Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 155 A good combination that doesn’t match

A chaotic voice suddenly sounded in the camp, followed by a blazing fire.

Xiahou Dun, who was resting in the tent, or more precisely, looking at the map and thinking about what to do now that the vanguard camp had been lost, quickly pushed open the door curtain and walked out.

"What's wrong again! What happened! Could it be that Zhao Ming and the others have returned?"

As soon as Xiahou Dun finished speaking, chaotic footsteps sounded, and a Tiger and Leopard Rider ran over in a panic.

"General! It's bad! The barracks are on fire! The food and grass have been set on fire!"


Upon hearing this, Xiahou Dun hurriedly looked up, and only then did he see the blazing fire outside, and his face turned extremely pale.

"How did the fire start? Who did it!"

"General! It was General Li Dian's defeated army! Those defeated soldiers set the fire!"

"It was them? How did they know my food storage point! Didn't I order them not to move around at will?"

Looking at the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry hesitating and unable to explain the reason, Xiahou Dun's forehead was bulging with veins, and he shook them off with force.

As he turned around and took out his long-handled broadsword, he heard a roar in his ears.

"Five Tiger Generals Guan Yu is here! Xiahou Dun! Take your life quickly!"

Accompanied by the sound of horse hooves, I saw a general riding a red rabbit horse, holding a Qinglong Yanyue sword, charging back and forth in the crowd.

The long sword was like a dragon, and the soldiers were cut in two wherever it passed. For a time, it was unstoppable!

Not only was Guan Yu leading the team to charge, but there were also several other brave generals in the camp who were madly trampling on the enemy's tents and hacking at the awakened enemy.

A sudden fire! Sudden civil strife! The soldiers who had just fallen asleep and were awakened immediately were panicked and completely confused.

Most of them were not wearing armor, and some did not even have weapons. They just ran around the camp like a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

Some centurions and thousand-man commanders who tried to gather soldiers to resist, before they called over a few deserters, they first attracted the hostility of the Five Tiger Generals and were killed in an instant.

There were more than 20,000 soldiers in Xiahou Dun's camp, which was a huge number.

But the problem was that the strongest cavalry unit had left the camp, and the Zhao brothers, who were considered to be high-end combat forces, had all left with them.

This caused the entire camp to be leaderless for a while, and no one could effectively stop the attack of the Five Tiger Generals, let alone gather people to resist.

And ordinary soldiers who could not form a scale, how could they possibly beat the Five Tiger Generals!

With the complete collapse of morale, deserters began to appear, and countless soldiers fled in all directions, and no one could stop them.

This made Xiahou Dun, who was standing in the encirclement of the fire, look pale, and his palm holding the big knife trembled slightly.

Now he knew that it was not only Li Dian who fell into the trap! He fell into the trap too!

What a trick to sneak into Chencang! What a good way to attack the east and attack the west! What a five tiger generals!

Gnashing his teeth, looking at Zhao Yun who was charging in the crowd in front, Xiahou Dun roared, holding a knife and ready to rush forward to fight to the death.

As a result, before he rushed out two steps, he was stopped by the tiger and leopard cavalry around him.

"Let me go!"

"General! It's impossible! We've already lost! Retreat!"

"Let me go!"

"General! As long as we have the green mountains, we will have a chance to survive! General!"

Under the desperate obstruction of the guards, Xiahou Dun finally regained some of his sanity, swung the sword in his hand, turned around and rode on his warhorse, led the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry to break out.

Now that the army has been killed and the camp has been set on fire, no one will listen to his command in a hurry.

If he doesn't leave, he will be surrounded by the Five Tiger Generals! Then he really can't leave!

As the saying goes, a defeat is like a mountain collapsing! In this situation where the camp has been blown up! Not to mention that he is only one person! Even if ten of him come, it will be useless!

Amid the sound of horse hooves, hundreds of Tiger and Leopard Cavalry guarded Xiahou Dun and rushed out desperately.

The cavalry unit that suddenly appeared here immediately attracted the attention of the Five Tiger Generals.

Several generals rode their horses and rushed towards Xiahou Dun frantically, trying to stop him.

Seeing this, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry looked at each other, and immediately rushed out in groups, taking the initiative to buy time for their general to escape.

The wooden fence burning with fire was forcibly broken by the war horses, and dozens of cavalrymen galloped wildly, rushing madly into the distance.

Xiahou Dun, whose face was covered with dust and whose appearance looked extremely embarrassed, now had a livid face, and there were less than fifty Tiger and Leopard Cavalry following him.

Just when Xiahou Dun and his men successfully re-entered the encirclement, three figures were sitting and waiting on the Bowangpo Bridge in the distance, and they were Qin Ming and others.

Looking up at the moonlight in the sky, Qin Ming frowned, and suddenly spoke after a long silence.

"Hey, Shuangqiang Po, is your guess reliable? Will Xiahou Dun really run this way?"

Shuangqiang Po, who was sitting on the railing next to her, nodded quickly when she heard the words.

"Don't worry, as long as he can escape, he will definitely run this way. You are quite quick-witted and have good adaptability, but you are too bad at seeing the big picture."

Looking at the dark water below, the Double Gun Woman narrowed her eyes.

"The main camp is lost. Now the only troops Xiahou Dun can use are the cavalry troops that were sent to rescue Li Dian. If it were you, would you choose to escape alone or find the cavalry troops to try to kill back? The answer is obvious, isn't it?"

The words of the double-gun woman made Qin Ming look at her strangely.

"Okay, the analysis is good, you have some brains."

"It's useless to have a big picture view. No one is perfect. I am only good at analyzing intelligence. You are better in execution. In fact, I think we are quite compatible! One has quick wit but no big picture view, and the other has a big picture view but no execution. If the two of us form a team together, the combat effectiveness will definitely be good! It's a pity that I will be promoted to an intermediate adventurer and can't team up with you."

Shaking her head and smiling bitterly, the double-gun woman looked helpless.

Qin Ming shrugged when he heard the words.

"That's fine, distance makes beauty. It's not bad to cooperate only once and leave a good impression on each other. After all, I prefer girls with big breasts. You don't suit my taste. Besides, there are many things to do, so the cooperation may not last long."

"…………You said you are such a good person! How come you have a big mouth!"

Just when the conversation between the two was about to escalate into a quarrel, Talma, who was standing by and watching the show, suddenly glared and quickly set up a machine gun.

"Something's going on! Someone's coming!"

Hearing this, the two who had been pulling each other's collars and were about to turn against each other changed their expressions at the same time, quickly let go of their hands and looked forward.

At the same time, the sound of violent horse hooves sounded, accompanied by billowing smoke and dust, and a team of cavalry appeared in the sight of the three people.

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