Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 134 Guan Yu!

Under the leadership of Zhou Cang, several people who left the village entered the woods and soon saw the legendary remnants of Liu Bei's army deep in the woods.

To be precise, one of the remaining troops.

I saw a few hundred and eighty people sitting and resting in the woods.

Their armors were somewhat damaged, and their equipment was not sophisticated. They looked like typical defeated soldiers.

Obviously, after being bullied by the enemy in the previous battle, the remnants of them were not in good condition.

And in the center of the crowd, there was a burly man sitting there.

Although he lost the battle, the big man did not show any signs of decadence, but was still in high spirits.

He stretched out his hand to stroke his beard, and held a book of Spring and Autumn in his other hand, which he was currently reading silently with squinted eyes.

Although he didn't look here, he didn't stand up, he just sat there quietly.

But this big man already exuded a terrifying aura, making those who came close feel shuddering.

And that aura! It's called murderous intent!

Name: Guan Yu (Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2)

Strength 60

Physique 40

Agility 25

Spirit 25

Skills: Drag Sword/Iron Head Rush (Level C) Flying Slash/Overlord Fall (Level C) Qinglong Goes to the Sea/Rage in the River (Level B)

Introduction: One of the Five Tiger Generals! Guan Yu! The word cloud is long!

"General! I unexpectedly found three good soldiers outside, and they also had a grudge against the Wei army, so I made my own decision and asked them to come for help. It was these three strong men next to me."

After seeing Guan Yu sitting in the middle reading a book, Zhou Cang's eyes lit up, and he quickly ran over to salute with clasped fists respectfully.

Guan Yu, who heard the noise coming from here, squinted his eyes with a straight face and a face as pale as a jujube, continued to look at the Chunqiu Zuozhuan in his hand without even raising his eyelids.

"Huh? A good player? Or three? How did we meet?"

"Encountered in the village, they ran into the Wei patrol and killed all the people on the patrol. They did it cleanly."

"Then how can you be sure that this is not a show they knew you were hiding in and specially showed it to you?"

"Ah? This, General, can't be done. Nearly ten people died..."

Before Zhou Cang could finish speaking, the words in his mouth suddenly stopped.

Because Guan Yu, who had been reading, suddenly turned to look at him.

Although the eyes were still narrowed and looked lukewarm, the stern gaze still made Zhou Cang's whole body tense up instinctively and he quickly closed his mouth.

After silently glancing at Zhou Cang, Guan Yu turned to look at Qin Ming and the other three.

After looking carefully up and down, he suddenly chuckled.

"So, three warriors, did you bump into Guan's lieutenant by accident, or were you already waiting for him there? I wonder if you can give Guan an accurate answer?"


As soon as the words were spoken, the soldiers around him stood up in order, and instantly raised their weapons and pointed them at Qin and Ming.

Although the appearance is a little embarrassed, the momentum of this group of soldiers is definitely not weak, and they look like elite soldiers at first glance.

Looking at the countless weapons pointed at from all directions, the expression of the two-gun woman next to him froze, and Talma, who was summoned, even subconsciously picked up a submachine gun.

Qin Ming, who was standing at the front, raised his head and glanced at the famous hero in front of him, and suddenly grinned.

"General Guan, as the saying goes, you don't have to trust people who are suspicious. It was your people who took the initiative to recruit us into the group. I'm afraid it's not good to treat us like this."

"You don't need to be suspicious of people who are suspicious of you. This is indeed true, but when did Guan say that he would use you?"

"If you don't need it! Then why did you ask us to come here? If you can't believe it, just say so! Farewell!"

Raising his hand and making a fist, Qin Ming turned around and left.

The Shuangqiang woman next to him turned pale when he saw this. Although he was not used to Qin Ming's way of communicating with others, which left no escape route at all and was very offending, she didn't say anything more and prepared to leave.

After all, Qin Ming is the person on her side. Conflicting with one of his own people in public for a so-called protagonist who has no idea whether he can become a helper is not in line with the double-gun woman's long-sleeved and good-dancing personality.

Just as the three of them turned around and took a few steps away, a deep voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Wait a moment!"

Amidst the harsh friction sound, Guan Yu stood up slowly, suddenly reached out and grabbed the Qinglong Yanyue Sword next to him, and swung it directly behind him.

The snow-white blade shone faintly in the moonlight. Guan Yu, who stood with the sword on his back, stared at the three people in front of him. His eyes that had been squinting suddenly widened, revealing the endless evil energy inside.

"Guan, have you allowed the three of you to leave?"

Hearing this, Qin Ming and others frowned quickly, with alert looks on their faces.

Guan Yu, on the other hand, held the Qinglong Yanyue Sword with both hands, held it horizontally in front of him, and added another sentence with a cold face.

"Isn't this a place where you can come and leave as soon as you want! Look at the knife!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a cold light lit up, and as his body spun, Guan Yu flew directly towards him!

Skill! Flying and slashing!

Looking at the sudden cold light in front of him, Qin Ming, who did not expect that the other party would attack at the slightest disagreement, quickly retreated and distanced himself, and at the same time fired a sonic hand knife with his hand.

As a result, the sonic sword was cut off by Guan Yu. In the blink of an eye, he was face to face with Qin and Ming. He suddenly raised the sword above his head and spun it in a circle.

Trick! Qinglong goes to sea!

The dazzling sword light turned into a round wheel! The scattered sword energy sliced ​​through the vegetation!

Qin Ming felt a pain in his chest even though he was still one meter away. He looked down and found that his clothes had been cut by the sword.

However, the sword was not too powerful, and Qin Ming's defense was ridiculously high, so the skin and flesh inside were not hurt at all.

Looking at Qin Ming who was unharmed, Guan Yu couldn't help but be stunned. After reacting, he suddenly swung the big knife in his hand and slashed it from bottom to top.

This knife was as fast as lightning, leaving Qin Ming no time to dodge! It was Guan Yu's famous skill! It was also the most unpredictable move among his three swords! Drag the knife to cut!

Agility was not his strong point, and now he encountered this killer move known for its speed. If Qin Ming could dodge it, it would be a miracle.

And he saw that he couldn't pull away, so he didn't want to dodge.

Instead, he swung his hand and shot a sound speed hand knife directly close to his body, and there was already a raging fire on his other hand.

With a whoosh, the sonic knife that swept close to his face was dodged by Guan Yu with a slight difference of a millimeter by tilting his head, cutting off only a strand of hair.

Guan Yu, with ferocious eyes, suddenly paused with the knife in his hand at this moment, and instantly stopped moving!

The Qinglong Yanyue Sword was just across Qin Ming's neck, and Qin Ming's other hand was also stretched out at this moment, pointing at Guan Yu's chest.

The two froze in place, looking at each other silently.

The double-gun woman and Talma next to them also held Guan Yu's vital points from both sides with their guns in their hands.

Guan Yu, who was sandwiched between the three people, had a blank expression on his face. Zhou Cang and the soldiers next to him saw this and changed their expressions. They hurriedly drew their weapons and prepared to come to rescue, but Guan Yu raised his other hand and shook it slightly, and ordered them to stop.

Looking at the cold gun barrels pointing at both sides, he looked up at the flames and air waves wrapped around Qin Ming's hands.

Guan Yu's eyes suddenly narrowed slowly again, and a smile appeared on his cold face.

"Your Excellency, good tricks."

"General Guan is also worthy of his reputation."

He swung his weapon and took the lead in withdrawing the broadsword in his hand, and even threw it to Zhou Cang beside him.

Looking up at the three people on the opposite side who also lowered their weapons, Guan Yu nodded with satisfaction.

"Zhou Cang is right, the three warriors are really good hands. They can come to help our army resist Cao thieves together, which can be said to be like adding wings to a tiger. Thank you very much!"

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