Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 113 Orc Chieftain!



On the city wall, an orc holding a star hammer jumped onto the wall and was about to pounce on the crowd, but was hit by a beam of fire the next second.

His head was cut off on the spot, and his headless body shook and fell to the ground.

Qin Ming, who had swung his hand and shot out a sound-speed hand knife, began to fire at full power, standing in place and swinging his hand wildly at the orcs around him.

One after another, the flame airflow rotated and cut out, and the speed was amazing.

Although the orcs have thick skin and flesh, once they are hit by this skill, they will still be instantly broken, either missing arms and legs or being cut in half and killed.

With the blessing of skills, the attack and defense on the city wall that had just been lost were reversed again.

Qin Ming, who kept launching skills, relied on his own strength to forcibly withstand the orcs' offensive on the entire city wall, and forced them back.

The reason why he didn't use skills before was because Qin Ming couldn't guarantee what level the adventurers he met this time were.

If he showed too many tricks and was attacked by a crowd, and if there were one or two masters like Adventurer Feng in the crowd, he would be dead without a trump card.

So for safety, he had to choose to keep a hand and develop in a shabby way.

Now three adventurers have died, and only the last one is the double-gun woman.

Even if the other party is also a master, Qin Ming is not afraid of her at all in a one-on-one situation.

In other words, the crisis is completely resolved! Here! It has completely become his hunting ground!

With a sound speed hand knife, he cut the orcs rushing over with shields.

In the blood splattering, Qin Ming, with airflow wrapped around his arm, punched back and hit the face of the orcs rushing over from behind and trying to sneak attack.

The sharp airflow cut off half of the orc's head on the spot, and the incision was extremely smooth and neat.

Qin Ming, who killed two people instantly, rushed forward, pressed his shoulder against the chest of the third orc, and forcibly threw the orc centurion into the air and threw him off the city wall.

At this moment, Qin Ming, who was fully fired, had his combat effectiveness increased by more than one level, but he was also paid special attention by countless orcs.

However, facing the B-level combat proficiency, ordinary orcs could not get close to him at all, and it was difficult to hurt him even if they attacked together.

Even if one or two hit Qin Ming's body occasionally, in front of his terrifying defense, the star hammer hit him as if it was hitting his back, without any damage.

Just when Qin Ming used two consecutive one-handed sonic knives to forcibly tear open the body of another centurion.

In the blood splattering, Qin Ming suddenly felt a black shadow appear in front of him.

Accompanied by the whistling wind, a tall body actually rose directly from the outside of the city wall! Jumped several meters away! Rising directly into the air!

Looking at the huge monster falling rapidly in the sky, Qin Ming's face changed, and he quickly rolled away from the spot.

As soon as he escaped, the huge black shadow had already smashed into the place where he was just now, directly shaking countless cracks on the hard stone bricks.

A heavy gasp sounded, and the huge monster that missed the attack slowly stood up and looked at Qin Ming.

Qin Ming, who knelt on one knee and stopped moving, frowned and looked up at the other party, and his sunglasses were activated on the spot.

Name: Orc Chieftain (Dragon King Warrior Act 1)

Strength: 40

Constitution: 40

Agility: 20

Spirit: 10

Skills: Thick Skin (B-level) Meteor Hammer (C-level) Gravity Pressure Kill (C-level)

Introduction: Orcs have no brains, and the Orc Chieftain is the same, but he wins in strength, and strength! Above everything!

A harsh friction sound rang out, and the first scene of the Dragon King Warrior World, the big boss, wearing heavy armor, dragging two iron chain meteor hammers in his hands, strode towards Qin Ming with such momentum.

He was four meters tall, and from a distance he looked like an iron tower, and the meteor hammer in his hand was as big as a human head.

If you get hit by a hammer! The effect is definitely no less than being hit by a cannonball head-on!

Staring at Qin Ming with wide eyes, the orc chief gradually showed a ferocious smile on his face, and the next second he suddenly swung his arm and directly shot out the meteor hammer in his right hand with brute force.

Although this orc chief has a low IQ, his meteor hammer is a thief six, which can be said to be fast and accurate, and ordinary people may not be able to dodge it.

It's a pity that he is facing a fighter with B-level fighting skills at this time, and his combat instinct is not low.

Facing a sudden attack or a sneak attack, Qin Ming, who is not experienced in combat after all, may not be able to react.

But if he can't dodge this kind of direct attack from the front, it would be a shame for his B-level fighting skills!

He turned sideways and easily dodged the shooting of the meteor hammer by a hair's breadth. Looking at the flying hammer that passed by him, Qin Ming couldn't help but tremble his eyebrows. The next second, he raised his hand and swung it, and directly shot a flaming hand knife.

The high-speed rotating sonic hand knife flew along the straightened iron chain at high speed. In the stunned eyes of the orc chieftain, it brought a lot of sparks along the way and accurately cut his right hand.

His armor was cut on the spot, and his fingers were almost cut off. He couldn't help but scream, and the meteor hammer in his hand fell to the ground.

Before he finished screaming, the second sonic hand knife had already shot after him and directly cut his face!

Single shot with the left hand! Right procedure! Then cut with the left hand!

Qin Ming, who was standing on the spot, immediately gave a set of six consecutive slashes, directly shattering the armor of the unprepared orc chieftain and leaving him covered with wounds.

However, most of these injuries were just superficial injuries. It was obvious that the orc chieftain's B-level tough skin and thick flesh ability was also extraordinary.

The orc chieftain, who had only hit the opponent with a hammer and had not hit him, was hit six times on the spot. It was obvious that he was stunned for a while.

He finally came to his senses under the severe pain, and suddenly opened his mouth and roared wildly. With the weapon in his hand, the meteor hammer dragging the iron chain actually shrank on the spot! It turned directly into an iron hammer!

He raised the hammer high and charged towards Qin Ming regardless of anything, trying to fight directly in close combat and hammer the enemy to death with his savage physique.

Qin Ming, who had hit the opponent with two hand knives in a row, saw the opponent rushing in front of him, but did not choose to dodge. Instead, he roared and rushed up as well.

With a loud rumble, the two guys collided brazenly, and Qin Ming grabbed the wrist of the orc chieftain holding the hammer, and the two bodies were directly pressed together.

However, the orc chieftain, who had an absolute advantage in strength, only stalemated with Qin Ming for less than a second, and then roared and resisted him and began to sprint continuously.

Qin Ming slid backwards with his legs kicking the ground. After sliding more than ten meters, his back hit the wall hard, causing a lot of cracks on the wall on the spot.

He looked up at the orc chieftain, who was glaring at him with a grim expression, and the big iron hammer that was gradually pressing over.

Qin Ming took a deep breath and suddenly a red light flashed in his eyes. The next second, he opened his mouth and bit the orc chieftain's throat!

This sudden attack made the orc chieftain scream in pain, and the neck armor did not play any defensive effect at all, and was directly bitten to pieces.

What's more terrible is that as Qin Ming's skills were activated, he suddenly felt weak in his body, as if he was sick.

Qin Ming, who was wrestling with him and whose size was completely different from his and looked like a little chicken, also began to expand rapidly at this moment, and in the blink of an eye, he became more than two meters tall!

A-level skill! Essence absorption!

All the injuries he had just suffered were almost recovered on the spot, and Qin Ming, whose attributes were all +5, suddenly roared and burst out with all his strength.

The next second, with the force of his arms, he actually forcibly lifted up the four-meter-tall orc chieftain! He lifted it high above his head! Then he fell heavily to the ground!

The ground exploded with a bang, and the gravel was shaken up more than half a meter high.

The orc chieftain, whose attributes were deducted by 5 points, was dizzy and had not figured out what was going on. The next second, he felt a sharp pain in his face. It turned out that Qin Ming's fist burning with fire hit his eye socket from the front and stabbed his eyeball hard.

Shiranui + sonic hand knife!

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