Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 121 Unexpected Cooperation

Qin Ming was sitting on a big rock in the woods, looking down at his trophies.

The blue treasure chests exploded by the two small bosses, the ordinary silver treasure chest exploded by the big boss Orc Chief, and the ordinary silver treasure chest exploded by the protagonist Labelle have been secretly fused by him.

Together with the original two ordinary silver keys and one dim silver key, he finally made up five ordinary silver keys.

If you grit your teeth, these five keys can even be merged into a golden key, and the value of the items obtained will be ridiculously high.

However, Qin Ming did not dare to fuse it rashly because he was afraid that the things he opened would not be used by him and could not be sold at a high price in the low-level adventurer area.

After finishing arranging the rings, he was looking up at the double-gun woman opposite.

The woman Shuangqiang Po was sitting very reservedly next to him, constantly glancing at Qin Ming.

The big hammer she copied through her talent skills had been traded to Qin Ming as money to buy her life. For safety reasons, the woman even spent an extra thousand points to sign a peace contract with Qin Ming.

The effect is that the attacks of both parties against each other will be reduced by 50%. In addition, there is an advanced peace contract with 2,500 points, which will reduce the damage by 75%. With the most advanced top peace contract, which requires 5,000 points, the damage-free effect is as high as 90%

With this contract, even if she can't defeat Qin Ming, it's definitely not a problem if she wants to run away.

However, she had already paid the money but did not choose to run away immediately. Instead, she hesitated several times.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming, who had finished his own business, finally raised his head and spoke.

"If you have something to say, just tell me, don't talk to your mother-in-law."

After hearing this, Shuangqiang took a deep breath and showed a solemn look on her face.

"Hyena, I want to ask you a favor."

"Huh? Did you find any hidden boss?"

"Instead of helping in this world, I want to ask you to follow me to the next promotion mission world! Help me complete the promotion!"

"Promotion mission?"

Listening to these four words, Qin Ming's expression, which was originally casual, became obviously serious.

After all, this promotion task is a major difficulty for so-called adventurers. The completion rate is not high, but the reputation is great.

"You mean, you want to hire me?"

"Yes, I can give you 10,000 points as your purchase fee. If the task is successfully completed, I can give you an additional 10,000 points."

"Oh? The offer is only 20,000 points. I didn't realize that you are still a rich woman. No wonder you would spend money to sign a contract with me. It seems that my asking price was set low just now."

Qin Ming, who made a joke, frowned as he spoke.

The purchase fee of 20,000 points is definitely not low. Even if Qin Ming has special abilities and enters a world and works hard, he may not be able to obtain so many benefits.

The Shuangqianpo in front of him had obviously spent a lot of money and was indeed sincere.

But the legendary promotion mission is so prestigious that I heard that no more than 30% of those who enter it can successfully complete the mission.

Of the remaining 70%, half of them failed the mission and were thrown back, and the other half were even worse. They died directly in the mission.

Qin Ming was originally quite confident in his own strength, but first he met the adventurer Feng, and then he met the double-gun woman.

The former's luxurious equipment, rich props, and high basic attributes are simply outrageous.

Not to mention the latter, he can even copy S-level props and learn the outrageous skill of Heaven and Earth Overlord Fist at the beginning. Who can withstand this?

And even this kind of monster doesn't have much confidence in passing the promotion mission. She will risk her life for some benefits. If she loses, she will have to beg her enemy, who just beat her, for help. Her attitude Extremely humble.

This suddenly made Qin Ming feel confused.

Don't die in that mission just for some benefit.

A pair of eyebrows were furrowed, and Qin Ming's eyes were rolling around.

Seeing that he was in a dilemma, the double-gun woman on the side quickly spoke to persuade him.

"My strength is pretty good, but yours is even stronger. If we join forces, it won't be difficult to get through the promotion mission. After all, I don't believe any boss in the first scene can withstand the two of us joining forces. And if you help me, you will not only get benefits, but most importantly, you can get familiar with the promotion tasks in advance. This is a win-win situation. "


"Hyena, I'm asking for your help not because I'm not sure about the mission. The main reason is that I don't know what the promotion mission is. I'm just asking you to be on the safe side. If you are worried that I will come back after I succeed in the promotion, If you are troublesome, then you can rest assured. I will directly enter the intermediate adventure zone after being promoted. It will be difficult for the two of us to even meet, so how can I come back to trouble you? "

"...Okay, I can help you, but not only do I want 20,000 points, but also the loot obtained in the mission needs to be divided equally. I also have to choose one first!"

"Yes! As long as I can advance! Everything else is easy! Anyway, I never lack equipment!"

Seeing that Qin Ming agreed, Shuangqiang quickly showed a bright smile on her face, stood up and stretched out her hand directly.

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation in advance, partner."

Looking at the handed palm, Qin Ming shrugged slightly, stood up and raised his hand to hold it.

"You know, since entering the nightmare world, you are the first one of my own who has met me, and not only did you not die in my hands, but you have also reached a cooperative relationship with me."

"What a coincidence, it's the same here."

Those with extraordinary talents can always thrive in the nightmare space, and their success often means that those who meet them will be unlucky.

This is the case with Qin Ming, and the same is true with Shuangqiangpo. Even the guys who met the adventurer Feng were treated the same way.

After all, in order to maximize their interests, they will not allow others to share their spoils. Qin Ming's behavior of not messing with others and not messing with others can even be considered gentle.

If you encounter some people with more brutal personalities, they will probably kill the adventurers as soon as they see them, and fundamentally eliminate the trouble forever.

Especially for this kind of small mission, there are only five people in total, and the appearance locations are very close.

If you meet a ruthless person, you can kill the other four people at the beginning, and then the entire mission world can be laid out by him alone.

Although the orc chieftain has been solved and the mission is officially over, there are still 48 hours before returning.

The two-gun lady and Qin Ming gathered together to discuss the matter. They felt that they could not waste this time, so they tacitly chose to disperse and hunt orcs, preparing to get some benefits at the last moment.

This killing took two full days. After two days, accompanied by a flash of white light, Qin Ming returned to the nightmare space again.

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