Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 135 Military Order

Stretching out his hand and stroking his beard, Guan Yu turned around and walked back to the tree with a faint smile on his face.

Zhou Cang, who caught the Qinglong Yanyue Sword next to him, couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this, and hurried over to ask in a low voice.

"General, these three............"

"Use them."

"But didn't you just say that they might be spies of the Wei army......"

"It was possible just now, but it's impossible now. Guan knows all the masters in the Wei army. If these people are from the Wei army, with such skills, Guan must have seen them. What's more, who would use such a good player as a spy? Wouldn't it be a big loss if they died?"

Pick up his copy of Zuo Zhuan again, Guan Yu stretched out his hand and stroked his beard, and suddenly turned his head and nodded to Qin Ming and the other two.

"Three warriors, please don't blame me for being suspicious. Now that we are defeated, Xiahou Dun is searching for us with all his strength. We must be on guard. Moreover, the Wei army is now powerful. I have to test your abilities. If your abilities are slightly inferior and you cannot deal with the Wei army, wouldn't it be a waste of your lives if you join us?"

At the end, Guan Yu raised his hand and clasped his fist towards this side.

Seeing this, Qin Ming, who was stroking his neck, immediately clasped his fist in return.

As early as the moment when the protagonist with terrifying attributes in front of him failed to break his defense with a big move, Qin Ming had actually guessed that the other party had no intention of killing.

After all, no matter how strong his defense is, it is impossible for him to be strong enough to withstand the brutal output of 60 points of strength without injury! Not to mention that there are skills on top!

It seems that the rumors that Guan Yu is arrogant and arrogant, and he despises the superiors but respects the inferiors, are all true.

Facing those soldiers whose status and strength are inferior to his own, Guan Yu always behaves very easy-going.

But when facing those who are at the same level as himself and are always compared with him, he will be extremely arrogant and look down on everyone.

He always says to everyone that he is a traitor!

To put it bluntly, this guy looks down on everyone, but when facing those who work under him, he will take out the attitude of a big brother, encourage and respect them.

But when he sees those who try to sit at the same table with him, he is unwilling to do so.

After all, you can toast him, and he can give you a face and clink glasses with you, but who allows you to compete with him in drinking! Don’t you have a clear idea of ​​your own identity?

And the three Qin Mings who have been recognized by him are obviously regarded as his younger brothers.

After a competition, Guan Yu, who recognized the strength of Qin Ming and others, finally accepted them completely, and even his favorability to several people directly reached 150!

This also symbolizes that the three have officially joined the Shu Army camp and successfully opened the Shu Army’s exchange column.

At Zhou Cang, the deputy general and quartermaster, the three can exchange for a large number of military items, including consumables and equipment.

There are two top-level items, one piece of equipment and one consumable.

Name: Holy Sword - Imitation (Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2)

Category: Weapon (Ordinary Silver Plot)

Equipment Requirements: Spirit 20

Attribute 1: Attack Power 25-30

Attribute 2: Wrath of the Green Emperor (The sword is wrapped in flames, causing an additional 25 points of fire damage)

Introduction: This is the Holy Sword of the Han Dynasty, an imitation of the sword that Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty used to kill the white snake. It also contains a lot of power. It is also a glorious item given by Liu Bei to generals.

Name: War Horse Bronze Gong (Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2)

Category: Consumable (Dim Silver Quality)

Effect: After use, you can summon a war horse to assist yourself in combat. The basic attributes of the war horse are all 15 points (can be used once in each world)

Introduction: Although everyone doesn’t like cavalry very much, but prefers infantry, it’s a different story on the battlefield.

Two top-level items, one is a powerful sword, and the other is a mount summoner, both of which have very good effects.

However, Qin Ming and Shuangqiangpo did not care too much about these two exchangeable items at this time, but looked at Guan Yu with strange eyes.

To be precise, it was the Qinglong Yanyue Sword inserted next to Guan Yu!

After all, Shuangqiangpo's talent can copy the protagonist's equipment, so this sword...

After taking a look at Guan Yu, who was squinting and stroking his beard, and whose expression showed that he was extremely arrogant, Shuangqiangpo hesitated for a moment, but still did not dare to speak directly to Guan Yu to borrow his weapon.

After all, if this is not borrowed well, or if the relationship is not in place, it may be necessary to deduct the favorability!

Shuangqiangpo has suffered losses in this regard before. In order to let Sakazaki Ryo take the scroll for herself, she made great efforts to accumulate enough favorability.

Before the favorability is not up to standard, she dare not joke with Guan Yu's sword.

After all, weapons and war horses are like wives to a general.

You have no relatives with him, but you ask to borrow his wife to play with or ride her. If he doesn't kill you, he is well-educated!

The double-gun woman looked at the Azure Dragon Crescent Blade with envy, and Qin Ming, who was standing next to her, actually wanted to see what level of equipment the legendary Azure Dragon Crescent Blade would be.

Could it be a gold suit?

Just as the two of them were looking at the sword, Guan Yu, who was studying the simple map, suddenly stroked his beard and spoke.

"As a vanguard officer, Li Dian is leading 3,000 troops to guard the main road, cutting off all our supply lines. The most important thing is that he has General Xiahou Dun leading 20,000 troops behind him. Once attacked, the other side will definitely send reinforcements. Now With the soldiers we have in hand, we will never be able to defeat them in a head-to-head fight. We must find a way to lure Li Dian out!"

After hearing Guan Yu's words, Shuangqiang finally looked away and nodded slightly.

"The disparity in numbers is too great. We really cannot fight head-on. General Guan, if you can trust the three of us, why not let the three of us be the vanguard and find a way to lure out Li Dian."

"Oh? Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. The two of us have a big feud with him. We just destroyed his cavalry yesterday. If we two attack, I'm sure he will be overwhelmed by anger."

"Huh? Wait a minute! It's the cavalry you destroyed!"

Guan Yu, whose expression was originally indifferent, suddenly widened his eyes. He looked up at Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po with some surprise.

It was impossible for him not to receive any news about the fact that all the cavalry in Li Dian's hands were almost completely wiped out.

Originally, he was still wondering who did this. He had been guessing that it was done by several other people, or even someone led by his third brother.

I never wanted to kill the cavalry! It was actually these two guys in front of me!

Guan Yu released his hand stroking his beard and looked at Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po with a solemn expression. After a few seconds of silence, he suddenly spoke in a cold voice.

"You two, there is no joke in the army. You two dare to issue a military order for being the vanguard and luring Li Dian out of the city to behead him!"

After hearing this, Qin Ming and Shuangqiang's eyes narrowed, and without thinking, they raised their hands and clasped their fists, and spoke at the same time.

"The general is willing to issue a military order!"

"Okay! If it's successful! You two should take the lead in this battle! When the time comes, Guan will personally recommend you two to your brother!"

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