Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 141 Sneak Attack and Rampage

Zhao Xiong, the second of the five tigers of the Zhao family, is powerful and has the style of a great general.

However, he also has a small flaw, that is, he is more lustful. The most important thing is that he is not greedy for women, but...

Looking at Zhao Xiong who kept reaching out to pull him, with an extremely ambiguous smile on his face, Qin Ming's expression was like eating a fly for a while.

And the double-gun woman, who was originally frowning, was almost unable to hold back her laughter at this moment.

This wine was drunk from the evening to midnight. Qin Ming drank it like sitting on pins and needles, feeling uncomfortable all over.

Seeing that it was late at night, Zhao Xiong finally exposed his true nature and began to discuss sleeping on the same bed.

Looking at the big guy in front of him who was more than two meters tall and had nothing but muscles all over his body, he kept pulling him to go to bed.

In order to avoid becoming a water pipe for ventilation, Qin Ming, who had endured the other party's dirty hands all night, finally exploded.

While the other party turned around to tidy up the bedding, Qin Ming and the two-gun woman suddenly looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

The next second, a black shadow suddenly rushed out, and Qin Ming jumped onto Zhao Xiong's back on the spot.

He covered the other party's mouth with both hands, and at the same time opened his bloody mouth, and Qin Ming bit the other party's neck with a ferocious expression!

A-level skill! Essence absorption! Start!

This sudden attack made Zhao Xiong scream in pain, but unfortunately his big mouth was sealed by his palm, so that the sound could not be heard at all.

Before he could shake his body frantically and try to throw the guy off his back, a white light lit up in front of him, and the two-gun woman who came to him had already launched a trick with a stern face.

B-level super-killing move! Dragon and tiger dance!

Stepping forward, starting with a knee strike, the two-gun woman came up with a dazzling combo.

In two seconds, Zhao Xiong was hit 26 times in a row before he finished with a wave punch.

The Extreme Flow of Dragon and Tiger Dance is not just about hitting fast. While hitting the enemy's body, this move will also inject Qi into the opponent's body, causing a stiff effect.

It can be said that once the body is hit by this move and it is not blocked in the first time, then the subsequent set of hits will no longer be blocked!

This was the case with Qin Ming before! The same is true for Zhao Xiong at this moment!

However, Zhao Xiong, who took this set of hits, did not shake at all! Still standing there! Like an immovable iron tower!

B-level defense skills! Zhao's body training method!

There is an enemy running wild in front, and a big man is tied up on the back.

Zhao Xiong, who was caught in the middle, suddenly had a fierce light in his eyes and quickly chose to counterattack.

This so-called small BOSS in the world of Three Kingdoms 2! Especially the small BOSS in the second act! The combat effectiveness is not much worse than the BOSS in the first act of other worlds!

Qin Ming and the double-gun woman's joint sneak attack! It didn't affect his fighting power at all!

With veins bulging on his forehead, Zhao Xiong stared fiercely, and suddenly raised his leg and kicked out with all his strength.

Seeing this, the double-gun woman in front of him quickly raised her hand to parry. Although she used the defensive skills in the extreme flow, she was still kicked out by this kick.

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Xiong reached out and grabbed Qin Ming's clothes behind him. With veins bulging on his arms, he actually threw Qin Ming up.

With a bang, Qin Ming's body, which had already grown huge, slammed hard on the chopping board, smashing the table on the spot.

Before he could struggle to get up, Zhao Xiong had already raised his leg and stepped fiercely with a ferocious expression.

This kick hit Qin Ming's chest without deviation, and Qin Ming couldn't help but groan.

But before Zhao Xiong, who saw this scene, showed joy on his face, Qin Ming, who had been kicked hard, had already widened his eyes and stretched out his palm at full speed.

As the flames entangled him, the high-temperature fire hand thrust out with all its strength, like a fire dragon, and accurately stabbed into Zhao Xiong's... uh, crotch!


The vital part was suddenly hit, and Zhao Xiong's expression twisted in pain, and his mouth opened to the limit.

This big man who could just take a set of B-level special moves without being moved, now he can't bear it at all!

As soon as he screamed, Qin Ming, who was pulling the opponent's vital part, had already pulled with all his strength.

An oolong stood up and dragged Zhao Xiong to the ground.

Qin Ming, who stretched out his hand to grab the opponent's vital part, just dragged the opponent back and forth desperately, and really proved with facts what it means that men understand men better! Knowing where to hit will cause higher damage!

Zhao Xiong, who has the Zhao family's body refining skills, is a body of steel and iron.

It is precisely because of this invulnerability that the Zhao family can have a large number of officials in the Wei army.

But the problem is that even if the body is hard, there will always be soft spots.

Even if Qin Ming is as hard as he is, and can be immune to all damage below 11 points, he dare not use his lower body to block the knife! When he sees that place being attacked, he will also choose to raise his hand to block it!

Sun Wukong also has an indestructible body. Have you ever seen him use his head to hit other people's weapons? Whether it can be blocked is one question, and whether it hurts is another question!

Qin Ming, who found that he seemed to be unable to hit this dead gay head-on, directly chose to attack the opponent's soft spot. Facts have proved that this move is insidious, but it is indeed effective.

In the roar, Qin Ming, who was holding the opponent's lower body, swung his arms vigorously, and actually threw the big man Zhao Xiong up!

A large number of furnishings in the tent were forcibly swept away, and the drinks on the table were overturned.

Qin Ming, who was clinging to the opponent's vitals, suddenly raised his first hand.

The next second! The fire is boiling! The air wave swept across!

Charge up! Sonic hand knife!


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

A shrill scream came from the camp, causing a group of soldiers outside who happened to be passing by to tremble in fright and hurriedly raised their weapons.

But before they could rush forward, the captain suddenly waved his hand.

"Stop it, stop it! You dare to break into Lord Zhao Xiong's camp! I don't want you to survive!"

The few soldiers who stopped couldn't help but look at each other in shock when they heard this.

"But Captain! The screams inside just now..."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I scream like this every day. I was put to sleep by a big man over two meters tall. You screamed worse than him!"

The captain who led the patrol was obviously an old man in the military. He was very aware of the virtues of the Five Tigers of the Zhao family, especially Zhao Xiong, who had special hobbies.

"If you don't want to die, please leave with me and continue patrolling. What Mr. Zhao Xiong hates most is when others disturb his enjoyment. It would be okay if he just beats you up. But if he feels unhappy, he will also target you. , let you sleep with him...Tsk! Remember Mr. Zhao's physique! Think about the consequences!"

Hearing the captain's words, the soldiers holding spears next to them suddenly felt a chill in their buttocks. They hurriedly covered their buttocks and followed the captain's footsteps, walking towards the distance.

Only Zhao Xiong's tent, whose screams quickly stopped, was left standing alone...

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