Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 131 Shocked Li Dian

"No! No! General! Something terrible has happened!"

The miserable cry suddenly sounded in the camp, which made General Li Dian, who was sitting in the big tent with his adjutant to check the map and prepare the next action plan, couldn't help but be stunned.

He quickly raised his head, his eyebrows tightly knitted.

The adjutant next to him couldn't help but scolded a soldier who stumbled in.

"You are a soldier! How can you be so flustered! You!"

"Okay, it seems that he is like this for a reason. It won't be too late to discipline him after he finishes his words."

Without waiting for the adjutant to finish his scolding, General Li Dian suddenly raised his hand to signal him to calm down.

He relaxed his eyebrows, looked at the soldier in front of him who was covered in blood and his armor was wet, and spoke in a very calm voice.

"You are dressed like a cavalryman, or a reconnaissance officer? What? Did you run into the Five Tiger Generals hiding while searching around? Or did you encounter a full-fledged enemy army?"

Li Dian, courtesy name Mancheng, was a general of the Wei State. He was not famous for his bravery, but for his intelligence.

In other words, he was not a fierce general, but a wise one.

Although his status was not too high, and he was not ranked among the Five Sons and Good Generals, the Tiger Guards and the Eight Tiger Riders, his prestige in the army was not low.

Because he was always calm and knew how to train soldiers, he was a very good deputy. He often fought with the army as a deputy general and made many military achievements, so he even had the reputation of an elder in the army.

This time, he was ordered to come with Xiahou Dun, one of the Eight Tiger Riders of the Cao family, to hunt down Liu Bei, and he was Xiahou Dun's deputy general.

At this moment, General Xiahou Dun was sitting in the army, leading a large army to consolidate the defense line to prevent the enemy from counterattacking.

He led 3,000 elite soldiers to search for the enemy, and acted as a vanguard to try to further disintegrate the enemy's defense line.

There were several search teams that encountered enemy generals or hiding troops and were beaten back every day, and he was no longer surprised.

Therefore, Li Dian's tone was very calm, not anxious or impatient.

Hearing his question, the cavalryman with blood on his face knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

"General Li! I'm not a patrol team! I'm from the cavalry battalion! General! Lieutenant General Sun and more than 70 other brothers are all dead!"


Hearing the words from the soldier, Li Dian could no longer maintain his calm expression on his face, and stood up instantly with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Sun Hong is dead? Wasn't he leading the team to kill two lone enemies? How could he be dead!"

"General! There is an ambush! There is an ambush! There are enemies everywhere! There are invisible arrows everywhere! We are trapped in the water and can't fight! We can't escape! All the brothers were shot to death in the water! All dead!"

"What about Sun Hong!"

"Deputy General Sun is also dead! He was cut in half by the enemy!"


Li Dian, who got a positive answer, sat back on the chair with a sway of his body.

He was shocked, and his eyes were wide open at this moment, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

After all, that was a cavalry unit! The elite of the army!

He had only more than a hundred cavalry in his hands! Those eighty people were already a large unit!

These cavalry launched a charge together, and even Liu Bei's famous Five Tiger Generals would never dare to stop their edge, which is why he dared to let this unit act alone.

How could two unknown soldiers who had never been heard of before be able to wipe them out? When did Liu Bei have such a powerful general!

Li Dian held his forehead with his hand, and his brain was working at high speed. After gradually sorting out his thoughts, he quickly made a judgment in his heart.

He fell into a trap! Those two soldiers were just bait! They were deliberately used to lure his cavalry out alone!

And the place they chose was also very cruel. The pool just happened to affect the cavalry's charge, making them unable to charge or escape.

The remaining troops of the other side! They were just waiting there!

Li Dian raised his hand and slammed the table hard. The veins on his forehead bulged when he reacted.

He never expected that Liu Bei's army, which had been broken up head-on, could quickly form such a living force! And it turned out to be a trick on him!

Could it be that Zhuge Liang came to lead the team in person? !

The tent fell into silence for a while. After a long time, Li Dian, who finally calmed down, finally spoke.

"Notify the patrol troops to return and stop acting alone. There are still some tough enemies among the remnants."

"General? What should we do next?"



"Yes, wait for them to attack! Now we have the initiative and the advantage, so they should be anxious."

Li Dian, whose expression has regained his composure, raised his head and let out a long breath.

"If we don't move, there will be no chaos. Recall the soldiers to close the defense line and we will defend with all our strength! They took my cavalry unit by surprise. This is the first game they won, but the game is not over yet. I want to see. Facing our iron wall and our three thousand infantry, what tricks can their remnants play!"


The adjutant nodded heavily after receiving the affirmative answer, raised his hand and clasped his fists to salute, and then quickly turned and left.

Li Dian, who watched him leave, sighed again.

Then he reached out and pulled the map on the table, and began to analyze the terrain attentively.

At the same time, just as the Wei army began to quickly recall troops, Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po had already fled the battlefield and came to a village.

Because of the war nearby, the village was silent at the moment, with every door closed and no smoke from cooking.

Obviously, the villagers who were afraid of being affected by the war and even more afraid of being dragged into the army had fled to other places to hide.

This resulted in the village being a dead village with no one.

In this regard, Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po were happy to be idle.

After finding a room and knocking open the door, the two of them who swept the dust on the table quickly took out the spoils and began to divide the spoils.

Although not all of the eighty cavalrymen were elite monsters, their attributes were much better than those of ordinary monsters. The most important thing was that there were no plot characters participating in the battle, which resulted in their explosion rate being really good.

More than fifty dead enemies had revealed as many as twelve white keys, in addition to a green and a blue key.

The most important thing was that the adjutant even revealed an ordinary silver key!

The two of them placed all the keys on the table and looked at each other across the table.

After a moment of silence, just when Qin Ming was about to speak, the double-gun woman spoke first.

She reached out and pressed the silver key, gently pushed it towards Qin Ming, and the double-gun woman's expression was very serious.

"You led the team to win this battle, you are the main force, so you get most of the benefits, the silver key belongs to you, the blue and green keys also belong to you, just give me a few white keys."

Obviously, the double-gun woman was very sensible and understood that compared to the keys, the successful promotion was her primary task.

Therefore, before Qin Ming took the initiative to speak up and make suggestions, she had already given up most of the benefits.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming couldn't help but grin and nodded gently.

"Okay, I'll take the silver key, but the blue and green keys are yours, and the white key is mine."

"What? This......"

"I know I'll lose money by doing this. After all, the things that come out of the blue and green keys are often very valuable, while the things that come out of the white key are generally junk and worthless. But we are teammates, so I can't let you suffer too much, right? I eat the meat, and you have to drink the soup."

Smiling, Qin Ming pushed the two high-level keys over and raised his eyebrows.

"So, buddy, happy cooperation!"

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