Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 18 Dinosaur Forest

The Dinosaur Forest is a huge forest located next to the old site of New York.

With the flood receding, this place has regained its vitality. Now it can be said to be a paradise for dinosaurs, with all kinds of dinosaurs in it.

But this paradise refers to the past. As for now, with the arrival of a group of poachers, this place has become a hell for dinosaurs.

A triceratops stumbled out of the woods and ran out with a roar.

A moment later, with the swaying of the bushes behind, several big men in green camouflage uniforms and scarves on their heads quickly rushed out.

And as soon as they appeared, they raised their shotguns and started shooting.

These guys have very accurate shooting skills, and the dinosaurs are very large. A round of volleys almost all hit the body of the fleeing triceratops in front.

Amid the wailing, the big dinosaur fell to the ground with a bang, bleeding profusely.

The poachers who saw the target were clapping their hands to celebrate, and strode towards this side with rifles.

They are members of the poacher team and the main enemy in the second act of Dino Fighter.

They are different from the minions under the boss Terhun in the first act. To put it bluntly, those guys are just a mob, a bunch of organized ruffians.

The poachers in the second act are a group of real desperadoes.

The biggest difference between them and the mob in the first act is that they have guns in their hands!

Just when these poachers approached and began to check the condition of the Triceratops, a deafening roar of the motor suddenly sounded in the woods in the distance.

Hearing the noise, these poachers hurriedly looked up, grabbed their weapons and tried to set up the guns.

Unfortunately, by the time they reacted, it was too late!

With a bang! The bushes next to them exploded! Countless wood chips flew!

A heavy Cadillac roared out of the woods! It just crashed into several poachers!

Amid screams, these unlucky guys flew backwards on the spot, and one of them was crushed under the car and died instantly.

Before they could fly a few meters away, the few people who rolled to the ground struggled to get up. Qin Ming, who was sitting in the temporary seat of the Cadillac car that suddenly stopped after a tailspin, had already started shooting.

Bang Bang, a few gunshots, and the poachers who had just sat up fell down instantly, and there was no movement anymore.

Qin Ming, who had dealt with a few people, turned the revolver in his hand and put it back to his waist.

The car door opened, and the four protagonists and Qin Ming got out of the car quickly. Hannah immediately ran to the Triceratops that fell to the ground in the distance to check on the other party's condition, and the others walked towards the only survivor in front.

Hearing the footsteps approaching, the poacher struggled and was about to turn around to pick up the gun, but just as his palm touched his hunting rifle, he saw a big foot stepping on the gun, and then he felt a chill on his forehead.

As he slowly raised his head, he saw a man pointing a gun at his forehead with an expressionless face, his eyes were very ferocious.

"Come on! Try to move again! See if your hand is faster! Or my bullet is faster! Come on!"

Hearing this threat, the poacher's eyes twitched slightly, and he loosened his palm very tactfully, and was pulled up by the collar of the muscle man Mais the next second.

Grabbing the enemy and shaking him hard, Mais roared.

"Tell me! Where is your boss!"

"Left, in the base on the left."

"Take us there!"

"Yes! Yes!"

Pushing the poacher in his hand hard, the protagonists who forced him to lead the way immediately followed him into the depths of the woods.

Qin Ming, who was mixed in, kept reaching out to adjust his glasses, silently looking at the attributes of the people around him, and his eyebrows jumped.

Name: Poacher (Dinosaur Fight Act 2)

Strength: 5

Constance: 5

Agility: 10

Spirit: 2

Introduction: A peripheral member of the Poacher organization, proficient in gunmanship, and also has certain melee capabilities.

The attributes of the enemies in Act 2 of Dinosaur Fight have been clearly detected by Qin Ming with his dinosaur glasses at this time.

To be honest, their attributes surprised Qin Ming. This is not to say that their attributes are too high, on the contrary, their attributes are too low!

You should know that even the minions in Act 1 are not necessarily much weaker than them in attributes. The only thing that may be inferior is agility.

This has come to Act 2, and the difficulty has increased by a large level. The attributes of these guys are still so low, which is really beyond Qin Ming's expectations.

But looking at the rifles on the ground behind, Qin Ming quickly understood in his heart.

It is normal for the attributes of long-range attack monsters to be low, after all, that is a gun!

If there are several of these guys, aiming at one person and launching a round of concentrated fire, it doesn’t matter if the attributes are low, they can still kill people in seconds.

Compared to the low attributes of the poachers, the attributes of the four protagonists next to them are much more terrifying, and each has its own strengths.

Mais has high strength and high physique, Mustafa has high agility and high strength, and Hannah has high agility and high spirit.

As for Jack, his four attributes are completely average, with no outstanding points but no defects.

As for how high their attributes are? Let's just say that several people have basically reached 35 points in their best attributes!

Even the defective attributes are basically outside 15 points, and Jack even has 25 points in all attributes.

35 attributes! It’s even more than Qin Ming’s total attributes at this time!

If it weren't for the doubling of attributes in the first level as a novice, Qin Ming's attributes wouldn't even be comparable to those of the miscellaneous soldiers in the second act!

Qin Ming, who lowered his head to check the firearm in his hand and kept thinking about how to maximize profits this time, quickly followed the poacher leading the way deep into the woods.

Just walking, the poacher leading the way suddenly stopped.

Qin Ming, who was following him without waiting, frowned and said, this guy suddenly kicked the ground with his legs! He suddenly rushed out towards the nearby woods!

.........Then Qin Ming, who had quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed him by the collar and forcibly pulled him back!

Pulling hard on the poacher who was trying to escape, Qin Ming reacted very quickly and pulled him in front of him on the spot.

Then, amid the screams of the horrified poacher, several companions holding rifles suddenly stood up in the originally silent grass ahead.

"Wait! Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"

Bang bang bang!

Amidst the screams, a series of gunshots suddenly sounded.

The poacher who was blocked at the front had several bloody arrows exploded from his body.

The four protagonists next to them reacted very quickly. Except for the slowest Mais, who was accidentally shot, the others quickly rolled and got into the woods on both sides.

For a moment, only the poacher who was shot to death by his companions was left standing in the middle of the road.

Qin Ming, who was hiding behind the corpse, had already raised his pistol. Using the corpse as a cover, he followed the gap and started shooting at the enemy.

There was a continuous bang of gunfire. After the shooting from the opposite side, the poachers who had just rushed up with their weapons were instantly knocked down by Qin Ming.

Seeing this, the others were so frightened that they backed away, hurriedly hid behind the bunker, and began to load the rifles in their hands.

The weapons in the hands of these guys are standard bolt-action rifles, which need to be loaded once to fire.

In terms of firepower, it was completely incomparable to the revolver in Qin Ming's hand, so for a while he was suppressed by Qin Ming's firepower alone.

The main thing is! Qin Ming is not the only one here!

Boom! The grass next to it exploded! Mai Si and others quickly sprang out!

Hannah, who was at the front, flew up and kicked! Forcefully kick a poacher away!

Meis and others followed closely behind! The formation of this group of sneak attackers was broken up on the spot!

Seeing this, Qin Ming quickly pushed away the body in front of him, held the revolver in both hands and started sprinting, shooting in the face.

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