Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 117: Enemies

Boom boom boom boom!

As the ultimate move was launched, a dazzling column of fire suddenly shot out from the ground, accurately exploding on the fleeing orc chieftain.

The four consecutive columns of fire may not have a very high attack power for a single target, but the problem is that they can be fired in succession.

After four consecutive shots, even the thick-skinned orc chieftain could not bear it. His armor was directly blown to pieces, and his body was burned black, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Before he could struggle to get up, Qin Ming, who was already rushing at a high speed from a distance, also launched an attack at this moment.

Continuous slash! Single-target sonic hand knife!

The buzzing sound was continuous, and several blood arrows exploded directly on the orc chieftain who was lying on the ground.

In pain, he couldn't help but scream, and after standing up, he jumped and tried to fly away.

However, this time Qin Ming was already prepared and had been guarding against his move!

The orc chieftain had just taken off, and Qin Ming, who suddenly took out his revolver, had already fired on the spot.

With B-level shooting proficiency, his shooting skills were extremely accurate, not to mention that the orc chieftain who jumped into the air had his middle door wide open, and there was nowhere to dodge.

This resulted in all six shots hitting the orc chieftain who had just jumped into the air, and he fell straight down again.

He fell to the ground again with a plop, and the wounded orc chieftain wailed. He looked up and found that the heavily armored priest and the terrifying man had already rushed in front of him.

One swung a hammer to smash his head, and the other turned a knife into a knife to cut his neck. These two guys with ferocious expressions were all killing moves!


The fierce hand knife cut the skin and severely injured the orc chieftain on the spot.

Qin Ming rushed to the enemy, and cooperated with the priest Arudo to work together to output, interrupting the orc chieftain's escape intention several times. After a desperate attack, he finally succeeded in killing this big boss.

It must be said that this orc chieftain is really tough. Even in a two-on-one situation, he held on for more than a minute.

It's a pity that no matter how tough he is, it's useless. Facing the violent beating of two guys with terrifying attributes, he can't escape at all, and death is only a matter of time.

Looking at the corpse of the orc chieftain lying on the ground with his eyes wide open, and the ordinary silver key that exploded next to him, Qin Ming couldn't help but brighten his eyes.

Just as he was about to reach out to take it, his ears suddenly moved.

His movements paused for a moment, and he slowly raised his head to look at the opposite side, only to find that the double-gun woman was hanging her double guns in her hands, looking at him expressionlessly.

She had no expression on her face, and Qin Ming also had no expression on his face, but just reached out and silently grabbed the revolver at his waist.

The two started a confrontation again, just like when they accidentally bumped into each other when they first entered the mission world.

But this time, before anyone of the two could break the deadlock first, an accident suddenly happened.

The priest Arudo, who had checked the body and confirmed that the orc chieftain was completely dead, suddenly looked up at his companion.

The elf ranger Labelle, who had already dealt with the small boss and was counting his remaining arrows, also looked up at him at this moment.

Labelle nodded gently with his eyebrows raised slightly.

When the priest Arudo saw this action, his eyes narrowed instantly, and he swept out with a hammer without thinking! He went straight to the back of Qin Ming's head who was standing next to him with his back to him!

His attack was fast and fierce! He didn't hold back at all!

However, this attack still missed in the end, because Qin Ming, who was already tense all over, was not only alert to the double-gun woman on the opposite side, but also did not relax his vigilance against the two protagonists. He reacted very quickly and ducked his head to avoid the sweep, and at the same time, he backhanded and hit the priest Arudo in the chest with one punch!

As the unknown fire bloodline was activated, the flaming fist exploded on the spot, blasting sparks all over the sky, and also blasted the priest Arudo out on the spot.

Qin Ming, who had hit the enemy with a punch, had no time to pursue the victory, but his face suddenly changed. He turned sideways and passed by an arrow.

Looking at the sharp arrow flying past him at high speed, he looked up with a fierce expression and saw Ranger Labelle holding a bow and aiming at him with a serious expression.

At the same time, the second arrow had already been shot!

With a buzz, the speeding arrow and the small sonic hand knife collided in mid-air, the arrow broke, the sonic hand knife shattered, and the two sides fought to a draw.

Qin Ming, who swung the sonic hand knife to counterattack, took a big step and ran towards the enemy, trying to get rid of the most threatening guy first.

Ranger Labelle retreated and shot quickly, smashing the sonic hand knives shot at him one by one, and intercepted them accurately.

Seeing that the target was stronger than he expected, it was not easy to deal with, and even the sneak attack failed.

Ranger Labelle, who was retreating continuously, suddenly shouted.

"Double-gun lady! Let's kill him together! Let's split the bounty equally!"

Hearing this, the double-gun lady standing in the distance couldn't help but change her expression

She frowned and hesitated for a while, but still chose to follow the order and attack.

However, as she raised her double guns, the target she aimed at was not Qin Ming who was looking at this side! Instead, it was Ranger Labelle who had his back to her!

Several gunshots were heard, and Ranger Labelle, who had never expected the opponent to attack him, was hit on the back on the spot, which caused the arrows in his hand to be seriously unbalanced, and he could not continue to block the sonic hand knife.

In the howling wind, the sonic hand knife broke through the defense line and slashed on his body. The next second, with the flash of black shadows, Qin Ming rushed directly from the front, hit Labell's abdomen with one shoulder, forcibly carried the elf ranger, and madly crashed into the distant tree, making a loud noise two seconds later.

Seeing his companion being close to him, the priest Arudo, who finally rushed back at this moment, looked gloomy, raised the meteor hammer in his hand and prepared to rush to save him.

As a result, he just rushed out two steps and was immediately hit by a series of bullets, hitting him hurriedly with a shield to parry.

In the sparks, the priest Arudo who successfully blocked the shooting, after putting down the shield, looked fiercely at the double-gun woman beside him, and his voice was extremely low.

"You actually chose to stand on his side?!"

Hearing this, the double-gun woman, who had already found that her favorability with the other party was completely cleared to zero, and even reversed to -500, couldn't help but grinning while spinning the double guns in her hands.

"Of course I will choose to help him. After all, you two will choose to kill him together in order to keep the commission. Who knows if you two will do the same to me after killing him? I will fight him! At most, it will be one against one, but it will be one against two with you!"

"Double-gun woman! Stop now and choose to stand on our side! It's not too late!"

"Hehe, do you think I look like a three-year-old child? I won't do anything indecisive!"

The double-gun woman set up her double guns again, quickly changed the bullets, and aimed at the priest Arudo for another round of continuous shooting, causing the clanging sound of iron to sound again.

The two people here fought in a group, and Qin Ming, who was carrying the ranger Labelle on the other side, also tore with the opponent.

If he couldn't get close, Qin Ming, who was far less agile than the opponent, would have a hard time dealing with this guy, after all, it was difficult to close the distance.

But now that he has caught the opponent in close range! Now it belongs to Qin Ming's home court!

He grabbed Ranger Labelle's neck and let him stab him crazily with a dagger.

Qin Ming opened his bloody mouth and bit the other party's face in horror!

The sound of flesh tearing rang out, and as the skill was activated, Qin Ming's body began to expand rapidly.

Because of excessive force, he even forcibly tore off half of Ranger Labelle's face!

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