Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 114 The Terrifying Meteor Hammer


A shrill cry sounded, and the orc chieftain, whose vital parts were directly hit by a double critical hit, could not bear it no matter how tough and tough he was.

His left eye was blown out on the spot, and he opened his mouth and wailed desperately, swinging his fists randomly and hammering Qin Ming, forcibly knocking him out.

Covering his left eye that was bleeding profusely, the orc chieftain struggled to stand up and swung his hammer hard, desperately venting his anger.

Qin Ming tried to rush up to chase, but was forced back by the hammer. Seeing this, he grabbed another meteor hammer on the ground and swung it hard close to the ground.

In the howling wind, the meteor hammer instantly swept across and hit the orc chieftain's ankle, and as the iron chain contracted, it actually entangled his right leg on the spot!

Qin Ming, holding the handle of the meteor hammer with both hands, pulled hard and forcibly dragged the orc chieftain to the ground. Then he roared and swung the chain, forcibly throwing the four-meter-tall giant horizontally!

A sharp wind sounded, and the orc chieftain, who turned into a huge meteor hammer on the spot, swept away countless human soldiers and orc warriors on the city wall along the way, and even smashed a large number of battlements on the city wall, and flew out all the way.

With a crackling sound, the orc chieftain rushed into the crowd like a cannonball, smashing a bloody path, and finally stopped after sliding more than ten meters away, killing countless soldiers along the way.

His armor had been severely twisted by the collision, and he struggled to get up with his hands on the ground.

His left eye was still bleeding, and he stared at his right eye and struggled to turn his head to look behind him, but he saw that the damn enemy on the opposite side did not catch up, but was standing in place at this moment, opening his palms left and right.

A large amount of airflow was rotating at high speed on the palm.

Charge! Sonic hand knife!


As both arms slapped forward with all their strength, a terrifying air pressure sprayed out.

The huge sonic hand knife with a diameter of nearly two meters was like a saw blade, shooting horizontally, as fast as thunder!

All the targets encountered along the way, whether friendly soldiers or hostile orcs, were split in two and cut off in half.

The huge sonic hand knife whistled towards the orc chieftain in the distance, and the strong wind it brought made it impossible to open his eyes.

Looking at the huge air knife that was killing him at high speed, unstoppable all the way, the orc chieftain, whose face had changed drastically, dared not use his body to bear it.

He suddenly roared and jumped up, using the gravity crushing skill, and flew five or six meters high on the spot like a sky-high monkey!

The charged sonic hand knife that was dodged shot through it at high speed, continued to cut countless unlucky guys, and then cut into the distant fortress with a bang, leaving a huge gap on it.

The orc chieftain who had jumped into the air jumped out of the city wall while falling at a high speed, and fell to the ground outside.

"Want to run? Can you run away!"

Seeing that the orc chieftain was about to run, Qin Ming chased him without saying a word.

First, two one-handed sonic hand knives chased him, and the orc chieftain in the air was chopped out two more blood arrows.

Then Qin Ming, who was holding the parapet with one hand, turned over and jumped out, and also jumped to the ground outside!

………… Two seconds later, he grabbed the city wall and jumped back in a hurry.

Because there were orcs everywhere outside! There were at least hundreds of them in the black group!

No matter how good he was at fighting, he couldn't beat so many guys! Don't even mention orcs! Even a few hundred pigs would be enough for him to fight for a while!

Qin Ming jumped back on the wall, frowned and looked at the guy who fell into the crowd in the distance. After stepping on two unlucky guys on the spot, he covered his eyes and struggled to disappear in the night. His face was very livid for a while.

The good news is that the orc chieftain can't beat him, and he is not as strong as he expected. If he fights alone, he can also beat him.

But the bad news is that this guy has too many soldiers under his command, and his ability to escape is too strong. If he wants to run, he really can't catch up.


Qin Ming, who failed to leave the opponent behind, smacked his lips fiercely, turned his head and looked at the two meteor hammers left on the ground by the orc chieftain, and the whole person was suddenly stunned.

After hesitating for a moment, he chose to pick it up. He looked down at the two meteor hammers and couldn't help falling into deep thought.

At the same time, with the orc chieftain's unsuccessful raid and being seriously injured and beaten away, the orc army outside also began to retreat.

In just a blink of an eye, the orc army that was so aggressive just now had already run away, leaving only a large number of corpses on the spot.

Seeing that the city was successfully defended, the soldiers began to raise their weapons and cheer loudly.

The protagonist duo and the double-gun woman who were guarding other sections also went down the city and came to the street, and were once again received by the mayor.

Just as they were talking, a figure strode from a distance, carrying a large iron hammer more than one meter long on his shoulder.

And he was Qin Ming.

After seeing Qin Ming, the mayor's eyes were very complicated.

Logically speaking, Qin Ming repelled the orc chieftain by himself, which should have been a great achievement and would definitely be warmly welcomed by them.

But the problem is that Qin Ming's previous charged sonic hand knife, which did not distinguish between enemies and friends, also killed many of his own people.

This also caused Qin Ming to be hostile to some townspeople again, affecting his reputation.

Of course, Qin Ming didn't care about his reputation among the townspeople. After all, there was no benefit in getting along well with them.

At this moment, he was carrying the big hammer he had obtained, wandering around the two protagonists, walking back and forth.

As for his purpose...

The priest Arudo, the big man who is also good at using hammers, looked at the big iron hammer on Qin Ming's shoulder at this moment, and his eyes turned around and turned red for a while.

It's not his fault that he is jealous. After all, mercenaries rely on weapons and armor to make a living.

And the iron hammer on Qin Ming's shoulder at this moment is a top-grade equipment! How could he not be jealous!

Looking at the priest Arudo's head turning around with him, Qin Ming couldn't help but smile on his face. He didn't understand that his goal had been achieved.

The equipment dropped by the orc chieftain was really liked by priest Arudo. After all, this is a powerful version! The kind that the orc chieftain himself didn't have!

The two blue-quality iron chain meteor hammers have been integrated by Qin Ming's skills and forged into a silver-quality hammer, and the attributes have undergone a qualitative leap.

The only pity is that this is not a formally obtained equipment, so it cannot be taken out of this world.

But it is also possible to use it to exchange benefits for specific characters, after all, it is a trophy.

Name: Orc Chieftain's Meteor Hammer

Category: Weapon (Dull Silver Plot Equipment)

Equipment Requirements: Strength 20

Attack Power: 35-45

Introduction: This is the favorite weapon of the Orc Chieftain, and for some reason it seems to be of better quality. It has no other characteristics, except that its attack power is strong enough!

There is no attribute blessing, no skill addition, this so-called silver plot equipment, but only the most basic attack power blessing, it seems to be extremely lame.

But the problem is, with the high attack power of 35-45, who dares to underestimate it!

Being hit on the head with such a thing! Few people dare to say that they can withstand it!

You must know that Qin Ming's silver pistol, which is famous for its high damage and can only emit fixed damage, has only such attack power.

And the lethality of this hammer can be amplified by the strength attribute!

Qin Ming sighed while stroking the big iron hammer on his shoulder.

If this thing could not be taken out of the world, Qin Ming would definitely make a fortune if he really took it back.

The value of this thing is definitely higher than the ordinary silver plot equipment! It will definitely be a hot commodity!

It's a pity that the orc chieftain escaped. This thing didn't explode from the box and couldn't be taken out at all.

Moreover, even if the orc chieftain didn't escape, a box couldn't explode two hammers, so he still couldn't get this thing.

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