Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 132 Patrol Team

With Qin Ming's initiative to make a proposal, the division of the spoils between the two sides was perfectly concluded.

Qin Ming got twelve white keys and one ordinary silver key, and Shuangqiang Po got two keys, one blue and one green. Both sides were happy and extremely satisfied.

Just when the two put away their things, there was a chaotic sound outside the house.

The two who heard the noise couldn't help but look at each other, and hurried to the window with their backs against the wall, looking out through the broken window secretly.

What caught their eyes was a team of Wei soldiers.

This was a standard patrol team, consisting of two sword soldiers, four spearmen and two archers, which could deal with all emergencies.

The leading captain was even an elite Wei soldier, a thunder and fire soldier.

That is, a guy wearing heavy armor, very fat, and equipped with special thunder and fire bombs.

They are the trump cards for attacking cities and strongholds. Not only are they highly defensive, but the thunder and fire bombs in their hands can also cause great damage to buildings, which is very difficult to deal with.

Standing by the window, watching the group of soldiers talking and walking from a distance, Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po looked at each other, nodded slightly, and quickly climbed up the roof along the beam.

Just as the two of them went up, the Wei soldiers who quickly entered the village outside pushed the door and entered.

After all, this house has the best environment in the whole village. People who want to rest here will instinctively move closer to it.

The nine soldiers who entered the room found a place to sit down as soon as they came in, and some of them even took off their helmets and wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

It was obvious that they had traveled a long way in an emergency.

"Really! The day before yesterday, they said they would expand the patrol area! Today, they changed to shrinking the defense line! They changed their minds at any time! Too unreliable!"

"Hey, they ride tall horses, it's easy for them to send messages back and forth, but we have to use our two legs to travel!"

"That's right! They have horses to ride! We don't! This is dozens of kilometers! It's easy for them to change their minds! But why don't they come over and run!"

The patrol team that was responsible for patrolling the edge before, just received the order today and had to travel through mountains and rivers to rush back, is full of complaints at this time.

They walked out sweating, and they were extremely dissatisfied with the officers who suddenly changed their orders.

Unfortunately, it was useless to be dissatisfied. As ordinary soldiers, they were not qualified to give advice to officers, and they had to obey orders.

Looking at the unlucky younger brothers, the Leihuo soldiers, who were also sweating because of their fat bodies, quickly waved their hands.

"Okay, stop complaining, and take a rest. We can continue on our way after a rest. I heard that the cavalry troops of the vanguard camp were defeated. We have to be careful on the road to avoid being targeted by the enemy."

It would have been better if the captain didn't say anything. As he spoke to comfort them, the soldiers below complained even louder.

"No! Captain! We have been patrolling here for several days! We can't even see a hair! Where did the enemy come from! And the enemy is organized? Haven't they been killed and dispersed?"

"That's right! I think this is purely alarmist by the officers! They are just afraid that the Five Tiger Generals will attack the camp!"

"Humph! What Five Tiger Generals! They were defeated in one battle! They still had to flee in all directions when facing a large army! They are just guys in name only!"

"If those guys dare to appear in front of us! We can just take their heads to General Li Dian to ask for credit!"

Everyone was talking and venting their emotions. No one noticed that at this moment, three figures on the roof were ready to go.

The woman with two guns squatting next to Qin Ming quickly pulled out a grenade from her waist, pulled off the fuse, and suddenly let go.

The grenade fell straight down and landed in the center of the soldiers sitting in a circle with great accuracy.

Before they saw the object falling and reacted to what was happening, dazzling flames had already burst out of the grenade!


In the violent explosion! The doors and windows exploded!

The nine soldiers who were caught off guard were blown away on the spot, and two of them were blown to pieces when they flew out.

Before the people who fell to the ground wailed, a figure had jumped down from the beam, and the moment he landed, he had already thrown his hand and shot a sonic hand knife.

At the same time, the woman with two guns squatting on the beam and Talma also held guns and fired at the crowd below.

In an instant, screams were heard one after another, and the nine soldiers who were attacked died one after another on the spot.

As the only elite monster in the team, the Thunder and Fire Soldier suffered the least damage from the explosion. At this moment, he had already struggled to get up with his hands on the ground.

Pulling off the two golden hammers on his waist, he looked at Qin Ming who was killing his younger brother on the opposite side, and suddenly opened his mouth and roared, waving the hammer and rushing up madly.

Name: Thunder and Fire Soldier (Act 1 of Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2)

Strength: 25

Constitution: 25

Agility: 5

Spirit: 5

Skills: Thunder and Fire Bomb (C-level) Heavy Armor Collision (C-level)

Introduction: This kind of heavy armored soldier, called fat, has a huge appetite because he needs to carry a large number of thunder and fire bombs during the march, and his body has become extremely short and fat. Although he looks fat, he is full of muscles inside!

Elite monsters in the world of Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2! Attributes compared to the small BOSS in other worlds! There is not much difference!

High strength and physique, coupled with a set of heavy armor, directly make them a weapon for siege.

It's a pity that Qin Ming is afraid of everything except this kind of high-attack and high-body enemy, because the attributes of this kind of enemy are too highly overlapped with his!


With a roar, Lei Huobing rushed over and swung his hand with a hammer, aiming directly at Qin Ming's head.

But Qin Ming grabbed the hammer head and easily blocked it with his palm.

Seeing this scene, Lei Huobing couldn't help but be stunned. Before he could recover from the shock, Qin Ming had stretched out his other hand to punch him in the abdomen, and then used both hands to force the fat man to fly out.

With a loud bang, the heavy body hit Lei Huobing heavily on the table beside him. For a moment, he felt dizzy and his bones were screaming.

He just struggled to stand up and looked up to see a black shadow flying over.

It turned out that a spearman was kicked in the chest by Qin Ming, flew backwards, and hit the wall next to him.

Looking at the younger brother who was completely embedded in the wall, in a C shape, and completely motionless.

He looked at the enemy on the opposite side who swung his hand and shot out a stream of air, splitting the head of another younger brother in two on the spot.

Lei Huobing suddenly opened his waist bag with a dark face, took out two black iron balls from it, lit the fuse and threw them towards Qin Ming with force.

Hearing the sound of the wind, Qin Ming's pupils shrank, and he pulled out the revolver from his waist while swinging his hand, and pulled the trigger continuously without aiming.

With two loud bangs, the thunder and fire bomb in the air was directly hit by the bullet, and it bounced back while spinning.

Lei Huobing subconsciously reached out to catch it, looking at the bomb in his hand whose fuse quickly burned out. After being stunned for a second, his expression suddenly became extremely terrified, and he screamed.



A violent explosion sounded, and the Lei Huobing, who was blown to pieces by two thunder and fire bombs on the spot, had his body and debris scattered all over the ground.

Qin Ming, who had easily dealt with the elite monster, put his pistol back in his hand and attacked the enemies around him fiercely again.

Are you kidding me! Playing with homemade explosives with a combat king in the army? He simply doesn't want to live!

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