Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 140 Zhao Xiong's Ambiguity

The exchange column of the Wei army camp that was opened unexpectedly is completely different from the exchange mode of the Shu army.

The favorability of the Shu army can be used to exchange for things directly.

However, there is no favorability in the Wei army, only the official position, and after reaching each official position, you can get an item of the corresponding level for free.

The big soldier can get a white equipment, and you can decide what to get, including weapons, armor, helmets and combat boots.

The decapitation can get a green equipment, and you can also choose the items you want.

The centurion is more advanced, and he can actually get a blue equipment.

When it comes to the thousand-man captain, that is, the deputy general, the things you can get are advanced, and they are actually dim silver equipment.

Above that is the general, who is at the same level as the five heroes of the Zhao family, and can get an ordinary silver item.

That's right! It's a prop! A special prop called the general's order!

The effect is to randomly summon four Wei soldiers to participate in the battle! It can be used once in each world! The profession of the summoned soldiers is random! There is a chance to summon elite monsters!

It can summon four soldiers! And the attributes of the soldiers in the world of Three Kingdoms 2 are so high! This is undoubtedly a magical weapon!

The effect is even more outrageous than the most primitive Tehuen pistol!

Obviously, compared with the favor system on Liu Bei's side, the military merit system is more popular on the Wei army side! The capable ones are promoted!

Qin Ming, who is already a centurion, quickly received his own benefits, a pair of blue military boots, with attributes of defense +2 agility +2, which is better than nothing.

In addition to the items that can be obtained, Qin Ming also opened the title mission of the Wei army, which is also three.

Title Mission 1: Famous in the Army (Wei Army Officers Reach the General Level)

Completion Reward Green Title: Wei Zhong General (Physique +10 Spirit +10)

Title Mission 2: Bravest the Three Armies (Single-challenge to kill a Shu Army small BOSS-level character)

Completion Reward Green Title: Vanguard Officer (Strength +10 Agility +10)

Title Mission 3: Kill Five Tigers in Front of Bowang Slope (Participate in killing a Five Tiger General and complete the final blow)

Completion Reward Blue Title: Five Sons and Good Generals (Automatically obtain the identity of the villain camp at the beginning, and obtain 100 points of initial favorability from all villains)

The difficulty of the three title missions is no less than that of the Shu Army, especially the last one, Five Sons and Good Generals, which is completely opposite to the title of Five Tiger Generals of the Shu Army.

One can join the protagonist camp at the beginning, and one can join the villain camp at the beginning, and the effect is very terrifying.

It is not easy to complete the title, and Qin Ming has no time to think about it at this moment.

Because now that he has been promoted, he finally has the opportunity to get in touch with the goal of his trip.

To be precise, one of the more enthusiastic guys among the Five Tigers of the Zhao Family may be very optimistic about the potential of Qin Ming and Shuangqiangpo, and has even taken the initiative to invite the two to drink!

In the tent, a big man with his upper body naked was generously holding a wine jar to pour wine for Qin Ming.

He is the second of the five brothers of the Zhao Family! Zhao Xiong!

Speaking of the five brothers of the Zhao Family, or more precisely, the entire Zhao Family, their status in the Wei Army is not ordinary.

They are a veteran family that started with Cao Cao, and their clansmen are very good at martial arts and very capable of fighting.

They are generally in the Wei Army, serving as adjutants or thousand-man captains, and the five brothers of the Zhao Family are even more popular around the general Xiahou Dun, and can be called his left and right arms.

The eldest brother Zhao Ming is sharp-minded, and his IQ is seriously inconsistent with his appearance. Although he is tall and strong, he is very capable of commanding the army, so he has always been Xiahou Dun’s main adjutant.

The second, Zhao Xiong, is the bold man in front of him. He doesn't have much strategy, but he is very good at fighting and has good martial arts. He is responsible for training soldiers.

The third is Zhao Shen, who was the one who led people to check the food before. He is an inspector in the army. He is more delicate and good at handling miscellaneous matters.

The fourth is Zhao Chu! He is generally responsible for logistics! He is considered a grain officer!

As for the fifth, Zhao Chui, he is just as stupid as his name!

He doesn't care about anything! He is just a pioneer in the army!

Among these five people, Qin Ming and Shuangqiangpo originally planned to start with the fifth, after all, who made him the lowest IQ.

As a result, they never thought that the second Zhao came to them first, and his attitude was extremely enthusiastic.

Looking at the big man who kept pouring wine for himself, Qin Ming, who drank several bowls in a row, felt more and more that something was wrong.

There is no reason for a general in the army to be so enthusiastic about a small centurion!

There is definitely a problem here! There is a trick!

Seeing Zhao Xiong preparing to pour wine for himself, Qin Ming suddenly reached out to cover the wine bowl.

Seeing the other party looking up at him in confusion, Qin Ming quickly grinned.

"General Zhao, if you have something to say, just tell me, no need to be so polite. If there is anything I can help, my two brothers will do our best to help! We will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Hearing this, Zhao Xiong's smile faded, and he quickly raised his hand to put down the wine jar.

Staring at Qin Ming, Zhao Xiong suddenly spoke in a deep voice.

"Brother Hyena, to be honest, I don't have anything to ask of you."

"Then the general invited us to drink like this..."

"I am just a more enthusiastic person. I have invited many people to drink. Not to mention centurions, I have invited soldiers."

Grinning, Zhao Xiong laughed very generously.

"It's just that I don't invite everyone. I will only invite those I respect. It seems that you two are not from aristocratic families, right?"

"Of course not, otherwise he wouldn't be a big soldier."

"Oh, there's no backing here. It's hard to get along in the military. Have you two thought about your future?"

Looking at the two of them with a smile, Zhao Xiong spoke seriously.

"You want to be famous. It's no use just fighting. You have to find a backer, otherwise you may die on the battlefield. And I, the general, am very optimistic about you two. I don't know if there is any Are you not interested in doing things with me?”

Zhao Xiong's words made the two of them suddenly realize that after working together for a long time, the other party was here to take in his younger brother!

With almost no hesitation, the two stood up and clasped their fists at the same time.

"Willing to serve the general!"

"Hey, you don't have to be so serious, you don't have to be so serious. It's a good thing that you are willing to follow me. Since you are willing to follow me, we are brothers from now on. And since we are brothers, there is no need to be so polite. By the way, in order to celebrate You two have been promoted, why don't you all drink and talk together today, stay drunk and sleep together?"

"Sleep with enough energy?!"

Upon hearing these four words, Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po's eyes widened instantly.

Feeling Zhao Xiong's smiling eyes, he couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

Good guy! No wonder you are so enthusiastic! I've been waiting for them here for a long time!

Could this guy have noticed that the double-gun woman is a daughter? It's a shame she spent half a day putting on makeup!

"Um...General, we still have tasks to perform today. Isn't this bad?"

"Mission? It doesn't matter! Just go to one! Stay with the other to drink with me!"


"Stop talking! It's settled! Listen to me, your elder brother!"

Seeing Zhao Xiong determined to do something and fall asleep, Qin Ming's eyes gradually became gloomy.

When he was considering whether to take advantage of the opportunity to take action, his hand was suddenly stopped by the two-gun woman on the side.

The double-gun woman slowly shook her head. Her meaning was very obvious. It was not dark yet, and it would be easy to get into trouble if there were too many people. She had to endure it for a while and wait for a while.

Seeing this, Qin Ming couldn't help but sigh. Seeing that the two gunmen were willing to bear the humiliation and drink with this big man who had ulterior motives, he naturally couldn't say anything more and could only nod and agree.

Seeing that the two agreed to his request, the smile on Zhao Xiong's face became even brighter for a while, and he even reached out his hand and enthusiastically held the hand of Qin Ming next to Shuangqiang Po.

Looking at the big paw on his palm, Qin Ming's eyes suddenly widened, and he slowly looked up at Zhao Xiong with a shocked face.

Then he raised his head and met Zhao Xiong's tender eyes...

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