Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 136 Plan Change

It is definitely not an easy task to lure Li Dian out of the camp and then take the opportunity to behead him.

Who is Li Dian after all? He is a famous Confucian general in the Wei camp! He is extremely vigilant!

Facing such a wise general who is good at defense, it is extremely difficult to lure him out of the hole.

And for this matter, do Qin Ming and Shuangqiangpo have a plan? The answer is absolutely not!

That's right! In fact, Qin Ming and Shuangqiangpo didn't know how to lure him out, but the two still signed the military order. The reason is very simple. It doesn't make any difference to them whether to sign it or not. There are even only benefits and no harm.

After signing, if things are done well, it means that the two of them are brave and resourceful, and they are definitely not ordinary people.

If things are not done well? Then the promotion mission has failed! Who cares what Guan Yu thinks of them! At worst, they won't return to the camp!

Do you expect the two adventurers to keep their promises? Will they be willing to go back and be punished if the mission fails? Then you might as well expect Li Dian to be foolishly deceived!

Outside Li Dian's camp, Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po were hiding in the woods, secretly observing the situation in the distance.

And the prop they used for observation was Shuangqiang Po's telescope.

Qin Ming's previous guess was correct. This telescope is indeed a reconnaissance prop, just like his dinosaur glasses.

And it is also of silver quality!

Name: Desert Commando's Tactical Telescope (Desert Commando World)

Category: Special Equipment (Ordinary Silver Plot)

Equipment Requirements: None

Effect 1: Can detect target attributes, cannot be used on adventurers.

Effect 2: Radar positioning (After locking the target, you can use the radar compass on the telescope to confirm the approximate direction of the other party)

Introduction: This glasses can not only be used to peek at people taking a bath, it can even chase and peek! The kind that can't be thrown away!

This tactical telescope and Qin Ming's dinosaur glasses have their own advantages in terms of properties.

The tactical telescope is good at long-distance reconnaissance, while Qin Ming's sunglasses are good at close-range peeping. It is hard to say which one is more useful.

Anyway, in this situation, when preparing to observe the enemy camp remotely, it is obvious that tactical telescopes are more professional.

Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po, who were together, stretched out their hands to adjust the focus of the telescope, frowned as they looked at the camp in the distance.

Li Dian is too good at defense! The entire camp is armed as solid as a rock! There is no flaw at all!

Let alone an outsider like Qin Ming who has no knowledge of arranging troops and arrays, even if other generals come, facing a camp guarded by 3,000 soldiers, I am afraid that there will be no countermeasures except for a strong attack.

Retracting the telescope, turning around and sitting with her back against the stone, Shuangqiao Po's expression is extremely melancholy at this moment.

"What should I do now? This is impossible to attack!"

Qin Ming, who also sat down next to him, was constantly rubbing his forehead with his hand.

"There are only two ways I can think of."

"Which two?"

"One! Try to find the other four Tiger Generals and their remnants. Since Guan Yu has more than a hundred soldiers, the other four should have about the same number of soldiers. If they are combined, there will be four or five hundred people. With so many soldiers and five big bosses, a strong attack should be able to break in. This should be the way to break through the nightmare space."

When he said this, Qin Ming paused slightly and frowned quickly.

"But there are risks in doing so. Don't forget that the first and second acts of the Three Kingdoms 2 world are connected. Behind the three thousand vanguards led by Li Dian, there are still 20,000 troops led by Xiahou Dun! If we can't take him down quickly, and Xiahou Dun gets the news and rushes with his troops, then we are really dead! It's useless even if all the Five Tiger Generals go!"

The double-gun woman nodded quickly when she heard the words, her face livid.

"Yes, this is indeed a hidden danger. I have found a way to confirm the situation. Xiahou Dun's army is stationed in the camp behind Bowangpo, no more than 30 miles away from the vanguard army. There is a long bridge in the middle. As long as he receives the news, he can immediately lead his troops to support! I'm afraid the cavalry will arrive in a moment!"

When the opponent has backup, it is undoubtedly a stupid way to attack, especially when the minority is fighting the majority.

The double-gun woman quickly ruled out this plan and looked up at Qin Ming again.

"What is your second plan?"

"The second plan is to do the opposite! Let's attack Xiahou Dun in turn!"

"Attack Xiahou Dun?!"

"Yes! One-eyed General Xiahou Dun is Cao Cao's confidant and the main general this time. He must not have any accidents. Even if the war is lost, he cannot die, otherwise Li Dian will not be able to go back to report."

Qin Ming quickly drew a simple map on the ground and pointed to the long bridge in the middle with a serious expression.

"Since Li Dian is good at defense and tries to hide, let's create tension for him! Let's create a false impression! As long as he finds out that Xiahou Dun is in trouble! Then you say whether he will save him or not!"

"How to create a false impression?"

"Kill people! Kill Xiahou Dun's people! Kill Xiahou Dun's confidants! Then let Guan Yu's people hold the heads of Xiahou Dun's confidants to demonstrate! I don't believe he can still sit still!"

Putting the stick in his hand on the map, Qin Ming looked at the drawn Xiahou Dun camp, his eyes flashing with murderous light.

"Li Dian is on guard against us! I don't believe Xiahou Dun is too! Double Gun Po, do you know who Xiahou Dun's confidants are in this world?"

Hearing the question, Double Gun Po nodded without thinking.

"Of course I know. I have collected this kind of information. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2, Li Dian's cronies were the infantry leader and the cavalry leader. The cavalry leader among them has died in our hands, and Xiahou Dun's cronies are Zhao. Five heroes!”

"Five heroes of the Zhao family?"

"Yes, the five big guys are brothers. Each one is stronger than the other and looks like a bear. Oh, they are just like those muscular brothers in the game. They always push you with their shoulders, hold you and strangle you. Kill those guys with me!"

As Shuangqiang Po described it, Qin Ming's eyes suddenly widened, and his face clearly showed anger.

"It turns out they are these bastards who like to fight in groups and bully others! Okay! Let's do it to them first! Let's find an opportunity to kill them!"

Quickly making a plan, the two immediately evacuated.

At the same time, in Li Dian's camp, General Li Dianzheng sealed a letter, raised his hand and handed it to a cavalryman next to him, and said with a solemn expression.

"Listen, hurry up and send me a letter to General Xiahou Dun immediately, informing him that he must send people to strengthen defenses and not to act rashly. As long as we don't mess up! The enemy without logistical supplies will only be slowly overwhelmed! Hold on! We win!"


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