapon from the inventory, a blue quality shoulder-fired rocket launcher, and raised it to shine.

Looking at the black rocket launcher, the air cannon who was standing on the stone with a machine gun was frightened and turned pale for a while. He quickly fled back to the back of the bunker and directly placed the machine gun on the stone.

The two of them were facing each other tensely across the bunker. They looked at the orc barracks in the distance, which was obviously engulfed in flames. It was obviously the orc barracks whose food and grass were burned. They looked at each other on the opposite side, and after a few seconds of silence, they suddenly retracted their weapons together.

"How about? Let's stop fighting?"

"I think it's okay. It's good to get rid of a competitor. There's no need to fight to the death. There's a fight going on in the distance now. It's not worth it to waste time here instead of taking the opportunity to pick up the bargain."

"Then let's cooperate? Share the benefits together?"

"Okay! Cooperation! Let's work together to get rid of the other two guys later! We'll split all the spoils 50-50!"


The two parties quickly reached a consensus and put away their cards at almost the same time.

Looking at Hawkeye who stood up first on the opposite side, Air Cannon, who also stood up, grinned shyly.

"Oh, I was impulsive. I wouldn't have fought if I had known. I wasted more than 70 bullets. I need to spend points to replenish them when I go back!"

Hearing this, Hawkeye, who was standing behind the stone, also smiled awkwardly.

How could he have expected that the guy on the other side would have such a powerful machine gun? He originally thought that he could easily deal with the other side by summoning two younger brothers, just like the lucky guy who got the Tehuen pistol before.

"That's right, if I had known, I wouldn't..."


Before Hawkeye, who was smiling, finished his words, a red light suddenly shot out from a distance.

The flying speed of this light was extremely fast, and Hawkeye was unprepared. It almost instantly passed through his body and shot straight into the distant woods.

With a click, four or five trees in front were cut down in one breath, and the gaps were directly carbonized by high temperature, which was extremely neat.

As for Hawkeye?

With a frozen smile on his face, Hawkeye's body shook and was directly split in two from the waist!

Not only was he cut into two pieces, but the huge stone in front of him made a creaking sound, and the upper half of it also slowly slid to the ground!

The cut gap! It was also full of high-temperature burn marks! Extremely neat!

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