Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 159 Green Dragon Crescent Blade!

There is a price to pay for taking shortcuts and skipping classes.

This is true in other games, and it is also true in Nightmare Space.

Xiahou Dun, the big BOSS in the second act, has a very special mechanism. His main fighting methods are to breathe fire and throw bombs.

So the best way to deal with him is naturally to find a way to prevent him from breathing fire and restrict his use of bombs. That's why Qin Ming chose to fight him in the water.

Although this will invalidate his fire skills and affect his combat effectiveness, the impact on Xiahou Dun will definitely be greater.

At least this thunder bomb cannot detonate in the water!

This seems like the best solution, right? actually not! There is actually a trap in this! There is a big pit!

If anyone dares to play like this! Then he will definitely die miserably!

Because when he sees that he cannot defeat him, Xiahou Dun will ignite all the remaining bombs on his body and try to perish with his opponent!

So here’s the problem. You fought him in the water, so he never had the chance to use the bomb. If he detonated the bomb at this time and dragged you out of the water to carry out a suicide attack, the power would be...

This is because Qin Ming has a high damage-free skill, which helps him take most of the bomb damage. The damage of more than 20 bombs is calculated separately, so the power cannot be superimposed.

If he were a normal adventurer, even he would have up to 60 points of physique! The result is definitely death!

How was Xiahou Dun blown up by his own bomb! That adventurer will die soon!

In the blink of an eye, the night has passed.

Under the dawn sunlight, a group of people was walking towards a distant town.

They were the team of the Five Tiger Generals. After a night of fighting, only less than 200 of the original five hundred soldiers remained, and basically everyone of the Five Tiger Generals was injured.

At the front of the team, Qin Ming was riding on a tall horse, with a large number of bandages tied around his body, and was moving forward with the team.

And the horse he rides is named Red Rabbit...

Name: Red Rabbit (Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2)

Strength 25

Physique 25

Agility 60

Spirit 10

Skill: Red Rabbit in the Horse (A-level passive, has a dominating effect when running, cannot be intercepted by any attack below A-level)

Introduction: As the saying goes, Lu Bu is among the best! The red rabbit among the horses! Fang Tian draws a halberd! Specially stabbing the adoptive father! This is the divine horse, one of the three major divine objects in the Three Kingdoms era!

At this moment, Qin Ming was not only riding a red rabbit horse, but Zhou Cang, the knife-carrying general, was even holding the rope for him personally.

As for Guan Yu who was originally riding on a horse? At this moment this arrogant guy is walking with the team.

He was allowed to give up his beloved horse for others to ride, and even asked his lieutenant to lead the horse in person. You can imagine how shocked Qin Ming was to him this time!

Not to mention being able to block Xiahou Dun! He could also destroy Xiahou Dun's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Guards and Xiahou Dun himself! This counts as Guan Yu himself! Don’t boast that you can do it alone!

The moment he got Xiahou Dun's head, Guan Yu, who had always treated Qin Ming as a subordinate, finally placed this righteous man on the same level as himself.

Even seeing that Qin Ming was seriously injured, he even took the initiative to let Qin Ming ride on his BMW and asked Zhou Cang to go over and hold the rope. It can be said that it gave Qin Ming enough face.

Not only him, but several other generals were also amazed, and their favorability towards Qin Ming and others also exceeded the 400 mark on the spot! That is the degree of confidant!

The character of people in the military is so direct. The better you are at fighting, the more you will gain their recognition.

Therefore, the favorability of this soldier-type character can be said to be the best to improve, but it is also the most difficult to improve.

After all, if you are not capable enough, then no matter how glib you talk, you can't expect to increase your favorability.

Riding on a red rabbit horse and being led by Zhou Cang himself, he walked at the front of the team. Logically speaking, Qin Ming should be very proud.

However, he was not in a good mood at this moment. The reason was very simple, because...

Name: Qinglong Yanyue Sword (Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2)

Category: Weapons (dark golden plot)

Equipment requirements: Strength 20, Constitution 20, Agility 20

Effect 1: Attack power 35-50

Effect 2: Ignore the target’s 15 points of physical defense

Effect 3: Dragging the knife (the first knife can cause physical damage of strength value x5, cooling time is 12 hours)

Introduction: I see that you are inserting a bid to sell your ear!

Qin Ming's eyes twitched while riding on the horse as he looked at the double-gun woman who was holding a big knife and laughing so hard that everyone was dumbfounded.

The double-gun woman finally copied the Qinglong Yanyue Sword!

Logically speaking, since we are teammates and have a tacit understanding this time, we can be regarded as life-and-death friends. Qin Ming should be happy to see the two-gun woman getting a good thing now.

But the problem is that he is unbalanced! It’s also a life-and-death fight! As a result, he was seriously injured and could only ride a broken horse! The double-gun woman was slightly injured but got a big knife!

Why the hell is this!

It’s true that he is afraid of the hardships of his teammates! But it doesn't mean that he can tolerate the other party and just drive the Land Rover!

By the way, is that knife considered a trophy? They had agreed before that when distributing the spoils, they could allow themselves to pick one thing first.

Then if you choose the knife yourself...

Looking at the double-gun woman next to him with a silly smile on his face, Qin Ming silently shook his head and quickly rejected his evil idea.

He didn't know whether the knife was a trophy or not, but he knew one thing for sure: if he dared to really try to snatch the knife, the Double Gun Lady would definitely fight him to death.

It's not like he hadn't seen the golden weapon before, so he didn't need to fight with the Double Gun Lady for such a thing.

With the sound of horse hooves, the remaining team finally arrived at the city gate.

When the soldiers guarding here saw Guan Yu and others, they immediately showed excitement on their faces and rushed into the city shouting.

"Lord! Lord! General Guan is back! Second Master and Third Master are back!"

Accompanied by chaotic voices, the city gate was slowly opened.

Before the gate was completely opened, several figures had already run out first.

"Second brother! Third brother!"

"Big brother!"

Looking at the man running out of the door, Guan Yu, who had always been calm, ran out excitedly and hugged him, and Zhang Fei beside him ran out with him.

"Second brother, third brother! How are you these days? Are you injured?"

"Big brother! You have fulfilled your mission! Our army has cut off Xiahou Dun's head!"

Guan Yu raised the heads of Li Dian and Xiahou Dun with all his strength, his face flushed with excitement.

But Liu Bei in front of him didn't even look at them, but just looked at Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others nervously, muttering to himself.

"It's good that you are all right, it's good that you are all right. When I heard that you were scattered by the enemy and disappeared, I was scared to death. I even wanted to lead the team to look for you! But the military advisor didn't let me! It's good that you are all right!"

Looking at his big brother's relieved look, Guan Yu, who gradually regained his composure, suddenly reached out to touch his beard, smiled and turned to make way.

"Brother, come, let me introduce you! These three heroes are the masters who took the initiative to help us fight against the Wei army in this battle. They set up a plan to break the chain camps of Xiahou Dun and Li Dian, and killed the two generals Xiahou Dun and Li Dian alone! It can be said that in this battle! The three of them are the first to contribute! Their style in this battle! I have to admit their defeat!"

As soon as Guan Yu said this, Liu Bei quickly looked up here.

After looking up and down at Qin Ming and others, before Qin Ming and others could speak, Liu Bei took the initiative to greet them with a fist.

"Thank you three heroes for fighting against Cao! Supporting the Han Dynasty! Fighting for the people! Please accept Liu Bei's greetings first!"

Before he finished speaking, Liu Bei had already bowed deeply to this side, and then...

Ding Dong! The favorability of the plot characters towards you has increased! The current value is: 500!

Hmm? !

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