Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 120 The Power of Copying!

Amid a heart-wrenching roar, the Double Gun Woman, whose right fist flashed with dazzling light, suddenly punched Qin Ming who was kicking in mid-air!

…………Then she was kicked in the face by Qin Ming, and the whole person flew backwards on the spot, flying more than ten meters away before falling completely motionless.

Qin Ming, who successfully kicked the target away with a flying kick, began to slap his body with his hands the moment he landed, with an extremely panicked expression.

After checking for a long time, he found that his body was not injured at all.

The opponent's punch just now did not move him at all.

Looking up at the Double Gun Woman lying on the ground in the distance, Qin Ming could not help but look confused.

What's going on? Could it be that what happened just now was just a bluff?

But that's not right! Just based on the fluctuation of the breath just now! Just based on the starting posture just now, it caused the threat level of his instinctive vigilance of B-level fighting proficiency! That is definitely a super big move!

That is the real secret of the extreme flow! A-level skill! Heaven and Earth Overlord Fist!

A boxing method famous for single-body close-range attacks! Extremely explosive!

Although it is difficult to hit the enemy, once it is successfully hit, the destructive power is absolutely unparalleled, and even Qin Ming will definitely not be able to take it easily.

Since there is no problem with the moves, the opponent's punch hits him but failed to break the defense, and he was kicked away by himself.

There is only one possibility left, that is the woman in front of him! Her skill failed to activate! She failed to successfully activate this super-kill!

In other words! This guy's attributes are not up to standard! Or maybe his mental strength is insufficient!

On the opposite side, the double-gun woman lying on the ground kept struggling, and it took a long time to kneel down with her hands on the ground.

As a result, just when she looked up, she saw a huge monster standing in front of her, looking down at her.

She looked at the expressionless Qin Ming, and before she could react, she felt her neck tighten, and the whole person was forcibly pulled up by the neck.

Feeling the hand on his neck getting tighter and tighter, he looked at the fire wrapped around the other hand.

The double-gun woman, whose face turned blue after being pinched, struggled with her last strength.

"Don't, don't kill me!"

"Hehe, why does everyone like to say this before they die? I've heard it no less than five times! What? Are your last words wholesale?"

"Well, killing me won't do you any good. I can exchange my life for something. I can give you that hammer! You know the properties and value of that hammer!"

Qin Ming was stunned by the words from the double-gun woman, and his eyebrows quickly frowned.

Staring at the woman with many tricks in front of him, his eyes trembled slightly.

"I can spare you, but give me all your equipment."

"Impossible! I will start the promotion mission in the next world! I will give you all the equipment! What's the difference between me and dying! I will die anyway! Why should I give you anything!"

"…………If you hadn't helped me before, you would have died now!"

With a strong swing of his hand, he threw the double-gun woman to the ground.

Looking at her coughing hard with her hands covering her throat, Qin Ming snorted coldly with his hands on his chest.

"Tell me, how did you get my iron hammer? Where did you get all these equipment and skills? I don't believe that a rookie can get so many good things!"

The Heaven and Earth Overlord Fist that the double-gun woman was about to burst out just now really scared Qin Ming.

After all, it was just a low-level rookie. It was a miracle that she could get two matching B-level special moves. Where did she get the A-level super special move! This is unscientific!

In the King of Fighters world, didn't the guy Sakazaki Ryo realize this move at the last moment! Even if this woman has been to the King of Fighters world! How did she learn this secret move!

Hearing Qin Ming's question, the double-gun woman turned her eyes, raised her head and looked at Qin Ming, feeling his murderous eyes, and finally did not dare to choose to hide it.

"I got this using my talent skills."

"Talent skills?"

"Yes, my talent is called clone. After entering a mission world, I can copy an item from any protagonist, as long as he voluntarily gives it to me."

"Anything is fine?"

"Yes, as long as it belongs to him and he voluntarily gives it to me, I can copy it, even if it's only for a second."

"Then my hammer..."

"I copied it in the tavern before."

"Where are your skills? Where are the three ultimate skills of the Extreme Style? How did you get them!"

"…………I got it from the young master of the Extreme Style gym, Sakazaki Ryo, in the world of Fist of the Dragon and Tiger. His father, Sakazaki Takuma, gave him the family secret scroll. I took advantage of my high favorability with him and consumed 300 favorability points to hold it in my hand for a few seconds, and I took the opportunity to copy it."

Rubbing her neck hard, looking up at Qin Ming cautiously, the double-gun woman looked scared.

After all, this was the first time she met an adventurer who could beat her. She thought she was strong enough, but she never thought that the man in front of her had a more terrifying fighting power than her.

Especially the outrageous defense! Is this really a low-level adventurer? Where did he get such outrageous basic attributes!

"The Extreme Flow Secret Scroll is a special skill book, an S-level skill consumable. After learning it, you can learn all the Extreme Flow skills, including the A-level Heaven and Earth Overlord Fist. I have finished learning it and the secret scroll is gone."

"...You are really a monster! What the hell kind of talent is this!"

Qin Ming was really shocked when he learned that the woman in front of him could even copy S-class props.

You know, even he has never seen an S-level skill book! But this woman has already gotten it and learned it!

Staring at Shuangqiang who was kneeling on the ground and carefully sizing him up, Qin Ming, who had recovered from the shock, suddenly had a fierce light flash in his eyes and clenched his hands subconsciously.

After this battle, he had become enemies with the opponent, and the opponent's talents were so terrifying.

If he really lets the other party go this time, what if she comes to trouble him in the future when she fully rises!

This time she failed to use the Heaven and Earth Overlord Fist, which resulted in her not being able to fuck herself.

Of course, it would be difficult to defeat him even if it was used.

But what about the next time we meet? Who knows the next time we meet! What props will this woman copy again?

she! Can't stay!

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and Qin Ming was completely murderous.

The subtle changes in his expression were quickly caught by Shuangqiangma. She was not stupid and immediately guessed Qin Ming's thoughts. Her face turned pale for a moment, and she suddenly opened her mouth and shouted at the speed of a burst of cannons. Make a sound.

"You can't kill me! I'm willing to give things in exchange for my life! And I have a return item that can save my life! But after a forced return to the city! It will cause a lot of basic attributes to be deducted! My next world will be a difficult promotion mission Deducting attributes will make it difficult for me to get through and my attributes will be deducted again! In that case, we will really become enemies!"

"Shut up first!"

"It's better to resolve enemies than to make them! Many friends have many paths! This time we can only regard it as a formal conflict of interest! If you are not as skilled as others, you can't agree with anyone! And after this separation, we may not see each other again next time! Can we meet then? Recognizing each other is a problem! Besides, I don’t dare to fight you! Why don’t you have to hurt others and get some equipment?”

"I said it! Shut your stupid mouth first! I'm going to kill you!"

Looking at the two-gun woman who was in panic, her mouth was like a telegraph machine, babbling non-stop without giving herself a chance to interrupt.

Qin Ming, who couldn't bear the noise, reached out and pinched the other party's mouth, and forcibly shut down the telegraph machine.

The double-gun woman who was picked up also hurriedly took out a prop from her arms, a forced return prop she just mentioned.

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