Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 156 Battle of Bowangpo


Tugged on the reins, Xiahou Dun, who rushed out with the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, looked livid for a moment. He had never expected that under such circumstances, the other party could actually send an ambush to block here.

Logically speaking, compared to blocking himself, shouldn't they be more concerned about how to completely disperse the army?

Across the bridge, the two sides looked at each other silently.

The double-gun woman, who had stood up at this moment, looked at the black mass of dozens of iron cavalry on the opposite side, and couldn't help frowning.

After hesitating for a second, she suddenly reached out and poked Qin Ming next to her.

"Go, lead that guy over."

"I'll go?"

"Nonsense! You have so many tricks! If you don't go, who will go!"

Qin Ming, who was forcibly pushed out, rolled his eyes, put his hands in his pockets and stepped forward, and just looked up and looked at Xiahou Dun.

Looking at the famous one-eyed general on the opposite side, Qin Ming suddenly grinned.

"General Xiahou, how are you? Do you remember me? The centurion you appointed personally."

After these words came out, Xiahou Dun, who had already seen Qin Ming's appearance, suddenly looked gloomy.

"How dare you appear in front of me!"

"Why wouldn't a defeated general dare to do that?"

"You are indeed Liu Bei's man!"

"It doesn't matter who I am, I can never be on your side anyway!"

Hearing Qin Ming's words, Xiahou Dun's forehead was bulging with veins, holding a big knife and riding a horse to rush up, but was quickly stopped by the tiger and leopard cavalry next to him.

"General! Be careful of an ambush!"

Hearing the words of the personal guard, Xiahou Dun's eyes twitched, and he quickly stopped and looked around.

Before he finished observing the surrounding situation, Qin Ming, who was standing in the middle of the bridge, had shrugged slightly.

"Don't look at it, there's no one else. The soldiers of the Five Tiger Generals have already raided your camp. Oh, by the way, I told them the exact location of your food and grass. After all, who made me your centurion at that time? I can move freely in the camp and have plenty of time to find it slowly."


"General Xiahou, I can't repay you for your kindness. Why don't I give you a gift? I hope you like it."

As he spoke, Qin Ming raised his hand and threw a package high over.

Xiahou Dun, who was directly picked up with a big knife, looked at the bloody package on the knife, and his heart sank, and he immediately had a bad premonition.

After opening the package with a stern face, his eyes widened.

Because the package was not something else, but the head of the vanguard general Li Dian!

Originally, Xiahou Dun still had a little fantasy in his heart, hoping that the Five Tiger Generals would come in a hurry and fail to kill Li Dian. Li Dian was really just trapped or beaten away.

In this way, while meeting up with the cavalry, he could also join forces with Li Dian and turn around to kill him.

But now this bloody head completely broke all his lucky fantasies, making his face turn extremely livid.

Turning his hand and silently handing the package to the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry next to him, Xiahou Dun, with a gloomy look, turned his head and looked at Qin Ming again, and suddenly spoke.

"You want to provoke me, lead me to the bridge, so that you can use the terrain to kill me with that weird crossbow, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Ming's expression froze on the opposite side.

Before he could open his mouth to give an answer, Xiahou Dun suddenly threw the reins, galloped on his horse, and rushed towards Qin Ming along the wooden bridge.

The long-handled broadsword in his hand was raised, flashing cold light under the moonlight. Xiahou Dun changed from quiet to extremely ferocious at this moment.

"You succeeded! Bastard! I'll kill you!!!"


Seeing their general completely furious and charging at the enemy, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry hurriedly followed without a second thought.

Instantly, the sound of horse hooves became one, and dozens of cavalrymen swarmed along the bridge, with great momentum.

Seeing this, Shuangqiangpo and Talma quickly set up machine guns and fired wildly at this side.

The narrow bridge has limited space, and the whole is a straight passage, which can be said to be a perfect place to set up machine guns.

As long as the firepower is fully opened, the machine gun firepower can definitely block the entire bridge by force!

Under this terrain, it must be a nightmare for the cavalry, but the premise is that the cavalry rushing over is just ordinary cavalry!

Now it's not some miscellaneous cavalry rushing over from the other end of the bridge! It's the heavily armored Tiger and Leopard Cavalry! The elite of Weizhong! A group of monsters with B-level defense skills!

The bullets that could instantly penetrate the cavalry armor before are now bombarding the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry from the front! It actually caused sparks to fly everywhere!

Except for a few bullets that hit the gaps in the armor or the vital parts, which successfully caused damage and shot the cavalry off their horses.

Most of the bullets were actually bounced off by the hard armor on the spot! Unable to break the defense!

Xiahou Dun, holding a broadsword, took the lead and waved his weapon desperately, looking like a devil.

Dozens of cavalrymen in the back were like ancient tanks, holding long spears and broadswords in their hands, and they were also murderous.

Thirty meters! Twenty meters! Ten meters! The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer! It seemed that they were about to meet!

At this moment, the double-gun woman who suddenly stopped shooting suddenly broke the thin rope in her hand.

With a bang, the pull ring was pulled off on the spot, and a large number of wooden-handled grenades that had been tied to the bridge began to spew white smoke immediately.

A second later, with the emergence of flames, all these grenades exploded, instantly destroying all the supports in the middle of the wooden bridge!

With a crash! The bridge, which was more than 20 meters long, collapsed on the spot! Qin Ming standing on the bridge! Xiahou Dun, who was rushing madly! They all fell into the river below!

Seeing this, countless Tiger and Leopard Cavalry rushed over and hurriedly pulled the reins. Except for a few guys who charged too hard and couldn't stop the car, most of them stopped on the broken bridge.

Looking at the surging water below and the figures struggling in the water, they turned pale for a while.

Before everyone could recover from the shock, the gunshots that had stopped on the opposite side rang again.

Talma and Shuangqiangpo, who were standing on the opposite broken bridge, once again started shooting at this side with machine guns, forcing the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry to quickly hold bows and fight back.

On the broken bridge, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and the Double Gun Lady and others were shooting at each other crazily.

And under the broken bridge, another fight had officially begun!

In the water, Xiahou Dun, who was struggling constantly, looked panicked. Before he could adapt to the turbulent river around him, a black shadow had already pounced from behind and hung directly on his back.

It was biting his neck with its mouth, while punching him in the face desperately, and it was extremely vicious.

And this person! It was Qin Ming!

Xiahou Dun, who was hit in the face several times in a row, tried his best to throw Qin Ming away, and then stretched out his hand and pulled the armor on his body hard, constantly pulling it off his body.

He was also a veteran who had fought hundreds of battles, and naturally understood that this armor would not only not help in the water, but would kill him.

Without taking off this armor, he would not be able to get out alive!

So the most urgent thing is not to fight! But to take off the armor!

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