Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 142 Death of Zhao Xiong

Inside the tent at this moment, Qin Ming, who specialized in beating people in the lower three places, finally let go.

This is not to say that he finally found his conscience and could not bear to continue to persecute his kind.

He let go at this time, mainly because there was really no vital part on the other party to grab…………

Qin Ming, who forcibly cut off the opponent's life with a sonic hand knife, threw the thing in his hand to the ground, and looked up fiercely at the enemy in front of him.

Zhao Xiong, who fell on the opposite side, was rolling on the ground with his hands covering his crotch, his eyes and mouth opened roundly, and his tongue stuck out desperately, but he couldn't make even a sound.

Qin Ming has always been a vengeful person. This guy in front of him actually dared to put his hands on him, so he would naturally make the other party pay a price.

Not to mention that this big man was invulnerable to swords and guns, so only by attacking here could he be solved as quickly as possible!

Qin Ming, with blood on his hands, suddenly opened his arms to the left and right without giving Zhao Xiong a chance to recover.

Charge! Sonic knife!

Seeing this, the double-gun woman who had already jumped up beside him also took a horse stance and put her hands on her waist.

Super killer! Overlord Xianghou Fist!


A two-meter-wide huge fire wheel and a two-meter-long spherical energy cannon hit the fallen Zhao Xiong together.

Zhao Xiong, who had already been severely injured, could not withstand such an attack.

He only had time to scream! He was engulfed by two flames!

The violent explosion spread, and the powerful shock wave even tore the tent apart! At the same time, it blew down a large number of tents around!

Such a big noise here! Now it is difficult not to attract attention!

After all, no matter how strong Zhao Xiong is, he is just a person! It is not a mortar shell! How can a person make such a big noise!

Can he be stabbed and blown up!

There were chaotic footsteps, and soldiers from all directions rushed here quickly.

When they rushed to the ruins of the tent, they found that it had become quiet here, and there was no trace of any enemy inside.

There was only a headless corpse...

The soldiers couldn't help looking at each other in surprise at the headless corpse that was almost cut in two on the ground, and the whole body was severely burnt. The most important thing was that it was still in the posture of covering its hands.

And the faces of several centurions who had recognized who the corpse belonged to changed drastically.

Some were shocked, some were ecstatic, and some looked relieved.

Of course, there were also people who turned around quickly and ran to inform the general of the matter...

A few minutes later, Xiahou Dun, who had hurriedly put on his clothes, finally came here in the meeting tent.

He entered the big tent and looked down at the headless corpse placed in the middle, and his face couldn't help but become gloomy.

And next to the corpse, there were four big men with sullen faces and very similar looks.

Crouching down and checking the corpse, Xiahou Dun's one eye flashed with a fierce light.

"Who did this?!"

Hearing the question, the eldest brother Zhao Ming took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

"The two centurions who just took office!"


Hearing this official title, Xiahou Dun was suddenly stunned.

Then he looked down at the two corpses whose heads were cut off, and the fierce light on his face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a hesitant look.

"Zhao Xiong used his official title to oppress them again, making them..."


"Asshole! I've said it several times! Don't mess around in the army! Sooner or later, something will happen if you do this! He just won't listen! Now it's good! He's forced the other party into a rage!"

He raised his leg and kicked Zhao Xiong's body fiercely. When he learned that he was killed because of this incident, Xiahou Dun's face turned green with anger.

The four brothers beside him hurriedly lowered their heads when they saw this, and they didn't dare to refute their dead brother at this time.

After all, the cause of death was indeed too shameful to talk about.

Xiahou Dun cursed twice, then kicked the table fiercely after calming down, lowered his head and fell into silence.

The four brothers standing next to him looked at each other, and the eldest brother Zhao Ming hesitated for a second, then suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"General, I don't know what to do with the two people who escaped..."

"Why are you still standing here? Your own brother is dead! You don't care! Chase! Bring the cavalry to chase! Bring back their heads and Zhao Xiong's head!"


Four roars sounded at the same time, and the four brothers of the Zhao family, who had been waiting for this order, turned around at the same time and rushed out aggressively.

A moment later, as the cavalry left the camp, the three thousand cavalry were divided into four teams! They started chasing aggressively in the distance!

For a while, only Xiahou Dun was still standing in the tent.

Looking down at Zhao Xiong's headless body, he couldn't help shaking his head and suddenly called a personal guard, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry sent by Cao Cao to protect his safety.

Quickly writing on the envelope and handing it to the other party, Xiahou Dun spoke coldly.

"Before dawn! Be sure to give this letter to Li Dian! Tell him that an unexpected situation has occurred in the camp! Zhao Xiong was killed! But it's harmless! Tell him not to act rashly no matter what news he receives!"


The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry raised his hands and clasped his fists, took the envelope and turned around and left.

Xiahou Dun, who stood there with his hands behind his back and watched him leave, had a gradually deep look in his eyes.

At first, he was just angry at Zhao Xiong. After all, his beloved general did not die on the battlefield. Instead, he died in the hands of his own people for such a ridiculous reason. It would be too embarrassing to spread this news. .

But as he calmed down, Xiahou Dun realized that something seemed wrong.

How could two ordinary soldiers kill Zhao Xiong? You must know that Zhao Xiong is the second most capable of fighting among the five brothers of the Zhao family! Second only to his eldest brother!

When this gay guy caused trouble before, it was not like he had never encountered resistance from anyone, but he was able to defeat them all.

This time, he died quietly in the camp and was not discovered until the end.

This is not right! There's something wrong with the strength of those two soldiers! They are no ordinary soldiers!

Since he was not an ordinary soldier, who could the other party be? Is it the gold that was covered in dust and couldn't shine before? Or someone with ulterior motives......

No matter who the other party is, Xiahou Dun is prepared to add a layer of insurance for safety reasons.

He had to inform Li Dian about Zhao Xiong's death to prevent anyone from making an issue out of Zhao Xiong's head.

Looking down at the headless corpse on the ground, Xiahou Dun's one eye slowly narrowed.

"Zhao Xiong, Zhao Xiong, I don't know whether you were fooled to death by yourself, or whether you accidentally blocked another knife for me..."

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