Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 130 Bloody Battle in the River

The river was already full of corpses, and the water was completely dyed red with blood.

It was uncertain whether the original Talma, holding an H-type light machine gun, could quickly kill this unit.

But now the summoned Talma, holding an enhanced version of the ordinary silver light machine gun, immediately caused fatal damage to these cavalrymen.

The remaining cavalrymen ran desperately towards the river, but before they ran out of the stream, they were hit by the bullets and fell into the water screaming.

Among the large number of disabled soldiers, the adjutant who was responsible for leading the team to deal with Qin Ming and others was standing in the water with a knife, with a dull look on his face.

Looking at the soldiers who kept running in front of him, panicking and running and falling to the ground, dyeing the water red.

The adjutant felt his brain go blank for a while, and it stopped working completely.

After a few seconds, he finally came to his senses and suddenly turned around and ran towards a warhorse that was lucky enough not to be shot.

After dragging away the soldier who was also trying to mount the horse, he controlled the warhorse to rush towards the shore at full speed, trying to escape into the forest.

Noticing this scene, Talma frowned and quickly turned the muzzle of the gun to shoot at him.

The bullets were connected, splashing a row of water on the water surface, and hit the warhorse and the adjutant's body accurately.

The adjutant who was shot in the back couldn't help but groan, and the warhorse under his crotch neighed in pain.

The warhorse that was shot did not die, but went completely crazy, running desperately regardless of anything, and rushed to the woods ahead at a faster speed.

This scene made Talma stunned, and his eyebrows frowned instantly.

Just as he was about to continue aiming and shooting, he loosened his fingers after seeing the situation in the water.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally chose to turn the gun around and continue to shoot at the soldiers in the water. As for the adjutant who was riding wildly...

"Go! Hurry! Run!"

The adjutant was swinging the reins desperately. Not only was he soaked, but there was blood flowing from his back. His expression was extremely ferocious at the moment.

Seeing that the mount finally rushed out of the pool and was no longer affected by the water flow, the speed was completely increased. He couldn't help but show an excited look on his face.

However, this excited expression just appeared, and it suddenly froze in the next second.

Because the adjutant suddenly noticed that at the entrance of the woods in front, a figure was standing there, standing with his hands hanging down with a serious expression!

And this person! It was one of the targets he was ordered to rob and kill!

Looking at the big man opposite, the adjutant gritted his teeth and did not choose to slow down and detour. Instead, he pulled the reins and began to desperately urge the warhorse to speed up.

The warhorse, which was already injured, ran even faster in pain.

Qin Ming, who was watching the enemy rushing towards him at full speed, narrowed his eyes at this moment.

His body sank slightly, and suddenly a strong wind gathered on his right palm, and a huge wave of flames whistled out.

Charge! Sonic hand knife!

Just when the adjutant was about to rush in front of him, Qin Ming suddenly moved sideways to make way, and at the same time knelt on one knee and threw out the sonic hand knife in his hand.

The huge air wave that was flying almost close to the ground slashed across the body of the warhorse with a whoosh.

The warhorse that passed by Qin Ming also broke its limbs neatly the next moment it rushed past him!

With a piercing neigh! The warhorse with broken limbs fell to the ground with a bang, and the adjutant riding on it was thrown up on the spot without any defense.

He rolled continuously on the ground, and just as he struggled to get up with his hands on the ground, he was hit by an iron fist on his jaw!

The fist burning with fire, blasted from bottom to top with all his strength, hitting the adjutant on the spot with a distorted expression, and the whole person rose straight up.

Shiranui style! Sonic Rising Dragon Fist!

Without waiting for the adjutant's body to fall to the ground, Qin Ming, who had punched him, had a flash of fire in his eyes. The next moment, he chose to go all out!

Sonic knife in the left hand! Sonic knife in the right hand! Then a double-handed combined knife!

Standing in place, waving his arms wildly, aiming at the target falling from the sky, Qin Ming came up with a series of sonic knife combos.

More than a dozen sonic knifes broke through the air and continued to cut the adjutant.

Cut the armor! Chop the helmet! Cut the flesh! Even cut off the limbs!

The adjutant, who had taken more than a dozen moves, became scarred on the spot, and the whole person was blown away again.

Just when he was about to land while spinning, Qin Ming, who had opened his arms to complete the accumulation of power, had already roared and thrown out the last move.

With a whoosh! The huge sonic knife with a width of more than two meters spun out! Instantly passed through the adjutant's body in the air! Then it hit the woods behind without reducing the speed!

With a sharp cutting sound, a straight gap of nearly ten meters long was cut in the woods, and the adjutant who had only fallen to the ground at this time was also cut in two on the spot.

With a click, the debris that was broken into several pieces scattered all over the ground, and the broken helmet rolled in front of Qin Ming, and was stepped on casually by him.

Looking at the remains of the corpse in front of him, Qin Ming, who was a little out of breath for a while due to excessive mental consumption, couldn't help grinning.

Good guy! He didn't die even after taking more than ten moves from me! This broken place is so difficult to kill even the small boss?

Then the big boss Li Dian! How fierce must he be!

With a gloomy expression, Qin Ming took his eyes off the corpse and turned to look at the lake behind him, and found that the battle there had also ended completely.

Nearly half of the nearly eighty cavalrymen who were responsible for besieging them were killed in the water, and no more than twenty escaped.

At this moment, after intercepting the deserters, the two-gun woman was lowering her head to pick up the spoils.

Talma, who had finished driving a gun in the distance, now also carried his silver light machine gun and walked over with sunglasses.

Seeing Talma appear, the two-gun woman couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. It was obvious that she had recognized the other party's identity, and her face showed a look of surprise.

Turning around and seeing Qin Ming coming over, she pointed at Talma and screamed.

"Isn't he the protagonist of the Metal Slug world? You can even summon him? You actually still have this trick? Why didn't you use it in the last world?"

Qin Ming, who strode over, had a very calm expression when he heard this.

He raised his hand to take out a cigarette from Talma's pocket and put it in his mouth, and stretched out his hand to snap his fingers, and lit it with the unknown fire skill. He couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Why should I use it? I was enough to deal with you in the last world. Why would I call him out if there was nothing to do?"

Hearing this, the double-gun woman's expression froze, her lips trembled for a long time, but she was still speechless in the end.

Because what Qin Ming said was right, it really didn't need two people to deal with her.

One Qin Ming could chase her and fight her. If he added a gun master Talma, then let alone one of her, I'm afraid that two of her would die together.

After all, a long-range gun shooter is desperately shooting at you, and a melee fighter is extremely fierce. How do you say this should be fought?

Are you going to get close or not?

If you don't get close, you will be suppressed by the tyrannical firepower and be crushed to death.

If you get close, you have to fight Qin Ming to the death, and it is easy to be taken away.

When these two guys get together, the combat effectiveness is not as simple as one plus one!

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