Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 111 Seeking Death

Watching his companion, who was still communicating with him the previous second, being torn apart the next second, he didn't even have time to react.

Air Cannon was so frightened that his whole body trembled violently.

As an adventurer in the nightmare space, he had fought in various worlds for many years, and he could be considered a veteran.

Therefore, he reacted almost instantly, and rolled away without thinking.

As soon as he ran away, a fiery red spiral airflow flashed like a blade at the position where he had just stood.

The huge stone was split into two, and the flaming hand knife flew into the woods behind at an unimpeded speed, splitting several large trees in half.

The sound of trees falling to the ground was continuous, and before the fire dissipated, small flaming hand knives were shot from a distance.

The ground was blown up into dust! The boulders were shattered! The weeds were also chopped and danced everywhere! At the same time, they were quickly burned to ashes in mid-air!

Air Cannon, who was chased by the flaming hand knife all the way, was running like a tumble.

He was lucky. He was lucky enough to avoid a series of hand knife bombardments along the way. He slid to the ground and hid behind a huge stone.

He had just hidden himself when he heard several loud noises.

The big stone he used as a barrier had several cracks on it. The hook-shaped gaps were more than a palm deep! If it cut into a person! I'm afraid it would instantly split any flesh in two!

Hearing the loud noise coming from behind, Air Cannon's forehead was sweating. When the cutting sound finally stopped, he dared to look outside carefully.

As a result, he saw a black shadow swaying in the distance, and a man was striding out of the darkness. This man was Qin Ming, who he and Hawkeye had tried to get rid of before!

Among the five people, Qin Ming seemed to be the biggest threat, after all, he had a legendary novice artifact.

This is also the main reason why Air Cannon and Hawkeye tacitly cooperated and suddenly attacked him at the same time.

After all, this guy can summon his younger brothers to help. If he is unwilling to divide the spoils in the future, there is a high possibility that he will fight two or even more people at once.

Based on the principle of striking first, it is natural to solve this biggest threat first.

However, the situation at this time is obviously far beyond Air Cannon's expectations.

As expected, he only relied on his equipment to fight, but he was a fragile gunner, but he did not die in the group of orcs. Not only did he successfully kill out, but he also instantly used his skills to kill Hawkeye!

Looking at the figure walking out of the darkness, Air Cannon's eyes twitched nervously.

Qin Ming, who came from the opposite camp, had an extremely gloomy face.

He expected that this group of so-called companions would turn against him sooner or later.

But he never expected that the two would attack him together so tacitly, without even hesitating, and even willing to risk the failure of the mission.

Qin Ming, who had fought his way out of the orcs with his tyrannical force, raised his hand and tore off his coat that had been burned by the fire, revealing his extremely strong muscles.

And this body of muscles, even though he had fought countless orcs before, his body surface was still intact.

And this! All of this is the effect of his terrifying defense!

With the B-level passive skill of Steel Bones and the blessing of a large number of equipment, Qin Ming's defense has now reached a terrifying 19 points!

Before, even the Dark Crying skill of the adventurer Feng could not break his defense. How could a group of monsters in the first act beat him?

The attribute of defense may seem a little weak when facing the boss, but when facing monsters, the cost-effectiveness is always the highest!

With his upper body naked, he moved his shoulders while moving forward. Qin Ming's expression at this moment can be described as ferocious.

Seeing him approaching with big strides, he already knew that the other party had terrifying long-range attack skills, and also had a silver pistol, with a strong ability to chase and kill.

Knowing that he could never escape, the air cannon gritted his teeth and chose to fight back.

As the energy in his hand gathered, he got lucky and immediately began to show his power with the automatic tracking wave punch he learned from the Metal Slug world through the hidden mission.

One after another, the energy cannon slid out various arcs in the air, leaped over the cover and shot towards Qin Ming frantically, with an astonishing speed.

Facing this unpredictable attack, Qin Ming had no intention of hiding at all, and continued to stride forward.

The first energy cannon hit the chest, causing Qin Ming's body to tremble.

The second energy cannon hit the shoulder, causing Qin Ming's body to tilt.

Then the third, fourth, and fifth...

He drank a bottle of blue medicine in the middle and gave Qin Ming more than a dozen energy cannons in a row, until the air cannon, whose mental power was completely exhausted, finally stopped launching skills at this moment, and his expression had become extremely pale.

Because Qin Ming took more than a dozen energy cannons head-on! Unscathed!

Hadouken can't break the defense at all!

Looking at the enemy who was almost close to him, the air cannon with an extremely panicked expression suddenly roared out of the bunker.

He stood up, picked up his light machine gun, aimed at Qin Ming who was walking over, and pulled the trigger fiercely.

The bullets broke through the air and shot wildly at Qin Ming's naked upper body.

In a series of clanging sounds, countless bullets were shot all over the sky.

Qin Ming, who was being attacked by the light machine gun, stared at the air cannon with his eyes wide open. He strode forward in the firelight and came to the air cannon.

The footsteps paused, and the two stood face to face. Qin Ming, who stopped moving, grabbed the muzzle of the light machine gun, and with a strong twist of his fingers, he actually forcibly pried up the barrel of the light machine gun and bent it into a 90-degree angle.

The damaged light machine gun stopped firing instantly, and the scene became silent.

Looking at Qin Ming, who was close to him, holding the air cannon with the light machine gun, his lips trembled wildly, and beads of sweat kept flowing down his temples.

After being silent for a few seconds, he spoke in a trembling voice.

"Forgive me, forgive me once..."

Hearing this, Qin Ming's expressionless face finally reacted.

His eyebrows were slightly raised, and the right arm that had been wrapped in flames suddenly raised with force and lifted it directly over his head.

With a buzz, the one-handed sonic knife that had been fully charged shot out, and instantly cut through the body of the air cannon from bottom to top.

With a bang, the raging fire that shot towards the sky exploded on the spot after flying a distance.

The air cannon on the opposite side, with eyes wide open, gradually had a line of blood on his face, which spread all the way down until...

With a creak, the body of the air cannon was neatly separated from the middle and fell to the ground on both sides.

Qin Ming, who silently put down his arms, finally spoke at this moment.

"I don't provoke you, but you provoke me first, looking for death."

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