Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 116 Chapter 116 Prey


As the roar sounded, the grass in the distance swayed, and more than 20 soldiers suddenly rushed out of the woods with weapons in hand, shouting and launching a surprise attack on the orc village.

Several orcs were chopped down on the spot, but these guys who were born simple-minded and strong did not panic. Instead, they grabbed the tables, chairs, benches, or iron pots and wooden sticks beside them and rushed up immediately.

With crackling sounds, the two sides of the horses fought on the spot. On one side were well-equipped human warriors, and on the other side were orc villagers who had no equipment at all, but had thick skin and flesh, and were extremely numerous.

For a while, the two sides fought evenly. Relying on the way of forming a battle formation, the human soldiers forcibly withstood the impact of the orcs.

However, as time went on, they continued to line up for defense, but did not wait for the expected brave man to appear.

Instead, under the fearless offensive of the orcs, the battle formation was gradually broken.

Without the battle formation, the human soldiers were no match for the orcs. They were defeated at the first blow with their shields and began to flee.

The adjutant who had asked Qin Ming about his plan before, who was probably the commander-in-chief of the team this time, was the first to run in front.

He ran desperately into the woods, and when he came near the woods, he suddenly saw Qin Ming coming out of the woods.

Seeing that he was finally willing to take action at this time, the adjutant kept cursing in his heart, but a smile quickly appeared on his face.

He turned around and stopped, and instantly put up a shield for defense.

The adjutant with a sword and shield roared.

"Soldiers! Reorganize the defense line! Assist the brave man to annihilate the enemy!"

Hearing the captain's words, the soldiers around him were greatly encouraged and stopped one after another.

However, they reorganized their defense line, and although they waited for Qin Ming's sonic hand knife as they wished, this sonic hand knife was not aimed at the enemy...

With a buzzing sound, the huge sonic hand knife that had been fully charged rotated out and cut through the body of the adjutant who was facing away from him, killing the only elite monster in the human camp, and at the same time cutting the bodies of two nearby human soldiers and several orcs in front.

Facing the soldiers who showed astonishment on their faces after seeing this scene, and the orcs who stopped in a hurry.

Qin Ming, who shot a sonic hand knife, slowly clenched his fist wrapped in airflow and flames.

"Everyone! Lend me your heads!"


As soon as the voice fell! The second shock wave had already hit...

Qin Ming didn't need these soldiers, because he was not afraid of the siege of ordinary monsters at all.

But since the other party came, they couldn't let them come in vain.

Whether it was the protagonist or the so-called allied soldiers, they were actually huntable targets. Killing them would also have the opportunity to explode the key!

Since they were useless and appeared on the battlefield with him, Qin Ming could only let them down for the sake of maximizing benefits!

Who let his special talent turn waste into treasure? Now he urgently needs to improve his strength, so he needs a lot of low-level keys!

Quickly get rid of these so-called people, and then look up at the orcs who stopped in front of him.

Looking at them, there must be nearly 200 people. Qin Ming twisted his neck hard, and the fire in his hand boiled again.

Then he took a big step and walked towards the crowd alone...

An hour later, with the shaking of the bushes, Qin Ming walked out of the woods.

Wiping the blood splattered on his body with a rag, he was looking down and fusing the key with an expressionless face.

Maybe it was because the combat effectiveness of these human soldiers and orc villagers was too poor, and they were not considered regular ordinary monsters in this world. The probability of them exploding keys was not high, and the explosion rate was completely incomparable to the monsters in other worlds.

But the quality is not enough, but the quantity is. Relying on his own steel and iron, Qin Ming rushed into the orcs and killed all the orc villagers by himself. He not only successfully completed the title task, but also obtained 23 white keys!

Counting the previous gains and the keys exploded by human soldiers, he now has 37 keys in his hand!

Among them, 32 are white, 4 are green, and 1 is blue.

At this moment, he is fusing these keys with each other, preparing to make a few top-quality keys.

By the way, he is also rushing towards the direction of the orc army's retreat, trying to see if he can have a sip of soup at the end.

A total of 37 keys! The quality of the keys that can be fused is not ordinary!

Even if it is not completely fused, he finally got two ordinary silver keys, a dull silver key, and a blue key.

Playing with the keys in his hand, he quickly chased into the battlefield and finally saw the orc army and human pursuers fighting.

Too lazy to pay attention to these small fish, he kept shuttling back and forth in the battlefield, and finally saw the target he was looking for in a forest.

That was his prey! The boss at the end of the first act! The Orc Chieftain!

At this moment, the Orc Chieftain was fighting with the protagonist duo, and he was not the only one at the scene. This guy even had two small BOSS-level Orc Centurions with him! There were more than a dozen human and orc corpses lying on the ground.

And not only him and the protagonist duo were there, but that double-gun woman was also there.

She completed the task first and chased here to join the battle. At this moment, she was holding two guns and shooting at an orc centurion crazily. From time to time, she would take out the wooden-handled grenade from her waist and throw it, blowing the orc centurion back and forth.

Priest Arudo was fighting against the orc chieftain, and Ranger Label was responsible for dealing with another orc centurion. The three of them had a clear division of labor.

Qin Ming, who was standing in the distance and watching this scene, trembled his eyebrows. He took a deep breath and strode into the battlefield. As soon as he entered this area, he had already thrown out a sound-speed hand knife.

And the target of the attack! It was the opponent of Priest Arudo! The big boss orc chieftain!

With a buzzing sound! The fire flashed!

The orc chieftain, who was hit by the sneak attack in an instant, couldn't help but scream.

He had lost his weapon long ago, so he had to take out two spare meteor hammers to fight. When he turned around and saw that it was Qin Ming who attacked him, his face turned pale and he instinctively covered his left eye with his hand.

The orc chieftain still remembered vividly how he had his weapon taken away, his eyes blinded, and was forced to jump over the wall to escape.

Therefore, when he saw Qin Ming coming out, he immediately lost his will to fight. After waving the meteor hammer to force the priest Arudo back, he turned around and prepared to escape.

It's a pity that priest Arudo is not a vegetarian. As one of the protagonists of this world, his character may be problematic, but his strength is absolutely unquestionable!

Seeing that the enemy was about to run away! Priest Arudo suddenly raised his new weapon high! Accompanied by a white light on the weapon! Invisible energy quickly spread in all directions!

B-level skill! Fire of Heaven!

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