Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 112: City Wall Defense Battle

As the figure swayed, Qin Ming, who had solved the problem, turned over and jumped over the stone, and finally arrived at the gathering place, but found that there was no figure here.

He stopped and looked around, and suddenly turned his head slowly to look at the big tree beside him.

"Why are you squatting on the tree after you come back? It's windy and cold there."

As the voice fell, the double-gun woman, who was squatting on the tree and hiding her tracks with leaves, couldn't help but flicker her eyes.

She was pointing her double guns at Qin Ming, and after a slight hesitation, she still didn't choose to shoot, but put away her weapons and jumped down from the tree directly.

And when she landed, she had a warm smile on her face.

"Isn't this for safety? I'm a gunman, and my close combat ability is very weak. Of course, safety comes first."

"Oh, really, it's better to be careful, after all, it's better to be careful."

Seeing the smile on the double-gun woman's face, Qin Ming immediately laughed along, looking like a big brother next door.

After the two guys smiled at each other for a while, they looked around at the two-gun woman silently and suddenly asked.

"Where are Air Cannon and Hawkeye? Didn't they go with you? Why didn't they come back?"

Hearing this question, Qin Ming was silent for a second, and then did not give an answer immediately, but asked back with a smile.

"Where is Tank? Didn't he go with you? Where did he go?"

After the voice fell, the scene became silent.

The two guys closed their mouths and looked at each other silently. After a long time, they suddenly shrugged at the same time, and chose to change the subject at the same time and stopped asking about it.

"I don't know what happened to the two protagonists. Why did they come back so late?"

"Maybe they encountered an enemy like a boss."

"Speaking of which, the BOSS in this mission world is very difficult to deal with. How about we cooperate?"

"Cooperation? The two of us are gunners? My three summons are all dead."

"Don't worry, there are still two protagonists as meat shields. By the way, if there is a chance, why not kill these two protagonists together? The protagonist is actually a BOSS."

Just as the two of them were talking in a low voice, a rustling sound suddenly came from the woods in the distance. The two who heard the movement closed their mouths at the same time and turned their heads to look over.

As a result, they saw the bushes on the side parted, and the ranger Labelle and the priest Arudo, who were responsible for burning food before, finally returned at this moment.

And these two powerful guys are now seriously injured. It is obvious that they have encountered a tough guy.

The four-man team regrouped and soon found that the two protagonists were missing three people here, so they naturally asked about the situation.

However, this inquiry was directly dismissed by the double-gun woman with a random excuse.

For example, so-and-so died, and the other two guys ran away when they saw that things were not going well.

As for the life and death of this group of free thugs, the two protagonists actually didn't care at all, and they asked only out of instinct.

After getting the answer, the two did not choose to continue to investigate, and immediately took Qin Ming and others to the bottom of the city at night.

Calling the soldiers to put down the hanging basket, the four guys took the hanging basket and quickly climbed the wall, finally successfully entered the Black Stone City, and were immediately summoned by the mayor.

After all, they couldn't fail to notice that the orc camp was on fire in the distance.

Now that they heard someone claiming that they set the fire, how could they not come to see it?

Compared with Qin Ming and the double-gun woman, who are adventurers with no reputation in this world, the reputation of priest Arudo and ranger Labelle in this world is not small. They can also be regarded as local legendary heroes, and naturally they are highly respected.

Especially after learning that they had just set fire to the camp and destroyed the siege equipment, the mayor showed even more respect.

Now that the food and grass have been cut off and the siege weapons have been destroyed, looking at the orc camp in chaos in the distance, the priest Arudo and the ranger Labelle almost patted their chests and guaranteed that the orc army would definitely retreat immediately. After all, after being attacked by such a sneak attack, they could no longer fight this battle.

However, the development of the matter was far beyond the expectations of the two, and also beyond the expectations of Qin Ming and Shuangqiangpo.

The orc army suffered heavy losses! They did not choose to withdraw immediately!

This group of simple-minded guys saw that there was nothing to eat, and they actually chose to attack the city on the spot! Trying to rush into the city to rob the food in the city!

The fire in the distance had not been extinguished, and the mighty orc army had already abandoned the camp and came in the dark.

It doesn’t matter if there are no siege equipment! They still have ladders!

Even if there is no ladder! These strong guys can still climb the wall!

A chaotic howl sounded, and the guards, who had been relieved, suddenly changed their expressions when they saw the orcs rushing towards them like a tsunami. They hurriedly grabbed their weapons and began to defend.

Qin Ming, who was standing in front of the mayor, also changed his expression when he saw this. He turned his head and looked at the double-gun woman, and suddenly ran to the weak part of the city wall.

On the left wall, accompanied by a roar, an orc holding a weapon in his mouth climbed up the ladder desperately, trying to climb the wall and rush into the city.

However, he had just emerged from the wall, and before he could see the situation clearly, a black gun muzzle was already against his forehead...


With a loud bang, the orc corpse with a big hole in its head fell directly from the ladder, shocking the orcs below with their eyes wide open.

Before they could react, Qin Ming had already poked his head out from the city wall.

He put away his weapon, grabbed the long ladder with both hands and swung it hard, swinging the ladder to the left on the spot.

Several orcs hanging on the ladder screamed and fell down with the ladder, knocking down a group of people and horses on the spot.

It’s just that this ladder did fall, but more ladders were erected from all around.

And some orcs didn’t even use the ladder, just relying on their own hands to climb up the wall and rushed to the city wall.

Reaching out the shields and meteor hammers hanging behind them, the orcs howled and fought directly with countless soldiers on the city wall.

The elite monsters mixed in, that is, the orc centurions, killed people and Buddhas, and ordinary soldiers couldn’t stop their hammer bombardment at all.

Of course, it was precisely because of their outstanding performance that they were immediately warmly taken care of by Qin Ming. The revolver was specially designed for headshots, and a few shots could kill one.

However, the killing power of a single pistol was limited after all, and the number of orcs that kept pouring in was too amazing.

As the soldiers began to break through the defense line, more and more orcs rushed into the city wall, and they could not be killed at all.

Looking at the orcs in all directions, Qin Ming couldn't help but grit his teeth and instantly put the pistol on his waist.

The next second, two flames boiled up along his arms!

Skill! Activate!

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