Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 129 Talma's fire suppression!

An adjutant who was left behind raised his hands and clasped his fists. After watching his general walk away, he quickly grabbed his spear and roared with his weapon raised high.

"The general has an order! Kill!!!"


With a roar, dozens of cavalrymen with spears on their backs immediately galloped over.

The sound of horse hooves was continuous, and the sound of fighting was even more chaotic. In just a blink of an eye, this group of cavalrymen had already rushed into the water.

But as Qin Ming said before, war horses, to be precise, any creature that enters the water, as long as you are not a fish or a turtle in the water, will be seriously affected by the water flow.

The aggressive cavalrymen had just rushed into the stream when they were slowed down by the stream water that blocked their waists, and the strongest impact of the cavalry was abolished on the spot.

But they didn't care about it. After all, as cavalrymen, they were all elite soldiers.

Even though they were not as good as the ace confidants around Xiahou Dun: the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, their combat power and equipment were much stronger than ordinary soldiers.

Even without the assistance of mounts, they were elite soldiers just by themselves!

Just two enemies! How could they, dozens of elite soldiers, not be able to defeat them!

Amid the roar, a cavalryman rode forward and rushed to Qin Ming first. After getting close, he raised his spear and stabbed!

As a result, the spear had just been stabbed out, and the quick-eyed and quick-handed Qin Ming had already grabbed the spear.

As Qin Ming roared and exerted force with his arms, the cavalryman who was holding the spear tightly was actually picked up on the spot and fell into the water with a splash.

Before he could struggle to get up, Qin Ming, who rushed over, had already raised his leg and kicked him again, stepping on his head with his foot, and forcibly stepped on him completely into the water regardless of his struggle.

While stepping on the enemy, Qin Ming turned around and threw out his spear. With the whistling wind, the spear covered by flames instantly pierced the second cavalryman who rushed over, and blasted the opponent away on the spot. Only the warhorse galloped and passed by Qin Ming.

At the same time, the unlucky guy who was stepped on by him stopped struggling completely at this moment and was drowned alive.

Seeing that two people were killed just after the border, the adjutant with a ferocious expression roared and rushed forward, rushing towards Qin Ming in the water.

The spear stabbed! It stabbed in the air!

The warhorse charged! It was also dodged!

At the moment when the adjutant and Qin Ming passed by, Qin Ming, with red light flashing in his eyes, roared and hit him with a shoulder!

With a bang! The adjutant and the horse were directly knocked several meters away and hit hard on the water.

Qin Ming, who knocked the enemy away with brute force, was hit by several spears that followed closely!

Four long spears stabbed with full force! They all hit Qin Ming's body!

The sharp spear blades pierced through the coat and hit the skin. Although they successfully cut the epidermis, they could not move the muscles at all.

As the warhorse sprinted at full force, Qin Ming was pushed back by the four long spears and slid at high speed on the water.

After paddling for several meters, the cavalry's momentum was finally exhausted, and Qin Ming was finally able to stop retreating.

Looking at the four cavalrymen with ferocious expressions on the opposite side, Qin Ming, who also had a ferocious expression, suddenly roared, holding the long spears to the left and right, holding the four spears under his armpits, and rushed back with all his strength.

The sound of collision sounded, and the four cavalrymen who were caught off guard were directly knocked off the warhorse and fell heavily into the water.

But before Qin Ming rushed up to take the opportunity to make up the knife, more cavalrymen had already rushed at this moment.

Archers! Guns! Swords and shields!

Countless cavalrymen kept circling around Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po, and launched attacks from time to time, causing chaos in the stream for a while.

It was obviously not easy for Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po to break through the encirclement of dozens of cavalrymen.

The most important thing is that even if they broke through, they couldn't escape from the pursuit of the cavalry!

After all, the land is their home court!

Therefore, as the fierce battle on the water unfolded, the two were beaten in danger for a while... Well, Qin Ming has thick skin and high defense, and it is difficult for the cavalry to break his defense, so he is not in any danger.

But Shuangqiang Po, a woman who focuses on speed and spirit, really can't stand it!

Just when the scene was in chaos here, a figure suddenly strode out of the grove in the distance.

He was not someone else, but the new brother Qin Ming got after upgrading his firearms, the gun master Talma!

At this moment, he was called out by Qin Ming with a gun. He was wearing sunglasses on his face, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and holding a light machine gun in his hand.

Looking at the crowd fighting in the distance, he first observed the environment left and right, and then quickly found a commanding height.

He placed the machine gun on the stone, took out all the grenades from his waist and placed them in order. In order to increase the destructive power, he even tore off the cloth strips on his clothes and tied the grenades together in groups of three.

After making all the preparations, Talma took a deep breath with a cigarette, exhaled smoke from his mouth, and threw the cigarette butt on the ground.

Then he set up the light machine gun in his hand with a serious expression! The muzzle was aimed at the cavalry troops in the water...

Buzz! Dadadadadadadada!

The harsh gunshots suddenly sounded, and countless water splashes instantly exploded on the water surface. The cavalry who were encircling Qin Ming and the double-gun woman screamed and fell off their horses.

The attacked horses also began to neigh madly at this moment, and after throwing the cavalry on their backs into the water, they began to flee in the water.

The large-caliber H bullet has an extremely amazing lethality. When it was first created, it was even used to deal with light tanks!

Especially after it was placed on the ground, it was even more accurate and destructive, and it was best at hitting fixed targets!

Not to mention that it was a more powerful version!

In just a blink of an eye, the cavalrymen with their backs to Talma were already dead or wounded, and a large number of soldiers were directly thrown off their horses.

Before they could panic and struggle to stand up from the water, they looked up in astonishment and tried to figure out the situation. Suddenly, a huge fire appeared among them.

The water surface was directly blown up into several meters high splashes, and the cavalrymen were also blown up and flying all over the sky.

On the hillside in the distance, Talma, who was holding a machine gun and throwing grenades, had a gradually hideous smile on his face, and his dark sunglasses were reflected red by the fire from the muzzle.

In terms of attributes, Talma is indeed not as good as the protagonists of other worlds. After all, he is a master of guns, not a master of fighting. Attributes have always been the shortcoming of characters in this shooting world.

But every disadvantage has its advantages. The serious lack of attributes has resulted in a serious overflow of their attack power!

Especially in a short burst! The lethality of these guys is outrageous!

500 rounds of machine gun fire! Twenty-four grenades blasted! Enough for him to output several levels more than himself in a short period of time!

The cavalry unit that could rely on the advantage of numbers to press Qin Ming and the double-gun woman head-on was forced to penetrate the firepower coverage of Talma!

After more than half of them were killed or injured, this group of guys finally couldn't bear it and began to flee to the shore desperately.

But most of their horses had been driven away, so how could they possibly outrun the machine guns!

Machine gun! But it's the legendary cavalry terminator!

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