Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 115 Expensive Hammer

"Hey, Hyena, where did you get this hammer?"

In the tavern, several people were sitting together while drinking and preparing to discuss the next action plan.

Priest Arudo looked up at the hammer next to him several times, but finally couldn't resist the temptation and chose to ask.

Qin Ming couldn't help grinning when he heard his question, and picked up the hammer and placed it horizontally on the table.

"Oh, this, I just met the orc chief and successfully beat him away. This hammer is what he left behind."

"Oh! The orc chief's! No wonder... Oh, by the way, Hyena, you don't seem to be very good at using a hammer?"

"A little bit, what? Are you good at it?"

Hearing Qin Ming's smiling question, Priest Arudo instinctively looked down at the weapon in his hand.

Before he could give an answer, Qin Ming had already stroked the meteor hammer on the table and spoke happily.

"This is my trophy anyway, but I paid for it with my life. It's okay for you to have it, priest, but according to the rules of the underworld, you have to pay."

"Money? This......"

When he heard that he had to pay, priest Arudo's expression instantly became extremely tangled.

He was really unwilling to spend money, so he forced a smile on his face.

"Brother Hyena, let's make friends."

"Yes, it's because I want to make friends that I'm willing to sell it to you. I can give you a 30% discount, how about 20,000 gold coins?"

"20,000?! Are you crazy! How can a hammer be worth 20,000! At most 5,000!"



"Why don't we all take a step back? 15,000?"

"10,000! The highest is 10,000! If you don't want to sell it, forget it!"

Looking at the gnashing teeth of priest Arudo opposite, Qin Ming also understood that the price had reached the limit, and immediately nodded happily and took the initiative to hand over the hammer.

"Then happy trading!"

"Hmph! I hate you!"

Quickly taking out a bag of 100-yuan gold coins and throwing it directly on the table, priest Arudo muttered with a dark face.

His originally low favorability towards Qin Ming was also greatly reduced on the spot, even reaching -80.

Qin Ming didn't care about this, after all, the other party's favorability was really useless, and it was not as practical as money.

He opened the bag and looked inside, and found that the gold coins inside could indeed be exchanged for points. He nodded with satisfaction and quickly put the gold coins away.

The double-gun woman who saw this scene next to her couldn't help licking her lips. It was obvious that she was very jealous of Qin Ming's earning so much at once.

After hesitating for a second, she suddenly looked up and whispered to priest Arudo next to her in a very gentle tone.

"Brother priest, can you let me see your newly acquired hammer?"


This sudden request made priest Arudo startled. He looked up at the double-gun woman. For the sake of his good impression of her, he hesitated for a moment and finally agreed to her request.

The double-gun woman took the hammer and looked at it carefully. She couldn't help but brighten her eyes when she saw the attributes on it. After carefully studying it for a long time, she solemnly held the hammer in both hands and returned it.

Then the four of them got together and immediately discussed the next action plan.

As the saying goes, it is better to take advantage of the sickness to kill the orcs. Since the orc army has been repelled, this is the best time to kill the orc chieftain and completely annihilate the orcs.

After some discussion, several people immediately made a decision.

They decided to split into four groups, and the four people led a small team to attack and completely defeat the orc army.

And after the proposal of the double-gun woman, they also planned to take the opportunity to destroy the orc village and completely eradicate this group of hidden dangers based on the principle of cutting the grass to root out.

This is also the main reason why they will be divided into four teams. The priest and the ranger are responsible for dealing with the main force of the orcs, while Qin Ming and the two-gun woman are responsible for leading the team to flatten the village.

Sitting at the table, looking at the two-gun woman who was discussing the detailed plan with the mayor and the two protagonists, Qin Ming remained silent, but his eyes would occasionally sweep over her.

He had to admit that the woman in front of him was not an ordinary person. There was a reason why she could get so many protagonist equipment. She was really good at it.

This woman was very good at communicating with people and was very good at thinking. This so-called "eliminating future troubles" was obviously proposed by her to complete the title task.

She was a person who was very good at planning and could always seize opportunities. This also meant that the other party was very dangerous...

In the crowd, it seemed that she noticed Qin Ming's gaze. The two-gun woman quickly turned her head and smiled at him. The smile was extremely gentle, but there was a gleam of brilliance in her narrowed eyes.

Can he fight against the orc chieftain alone and knock down his weapons? This man...

As the plan was set, the gate of the black market city was slowly opened, and a large number of soldiers in the city began to gather and attack.

Most of the more than 400 soldiers were to follow the two protagonists, after all, their target was the main force.

Qin Ming and the two-gun woman only received a small number of troops, and perhaps because of the influence of favorability, the number of Qin Ming's side was obviously less than that of the two-gun woman.

The other side had more than 40 soldiers following, but Qin Ming only had a few dozen.

But it doesn't matter. Qin Ming never expected these so-called soldiers to be of any help.

After all, what use can a group of guys whose attributes are not even as good as those of the orc soldiers be?

Before leaving, Qin Ming came to the priest Arudo and endured his stinky face. He bought all his bandages with the gold coins he had just received. There were fourteen bandages in total, which cost him 3,500 gold coins.

With fourteen white bandages with garbage attributes and the remaining 6,500 gold coins, Qin Ming led more than twenty soldiers to turn around and set off.

And his goal this time! Directly to the orc village!

The so-called orc village, to put it bluntly, is just a gathering place for orcs. There are no walls, no soldiers, no fields, but only a large number of simple thatched houses.

And now most of the soldiers in the village have gone out to fight with the orc chieftain. The remaining ones have no combat power, so it is not difficult to deal with them.

Of course, orcs, even if they are the so-called old, weak, women and children, are not necessarily less threatening than normal human soldiers after picking up weapons.

It is not easy to lead only twenty or so soldiers to come and flatten it.

Outside the village, behind the earth slope, Qin Ming led more than twenty soldiers and stood there, and an adjutant holding a spear was whispering about the plan.

"Brave man, how should we fight?"

Qin Ming's expression was extremely calm when he heard the question.

"This is simple, just charge from the front."

"Front-on charge? Just twenty or so of us?"

"Yes, don't worry, I'm here, there's no danger."

Qin Ming grinned and showed his white teeth, and smiled very gently for a while.

But for some reason, his narrowed eyes were a little cold.

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