Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 158 Killing Xiahou at Bowang Slope

Shouts and screams continued to come out of the darkness, and the shooting on the bridge intensified.

Tiger and Leopard Cavalry kept taking off their armor and trying to jump into the water to help their generals, but they were hit hard by the fierce firepower and were shot to death in the water before they could get close to the battlefield.

Qin Ming and Xiahou Dun, who were fighting on the water, also fought fiercely.

One side was desperately spitting fire, and the other side was desperately swinging knives. The two guys pulled each other and hit each other, rolling in the water.

Xiahou Dun, who was already covered with scars, once again spit fire on Qin Ming, and then looked at the enemy in front of him as if nothing had happened, letting his body be ignited, holding up the sonic hand knife, and continuing to cut his neck. For a moment, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

He didn't understand why the guy in front of him was so hard and so hard to kill.

He didn't understand why he would stuff a bun or a chicken leg into his mouth when he was fighting.

He only knew that after a fierce battle, he was exhausted, but the opponent was still full of energy, as if he was not injured at all.

If the fight continued like this, Xiahou Dun would really not be able to bear it.

But his arrogant temper did not allow him to abandon his guards and run away!

After all, he lost the battle that originally had a great advantage, and lost the territory. If all the soldiers died, even the 100 tiger and leopard cavalry rewarded by his elder brother would be all lost in it, and he would not bring any back.

How could he face his elder brother!

Looking at the one-eyed dragon in his hand that was still struggling to attack him, Xiahou Dun suddenly roared, and with red eyes, he dragged Qin Ming and rushed forward frantically.

He charged all the way, resisting Qin Ming's attack, and crashed into the bridge pillar with him, making a muffled bang.

Then, before Qin Ming could recover from the severe pain, Xiahou Dun, who was standing on the bridge, suddenly lowered his head and blew a mouthful of fire at his body!

Under the howling wind! The large number of special thunder and fire bombs hanging on him! They were ignited by the fire on the spot! Countless fuses burned together!

Xiahou Dun, who had more than 20 bombs hanging on his body, looked at Qin Ming, whose eyes widened instantly, and roared with a ferocious expression.

"Bastard! I'll blow you to death!!!"

Qin Ming, who didn't expect that the other party had this trick, roared after reacting and slashed Xiahou Dun's neck with another knife.

"Fuck you!"


Before the voice fell, a loud noise had reached everyone's ears.

The bridge, which was originally only broken in the middle, collapsed completely with a violent explosion and fell heavily into the water.

The soldiers standing on the bridge screamed and fell into the water together.

They hurriedly took off their armor and helmets, and swam towards the shore desperately, and finally climbed ashore with great effort.

Looking at the muddy river behind them, everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.

Before they could recover from this sudden change, the gradually calm water surface suddenly rippled.

The next second, with the shaking of the river water, a figure slowly walked out of the water.

Raised his hand to tear the bombed coat to pieces, revealing the red vest inside that was also severely damaged.

Qin Ming, with wounds all over his face and body, staggered out of the water with heavy steps, holding a head in his hand.

A head that was blown to pieces, but still staring with angry eyes.

After reaching the shore, Qin Ming suddenly stopped, first looked up to the sky and let out a long breath, and then slowly lowered his head.

Ignoring the tiger and leopard cavalry with wide eyes on the opposite side, he picked up the head in his hand and took a look, and a trace of ridicule suddenly appeared on his scarred face.

"I've said it several times! Don't use multiple damage when hitting me! Why don't you listen to my advice!"

After the words fell, Qin Ming suddenly raised Xiahou Dun's head in his hand high above his head and roared suddenly.

"Enemy shame! I'll take off his clothes!"


Looking at the head that was finally lifted up and revealed its true appearance under the moonlight, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, who saw clearly whose head it was, were furious for a moment.

They roared, not caring that they had no armor on their bodies, and most of them even had no weapons, and rushed towards Qin Ming frantically.

After all, as personal guards, their main duty is to protect the general's safety.

If the battle is lost, it has nothing to do with them.

But if the general dies, they, as personal guards, cannot escape the blame and will definitely not survive.

Now Xiahou Dun died in front of them! How could they not go crazy!

Looking at the large number of soldiers rushing over frantically, Qin Ming, who was holding the head, suddenly grinned, revealing his teeth that had long been stained red with blood.

The moment the opponent hit him, he directly pulled one of them over and bit the opponent's neck fiercely!

He was just worried about his own poor condition! But this blood bag took the initiative to deliver it to his door! He saved another bottle of medicine!

Essence absorption! Start!

Just when Qin Ming and the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry were fighting again, the water surface behind him shook. Seeing that the situation was not right, the Double Gun Po and Talma, who jumped into the water, also walked out of the water with machine guns...

Ten minutes later, the battle was finally over.

The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry without armor and weapons could no longer match the identity of super elite monsters. Their combat effectiveness was no different from that of ordinary cavalry, and they were even inferior to ordinary elite monsters, Thunder and Fire Soldiers.

After all, soldiers without armor and weapons are not soldiers at all.

Beside the river, corpses were spread all over the ground, and the flowing blood even dyed the river water beside it completely red.

Qin Ming, who was sitting on the corpse, said nothing. He frantically activated the essence absorption skill, but he was unable to replenish his injuries until his spirit was completely exhausted. His body was still covered with scars.

Looking at his bleeding body, the double-gun woman was frowning and bandaging his wounds, especially Qin Ming's left eye. The woman who really didn't know how to deal with it even took off the eye mask on Xiahou Dun's head and put it on Qin Ming's face!

Just when they were busy here, the sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded in the distance.

The three people who heard the movement were suddenly startled, and they stood up in a hurry without caring about their injuries.

After all, after a fierce battle, the three of them could be described as running out of ammunition and food, and their condition was ridiculous.

They couldn't stand the second round of fighting. Now that they heard the movement of the cavalry, how could they not panic?

Under the tense gaze of the three people, smoke and dust emerged in the distance, and several familiar figures approached quickly with their troops.

And they were not the Zhao brothers as expected, but their own people, the troops of the Five Tiger Generals!

Looking at Guan Yu who was rushing in the front, Qin Ming suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and sat back on the ground.

At this moment, Guan Yu and his men also came to the three people.

Looking at the corpses all over the ground and the wounded Qin Ming, Guan Yu couldn't help but frowned.

He turned over and got off the horse and was about to speak, but he didn't expect Qin Ming to throw something at him first.

Guan Yu, who caught it, looked down and his eyes widened on the spot.

"Xiahou Dun? You successfully intercepted and killed him?!"

Qin Ming rolled his eyes after hearing this exclamation, raised his head and lay directly on the ground.

"No, he blew himself up. Damn it, he actually had such a trick up his sleeve. How insidious! Fortunately, I was the one who met him. If other adventurers had worked hard for a long time and finally won the battle, but were hit by his dying counterattack and died on the spot, it would have been too tragic."

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