Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 17 Officially Joining the Partnership

With the special method to obtain the exclusive weapon of Tehuen, Qin Ming's original blue pistol was officially announced to be laid off.

However, Qin Ming did not choose to eliminate it directly, but reused it and made full use of its residual heat as much as possible.

That is to merge it with the dinosaur glasses, and forcibly upgrade the blue plot equipment of the dinosaur glasses to silver quality.

Dinosaur glasses, dim silver plot equipment, can check the basic attributes of the plot characters. In addition, an additional charm value of +1 is added.

Qin Ming is not very clear about the use of this charm value attribute now, after all, this attribute is the first time he has encountered it.

Unable to figure out whether he is making a profit or a loss, he just wears the glasses and raises his hand to knock on the door in front of him.

A moment later, accompanied by a creak, the door slowly opened, and Mustafa poked his head out.

After seeing that it was Qin Ming, he quickly nodded and stepped aside to let Qin Ming walk in.

After Qin Ming entered the room, he found that Hannah, the "big" beauty, had recovered from her injury. At this moment, she was wearing a small camisole and gently moving her shoulders.

Sitting next to him were his old enemy Jack, who was staring at him intently, and the big guy Max, who was also staring at him intently.

Because he was dissatisfied with others peeking at him, Jack even reached out and pushed Max several times, but unfortunately, Max didn't react at all because he was thick-skinned and thick-skinned, and continued to stare at him.

After all, he couldn't control himself in front of the beauty.

Hearing the movement from the door, Hannah quickly turned her head and looked over.

She put her shirt on her shoulders casually, looked at Qin Ming and suddenly raised her eyebrows, and spoke with some doubts.

"Am I having an illusion? Why do I feel that you seem to be a little more handsome?"

Hearing this, Qin Ming, who had just entered the room, was stunned. After reacting, he quickly reached out and wiped his hair, and shook his bangs hard.

"Huh? Is that so? Haven't I always been so handsome?"

Hearing this, Hannah chuckled, and just as she was about to continue speaking, she heard Jack coughing hard next to her.

Knowing that Jack and Qin Ming didn't get along well, she hurriedly chose to change the subject to avoid a conflict between the two.

"Okay, since everyone is here, let's get ready to go and head to the Dinosaur Forest immediately!"

As the investigator and the chief of staff in the team gave orders, the other three quickly nodded and stood up.

But after Jack stood up, he glanced at Qin Ming coldly, and suddenly spoke.

"I'll make it clear in advance that my car can only seat four people, and there's no room for more."

Hearing this, Qin Ming smiled brightly and immediately opened his mouth to give an answer.

"It's okay, I can sit on your windshield and help you clean the glass by the way."


"Okay, okay! Both of you should say less! Jack, you are a master of vehicle modification after all. I think it shouldn't be a problem to slightly modify your Cadillac car."


"I believe in your skills."

"Okay, let's modify it!"

Gritting his teeth, seeing that Hannah had said so much, what else could Jack say.

He glanced at Qin Ming again, turned around with a stinky face and strode away, while Hannah took this opportunity to walk in front of Qin Ming and extended a hand with a smile.

"Mr. Qin Ming, welcome to join the team."

As the voice fell, the new nightmare space prompt sounded in Qin Ming's ears.

[Ding Dong! Congratulations to the adventurer for completely gaining the recognition of the protagonist gang and successfully joining it. The Dinosaur Fighter World protagonist camp is fully open to you]

As the system prompt sound ended, Qin Ming suddenly found that the redeemable items he had with the four protagonists had changed slightly.

The equipment that can be exchanged is still the same, but in addition, the four protagonists also have their own special exchange items below, and they are all related to their abilities.

The protagonist Jack is a senior vehicle modification engineer. If the favorability with him reaches 500 points, you can come to him to modify a vehicle once, or get a blue quality Cadillac car by consuming 500 points of favorability at a time.

This car is extremely fast, has good defense, and can be driven automatically. It has strong performance and is definitely a good treasure.

Just relying on the relationship between Qin Ming and Jack... still want to change the car? Maybe in the next life!

In addition to the protagonist Jack, the other three protagonists also have unique exchange items, which are special exchange items that will be opened after completely gaining the trust of the team.

Hannah is an intelligence diplomat and dinosaur maintainer. She is very good at dealing with dinosaurs. Therefore, you can consume 500 points of favorability from her to exchange for a special prop, or a blue pet dinosaur!

There is no need to say how strong the dinosaur's combat power is, not to mention that this thing can be ridden, and it is much cooler to ride than ordinary cars.

And the special prop that needs to consume 500 points of favorability to exchange is called Hannah's love note. When this item is given to a male plot character, it can directly increase the other party's favorability by 200 points!

There is no need to say how useful this thing is, but why does Qin Ming have nothing to do to improve the favorability of men? He doesn't have any special hobbies!

As for the other two, Mais and Mustafa, one can conduct professional muscle training to increase the upper limit of strength or physique. As for how much it can be increased, it depends on the performance of the trainee.

The other is to be able to conduct professional agility training and improve agility.

This special exchange option for four people is much more useful than the previous exchange of blue equipment.

It's a pity that among the four people at this time, even Hannah, who has the best relationship with Qin Ming and was saved by him, has a favorability of just over 300.

It is still a long way to reach 500 points...

Two hours later, as the door of Jack's car repair shop opened, a Cadillac car from the dinosaur era roared out of it.

As a unique car that relies on burning manure to obtain kinetic energy, this Cadillac can be said to be very low-energy and environmentally friendly, pure and pollution-free, which is very consistent with the identity of the four protagonists as natural guards.

At this moment, the four people have each sat in their respective positions and are constantly bowing their heads to organize their equipment.

As for Qin Ming, the new guy?

At the trunk of the vehicle, the outer shell has been removed at this moment, and a higher seat has been installed instead.

Qin Ming is now sitting on this seat.

Wearing dinosaur sunglasses on his face and a silver plot pistol on his waist, Qin Ming, who was blowing in the wind all the way, followed the four protagonists and quickly rushed out of the city and headed towards the legendary Dinosaur Fighter Act 2, the Dinosaur Forest...

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