Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 118: People die for money

Ranger Labelle, whose face was instantly covered in blood, could not help but scream.

He was a veteran, but he did not lose his mind because of the severe pain. Instead, he gritted his teeth and immediately launched a special move.

As the energy spread, the B-level skill Elf Wind! Activated!

The ground exploded! A green energy beam gushed out from it!

The same four-shot line! The same automatic tracking attack!

Qin Ming, who was caught off guard, was eaten all over on the spot, and his skin was directly cut into a bloody mess.

However, even so, he still had no intention of letting go of Ranger Labelle. Instead, he continued to grab the opponent's neck with one hand, condensed a flaming hand knife with the other hand, and beat him desperately on the face!

After four consecutive punches, Ranger Labelle's face was completely rotten. He couldn't help but groan and scream. He saw that he was about to die at the hands of the enemy, but his companion was held tightly by someone, so he had to take out his trump card.

It was a gem! A gem with a lightning pattern engraved at the core!

This is exactly the dim silver item! The Orb of Thunder!

The effect is to attack all locked targets within a certain range with a thunder attribute!

The fewer enemies locked! The stronger the attack power!

In order to save his life, Ranger Labelle, who took out the item, only locked Qin Ming this time!

With a loud bang! A bolt of lightning fell from the sky! It bombed Qin Ming accurately!

Instantly, it struck him all over in black, and even blasted him away directly.

The power of this attack! It is even higher than the B-level skill that Ranger Labelle just used!

Ranger Labelle, who severely damaged the target with one blow, did not feel happy at this moment, but his face was extremely pale.

The reason is very simple, because Qin Ming, who was hit by two big moves in a row, was scorched and split all over his body, and flew out backwards! He still did not let him go! Instead, he pulled him out together!

With a plop, two figures fell heavily to the ground.

Before Ranger Labelle could struggle to get up, he suddenly felt his neck tighten, and was forcibly pulled up.

Looking up, a hideous face full of cracks quickly appeared in his field of vision, along with two rows of teeth that gradually opened and were still white...

A-level skill! Essence absorption! Activate!

Qin Ming suddenly bit Ranger Labelle's neck and quickly activated the skill with a hideous look on his face.

He completely ignored the dagger in the opponent's hand that was stabbing him frantically, and swallowed the opponent's blood and the energy flowing along with the blood.

As these energies were injected into his body, Qin Ming's already charred skin began to crack and fall off, and the wounds all over his body were also recovering rapidly.

After the skill was upgraded to A-level, the swallowing recovery effect that had never been of much use before! Began to work!

Qin Ming's injuries were recovering rapidly, while the Ranger Labelle, who was bitten by him, began to shrink rapidly.

He was already seriously injured, how could he withstand such brutal life absorption?

His struggling movements became weaker and weaker, and his body was gradually drained into a dry body, completely reduced to skin and bones.

In a dozen seconds, as his palms fell weakly, he finally had no strength to continue attacking and was completely disabled.

It was not until this time that Qin Ming, who had completely recovered from his injuries through long-term skill absorption, finally opened his mouth.

Because of the long-term skill activation, he spent 5 points of mental power. He looked up at the mummy-like enemy in front of him and suddenly grinned.

Then he stuffed his hands into the opponent's wide-open mouth and pulled hard left and right.

With a click! Ranger Labelle's shriveled body was forcibly torn apart! Completely declared dead!

After doing all this, Qin Ming slowly turned around, with red light in his eyes, and looked at the back fiercely.

There, the two-gun woman and the priest Arudo were still fighting, and the two sides fought back and forth. One relied on his speed and the other relied on his strong body, and neither could do anything to the other.

But at this time, the priest Arudo had no intention of fighting, after all, his companions next to him had been beaten to death, and even dismembered on the spot.

He was left alone, how could he beat two people!

Therefore, the priest Arudo decisively threw his shield, resisted the shooting of the two-gun woman, and turned around to escape.

When Qin Ming tried to catch up, he even did not forget to use his ultimate move: the fire of heaven!

Among the four fire pillars, three were shot at Qin Ming, and one was shot at the two-gun woman. The purpose was not to kill, but to force the target back to avoid the two chasing.

And after the skill ended, the priest Arudo took out a gem from his arms and threw it to the ground viciously.

With a rumble, strange energy spread out. Qin Ming, who was forced to stop by the skill and began to gather strength, preparing to use a sonic knife to the priest Arudo, suddenly felt that his vision had changed.

As the world spun, he was turned into a frog and fell to the ground with a slap.

Well, to be precise, it was a muscle frog, with obvious muscle contours all over the body, and it was chewy at first glance, and it was very big.

The woman who suffered the same treatment as him was the double-gun woman. This woman was also turned into a frog, a small frog with two pistol patterns on the back.

The size was two circles smaller than Qin Ming.

Dim silver item! Frog Orb! The effect is to turn enemies into harmless animals!

The frog transformation effect lasted for ten seconds. The two people who were not attacked during the period did not return to human form until the skill duration ended.

However, Priest Arudo had already taken advantage of this time to completely disappear in the woods and ran away.

This made Qin Ming look very gloomy for a while. Although he knew that the protagonist of the plot was definitely not easy to kill, he might be more difficult than the BOSS in the first scene.

But the fact that these two guys each had a big move and each had a gem trump card was far beyond his expectations.

He had met the only one with such a luxurious trump card before! It was still the adventurer Feng!

Looking at the woods in the distance, he knew that it was absolutely impossible to catch up with him with his agility, so he had to accept the fact that Priest Arudo escaped.

After a second of silence, Qin Ming suddenly turned his head to the side, his eyes locked on the last person left at the scene.

And that person was the double-gun woman, who was also an adventurer with him.

Qin Ming stared at the other party with narrowed eyes, motionless.

"Since you chose to help me, I allow you to take away the spoils of a small BOSS, choose it yourself."

Hearing this, the double-gun woman, who was standing several meters away with her legs crossed and motionless, looked serious at this moment, with her hands on the two pistols on her waist.

After a second of silence, she also spoke.

"This is what I want to tell you, take a key, pick one of the four keys at random, and then leave."

"…………What? Do you have to fight with me? Do you think you can kill me?"

"People die for money and birds die for food. I will carry out the promotion task in the next world. I don't want to die, and I don't want the task to fail, so I must fight!"

"Whether you live or die has nothing to do with me. I warn you one last time. Pick a key and get out immediately."

After the voice fell, the scene became silent.

The double-gun woman did not give an answer, but slowly grabbed the handle of the gun with both hands.

Qin Ming narrowed his eyes after seeing this scene, and slowly reached out to grab the revolver at his waist.

Time passed, the breeze blew, and a fallen leaf flew between the two of them.

In an instant! Both sides chose to draw their guns and shoot at the same time! The movements were extremely consistent!


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