Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 16 Terhune's Wife

The qualification to enter the second level of Dino Fighter was accidentally triggered. This is good news, but also bad news.

After all, the combat power of the BOSS in the second level is not comparable to that of the Te Huon in the first level.

As Qin Ming chose to accept the hidden task, the difficulty level of the Dino Fighter World, which was originally D-level, was directly increased to C-level.

And this is because four protagonists continued to participate in the battle, which wiped out part of the combat power!

Under normal circumstances, the four protagonists will not participate in the battle, and even if they do, at most only one will come. In this way, the difficulty evaluation of the second level of Bloody Butcher is not just as simple as C-level!

The reason why the four protagonists can appear together this time is mainly because the second level is triggered by a hidden task, which inherits the benefits of Qin Ming's novice level in disguise.

And this! This is why Qin Ming decisively chose to accept this task!

After the novice level! Where can he find four powerful fighters! Encountering such an opportunity! If you don't seize the opportunity to grab a handful! Then don't expect to survive in this nightmare space full of dangers!

After making an appointment with the four protagonists to meet at a place for a while, Qin Ming temporarily separated from the four of them.

After all, Hannah was so seriously injured that she had to heal, which would take some time.

And Qin Ming took advantage of this time to go out alone and leave the team, naturally he also had his own things to do.

After watching the four people leave, he suddenly took out the pistol from his waist with a stern face, turned around and walked towards the building again.

There are still many hunter minions that have not been dealt with here, and those are all trophies. The four protagonists can not want them, but he must take them!

Because he also wants to take this opportunity to complete the title mission of the protagonist camp!

Killing one hundred hunter members can complete the title mission of the natural protector, and thus obtain the white title: natural defender.

This title! Qin Ming must get it!

Holding a blue pistol, Qin Ming turned and entered the building, and began to carefully investigate each room, searching for the remaining hunter members.

This search took more than an hour.

After an hour, Qin Ming, who had finally cleared the entire building, took a taxi and started driving towards the assembly point set with the protagonists. On the way, he did not forget to check his spoils.

Now his title of Nature Guardian has not been completed, but has reached 71/100. It seems that he can only find a way to make up the quota in the second level later.

In addition, Qin Ming also received a lot of rewards by killing a large number of poachers.

Among them, there are nine white keys alone, which come from ordinary minions.

Two green keys come from elite monsters such as fat men or knife throwers.

In addition, Qin Ming also had an unexpected gain, that is, he encountered a small BOSS below the floor where he rescued Hannah before!

It was a velociraptor! A velociraptor locked in an iron cage!

This velociraptor has extremely strong combat power. When Qin Ming found it, it had already bitten the surrounding iron cages severely deformed, and it was about to break the cage and rush out.

If ordinary adventurers encounter it, they may not know how to deal with it. If they are not careful, it will break out of the cage and start a life-and-death battle in the narrow room.

It's a pity that it met Qin Ming. All beings are equal under the revolver. After firing four rounds of bullets in a row, the little BOSS, who didn't have time to rush out, died with hatred.

Fortunately, the scene was not seen by the four protagonists. Otherwise, based on the characters of the four guys who love dinosaurs as their lives and believe that people and nature can live in peace, Qin Ming's favorability must be deducted on the spot.

The Velociraptor little BOSS exploded a blue key for Qin Ming. This was also the first time Qin Ming saw this color of trophy.

Now he is sitting in the car, carefully looking at the handful of keys in his hand, his eyes flickering.

When the car stopped, he found a corner to sit down and started opening the treasure chest directly.

The enemy in the second level will definitely be more powerful, so Qin Ming urgently needs to arm himself.

Improving the equipment level is definitely the best and fastest way to arm, so now is the best time to open the treasure chest.

The most important thing is that Qin Ming also wants to take this opportunity to test one thing, that is...

Looking at the two white keys gradually merging into a green key in the flashing light, Qin Ming couldn't help but show a bright smile on his face.

He guessed right! This treasure chest can really merge with each other!

Since they can merge! The bloody keys that adventurers exploded can also merge in nine out of ten cases! This is good news!

He has one more way to strengthen himself!

Continue to fuse, using two green keys to merge into a blue key.

Qin Ming looked down at the two blue keys in his hand, hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and chose to merge them together again.

The next second, a light silver key appeared in Qin Ming's hand, shining in the sun.

The color is exactly the same as that exploded by Te Huon! They are all dim silver keys!

Then next...

The light flashed again, and the two silver keys merged with each other, and suddenly burst into a dazzling brilliance.

When the light faded, a large silver key appeared.

Consumables: ordinary silver key!

Looking at the silver key that was completely white and even covered with gorgeous patterns, Qin Ming grinned and nodded with satisfaction.

Then he used other scraps to fuse a dull silver key, and then opened both without hesitation.

This is not to say that he did not want to continue the fusion, but mainly because silver keys are also divided into grades. Ordinary silver keys and dull silver keys are not equal, and they cannot be fused at all.

With a flash of light, two pieces of equipment appeared in Qin Ming's hands.

[Name: Terhuon's Wife]

[Quality: Silver (Ordinary Plot Equipment)]

[Equipment Requirements: None]

[Fixed Attack Power: 30-40]

[Ammo Capacity: 6/6]

[Special Effect: Boss's Majesty (Fire a shot into the sky to summon three minions from the first act of Dino Fighter to join the battle. There is a certain chance to summon an elite monster. It can only be used once in each world)]

[Introduction: Terhuon loves this gun very much, even more than his wife]

[Name: Dinosaur Glasses]

[Quality: Blue (Plot Equipment)]

[Equipment Requirements: None]

[Special Effect: Can detect the basic attributes of the target]

[Introduction: This is a combat power detection glasses developed by the hunting group specifically for hunting dinosaurs. Only the leader-level existence is qualified to wear it. It is very rare (Hint: This item can only work on plot characters)]

Looking at the two new equipment in front of him, Qin Ming couldn't help but be stunned.

He picked up the glasses and put them on casually, and looked around.

Looking at the citizens passing by and the data on them, Qin Ming suddenly shook his head.

I thought that the silver key would definitely drop silver equipment, but now it seems that this is not necessarily the case.

The dull silver key seems to only drop blue equipment, but the quality is better and rarer.

At least Qin Ming dares to guarantee that the glasses on his face that can detect other people's basic attributes will definitely be a hot commodity in the infinite space, and the price may not be worse than ordinary silver equipment.

After all, only by knowing your enemy can you win every battle. It goes without saying how important intelligence is.

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