Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 15 Hidden Mission

Looking at the wide-eyed Tehuen lying on the ground, the scene suddenly became silent.

Everyone looked at each other, and after a long silence, Jack on the side suddenly went berserk.

Reaching out and grabbing Qin Ming's collar, he lifted him up high with his brute force and slammed him against the wall. Jack's expression was extremely ferocious at this moment.

"You damn bastard! What are you doing!"

Qin Ming did not give an answer after hearing this. He just stared at the other party with a stern face, silently raised the blue pistol in his hand, and pressed the muzzle against the other party's jaw.

Feeling the cold touch from his chin, Jack's expression stiffened instantly, and he chose to let go of his hand very rationally.

As his palm loosened, Qin Ming quickly landed, stretched out his hand to adjust his collar, and snorted coldly.

"What? What else can you do! Kill people!"

"He has no power to resist! We should hand him over to the government!"

"Huh? When those minions on the road had no power to resist, why didn't you say to hand them over to the government!"


"Besides! Hand him over to the government! Then I'll take revenge on you for my tavern! It's not your tavern that was bombed! You're talking without any pain in your back!"

Looking at Qin Ming's unhappy face, Jack's expression was ashen, and his favorability towards him dropped by 100 on the spot. Even the other two protagonists, Mais and Mustafa, beside him, dropped by about 50.

However, Qin Ming didn't care about this at all. If there was no favorability, then there was no favorability. Their favorability was not high to begin with, and it was impossible to expect to exchange for good things.

In this case, it would be better to take the BOSS's spoils directly. Even if the gold content would drop significantly due to the participation of plot characters in the battle, it was still BOSS-level spoils after all, and it was definitely not a loss.

Just when the atmosphere here became not so good, footsteps suddenly sounded in the distance.

It turned out to be Hannah, the only heroine in the world of Dino Fighter, who walked over with a scarred body.

As soon as she appeared, Jack and his trio couldn't help but change their faces when they saw her in a messy look, and hurried over to ask about the situation.

As Hannah explained, and looked at Qin Ming with gratitude, Mais and Mustafa, who learned that it was Qin Ming who saved Hannah, actually recovered 30 points of Qin Ming's favorability.

As for Jack...

Looking at Jack whose favorability dropped by 50 points again and directly reached -200 points, Qin Ming turned his back to them and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Good guy, not helping will deduct favorability, and helping will also deduct favorability. This bastard is determined to fight with him, right!

He has only heard that the eyes of lovers are beautiful, and no matter what they do, they are good.

This is the first time I heard that the enemy can see zombies in the eyes of the enemy, and doing good things can be disliked.

Damn! When we leave this dungeon world, we must find a chance to shoot this guy! We should kill him as if he were a boss!

Qin Ming, who was constantly muttering in his heart, had already come to the body of the big boss, Te Huon. Looking at the corpse on the ground with his eyes wide open, he quickly bent down and picked up the key he dropped.

Unlike the bloody keys dropped by other adventurers and the white or green keys dropped by the minions, as the final boss of the first level, Te Huon dropped a silver key.

Unfortunately, because there were three plot characters participating in the battle, the bright silver color on the surface of the key was very dim, and it was almost impossible to see. The loot inside was definitely not much better.

But it didn't matter to Qin Ming. Even if you gave him a white equipment, as long as the quantity was enough, he could upgrade it to a super artifact for you.

After dealing with the poacher team and successfully asking the enemy about the other leaders of the poaching organization, the four protagonists are now ready to retreat and go to the dinosaur forest to stop the poachers' dragon hunting plan.

And Qin Ming, who joined halfway, has to officially part ways with them.

Walking to the exit of the building, Hannah, who looked more and more pitiful after simple bandages on her wounds, suddenly turned her head to look at Qin Ming and struggled to stretch out a hand to him.

"Mr. Qin, thank you for your help this time, and thank you for saving my life."

Looking at Hannah with a grateful face, Qin Ming shrugged indifferently.

"This is what I should do. We are all friends. There is no need to be so polite."

Hearing this, Hannah couldn't help but smile, and suddenly spoke after a moment of silence.

"Mr. Qin, since we are friends, I will speak frankly. We are going to the Dinosaur Forest to stop the hunting gang's plot. As a friend, I wonder if you are willing to help me?"

When she said this, Hannah, a diplomat with many thoughts, suddenly covered her wound and turned her head to show a pitiful expression.

"After all, I am injured like this now. It is very dangerous to go on adventures. If no one protects me, what will happen if I am beaten to death? Don't you think so, Mr. Qin?"

As soon as the voice fell, the reminder sound of the nightmare space quickly rang in Qin Ming's ears.

"Ding Dong! It is detected that the protagonist Hannah and the adventurer have a good impression of more than 250 points, and the protagonist team has obtained the relevant information of the second level BOSS, which meets the triggering conditions. Congratulations to the adventurer for triggering the hidden task: The butcher who appeared in advance"

Hidden task: The butcher who appeared in advance

Task difficulty: C level

Task completion reward: 5000 points, 5 free attribute points.

Task failure penalty: The protagonist's group favorability is reduced by 50 points

Task introduction: Because of the situation in advance, you are invited by the protagonist group to go to the Dinosaur Forest without stopping to stop the evil plan of the poachers. There, waiting for you will be a bloody crazy slaughterer (Hint: Because it is triggered in the form of a hidden task, the four protagonists will continue to participate in this battle, so whether to seize the opportunity to take a risk or to be safe and stop while you are ahead is up to you to decide)

Qin Ming's eyes widened when he heard the voice in his ear, until Hannah on the opposite side called his name twice with a puzzled look, and he finally woke up.

Hidden task? He actually triggered the hidden task!

Took a deep breath, subconsciously pressed the pistol on his waist, and Qin Ming suddenly nodded solemnly at Hannah.

"Okay! For your sake! I'll do you a favor!"

As soon as these words came out, Hannah's face on the other side suddenly broke into a bright smile, and her favorability increased by 30 points, reaching over 300 points directly.

Jack, who had been watching from a distance, had a dark face at this moment, and his favorability towards Qin Ming also reached over 300 points... -300.

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