Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 128 The Terrifying Legion

Looking at the soldiers rushing over frantically, Qin Ming, who quickly recovered from the shock, suddenly opened his arms.

The next second, a rotating airflow whistled out, and a raging fire was swirling above.

The two soldiers who rushed over from the front were almost cut off by the sonic hand knife on the spot, and the broken spears in their hands were scattered on the ground with the bodies.

The two soldiers who followed and rushed up were also swept by the airflow, one arm was broken, and the other waist was cut open, which caused a wailing sound in an instant.

Seeing such a brutal scene, the soldiers on the opposite side who had originally rushed over with ferocious faces hurriedly stopped again.

Before they could retreat timidly, the double-gun woman next to them also launched an attack at this moment.

She did not draw out her two pistols, but directly put her hands on her waist.

As her palms closed, a ball of energy quickly gathered in her hands.

"Hadu! Follow!"


With a flash of light! The white energy ball whistled out! Instantly hit one of the spearmen! His entire body was blown to pieces on the spot!

Extreme Style's signature move! Tiger Fist!

Before they could get close to him, three of them were killed and three were disabled. The remaining soldiers were frightened by the scene in front of them.

They dared not rush up again, and turned around and fled to the distance.

Seeing them flee, Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po also hurriedly chased them. You fired a sound-speed hand knife, and I fired a tiger-spark fist, constantly killing the enemy.

Just when they were about to kill all the enemies, the fleeing soldiers finally rushed out of the woods.

The archer who was running in the front had just rushed out and had already started waving his hands and shouting desperately.

But before he could shout twice, his body was hit by a cold light and his head was cut off on the spot.

Qin Ming, who finally got rid of the last guy, cut off the enemy's head with a sound-speed hand knife and stepped forward to check the enemy's body.

He had just picked up the spoils when he suddenly felt someone pulling his clothes.

Feeling this, Qin Ming turned his head in surprise, only to see that the double-gun woman had an extremely stiff expression and was staring at the front with wide eyes.

Qin Ming, who realized that something was wrong, also turned his head and looked over, and what caught his eyes was the endless military camp tents, and the large number of soldiers who had stopped their work and looked up in surprise.

And the number of these soldiers was thousands...

"Enemy attack!!!"

A shrill scream suddenly sounded, and the Wei soldiers who heard the scream finally woke up from their dreams.

They reacted quickly, threw away the pots and pans in their hands, grabbed their weapons and rushed over here.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming and the double-gun woman, who also reacted, turned around and ran without saying a word, and plunged into the woods again.

They ran, and the soldiers chased them. Some soldiers would shoot arrows during the chase, and some would even throw their spears directly!

Facing the rain of bullets, the double-gun woman was beaten and ran away, dodging again and again.

Just as she was dodging desperately, she suddenly heard a violent footsteps in her ears.

The double-gun woman looked up and saw Qin Ming, who was completely ignoring the attack of the enemy behind him. He kept his hands in the shape of knives, ran wildly with a stern face, and rushed past her with a whoosh.

The arrows and spears shot at him, but they couldn't break through the defense at all, and were directly bounced off.

Looking at the scene where Qin Ming was hit by two arrows on the back of his head, and the arrows were bounced up on the spot, the double-gun woman was stunned for a while...

In terms of agility, Qin Ming is indeed not as good as the soldiers behind him, at least not much taller than them, so it should be impossible to get rid of them.

But the problem is that he is not as agile as them, he still has physical fitness and strength!

If we talk about endurance! He can beat ten enemies!

After running around in the woods for a long time, the two finally got rid of the spearmen and archers.

A small number of sword soldiers with dual short swords and amazing speed caught up with the two.

But what greeted them was Qin Ming's fierce punch, knocking him to the ground on the spot. Qin Ming even dragged a sword soldier's leg and swung it around, using the other's body to clear the way!

When they finally broke through the siege and repelled the sword soldiers' pursuit, the unlucky child who was dragged by him had only one thigh left.

Looking at the forest that finally returned to silence, Qin Ming and the double-gun woman, who ran a long way in one breath, couldn't help panting.

They sat on the ground, pulling their collars to cool down.

Qin Ming even threw the broken leg in his hand to the double-gun woman, causing the other party to kick wildly with disgust and kick the leg away fiercely.

Qin Ming, sitting on the stone ground, swallowed his saliva, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand, turned around and came to the stream next to him, reached out and scooped up the water in it and prepared to drink it, trying to relieve his tense nerves.

He had just drunk a sip of water, and he was suddenly stunned when he looked at the water surface.

Looking at the entire water surface that was rapidly rippled, and the fish and shrimps swimming around in it, his eyebrows twitched subconsciously.

"What's going on? An earthquake?"

The double-gun woman who was sitting next to him and panting, heard the words and looked over here.

She also noticed the ripples on the water surface, her eyes suddenly widened, and she stood up suddenly and screamed.

"Not good! It's the cavalry!"

Just as the voice fell, thick smoke and dust swept over the hillside at the end of the stream.

Nearly a hundred cavalrymen on war horses came roaring with long spears in their hands. Before they arrived, the murderous aura was already overwhelming.

The most important thing was that at the forefront of the cavalry, there were two soldiers holding a huge flag! There was a big word "Li" written on the flag!

In the middle of the two was a burly man, wearing heavy armor, he was more than two meters tall, holding a two-meter-long spear, and his blood-red cloak fluttered in the wind.

The first scene, the big boss! Li Dian!

"It's bad!"

Looking at the huge number of cavalrymen in the distance and the big boss who led the charge, Qin Ming and the two-gun woman, who did not expect the enemy to chase them so closely, turned around and ran away in fear.

But the problem was how could this man's two legs outrun the war horse!

Seeing that the two were about to be caught up, Qin Ming reacted faster and quickly turned around and rushed towards the stream next to him.

"Get in the water! Cavalry can't charge in deep water! Quick!"

After hearing the reminder, the double-gun woman suddenly realized and quickly jumped into the water.

The two quickly ran to the middle of the stream, stood in the waist-deep water, and took out their weapons to defend.

And the big boss Li Dian, who quickly led his cavalry to chase the shore, looked at the man and woman standing in the water, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, with a very puzzled expression.

Turning his head to look at his two adjutants, his eyebrows trembled violently.

"Who are they? Didn't they say they found the Five Tiger Generals!"

"Ah? This... maybe the soldiers saw it wrong."

"Humph! Delay my time!"

Li Dian, who shook his weapon hard and found that he had excitedly led all the cavalry to chase, but ended up chasing the wrong target, had an extremely gloomy expression at this moment.

Previously, he, the vanguard officer, and the general Xiahou Dun, led the elite troops to fight against the miscellaneous troops led by the Five Tiger Generals, successfully killing the other side, and the Five Tiger Generals also followed the chaotic army without knowing where to move.

Now his main task is to find the Five Tiger Generals, encircle and kill them, to prevent the other side from reviving and regrouping troops to fight against him.

This is why he immediately led all the cavalry to chase and kill after receiving the news. If he was not there, the cavalry alone could not defeat the Five Tiger Generals!

Now he found that it was just a misunderstanding, and the other side was not Li Dian, one of the Five Tiger Generals, and his good mood was gone.

He immediately turned around and left with a dozen trusted cavalrymen after throwing his cloak behind him.

When he left, he did not forget to turn his head and speak coldly.

"You got the wrong information! You come to deal with them! Move quickly!"


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