Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 162: Mutated title! General Fu Hu!

After some tentative tests, Qin Ming, who had spent a long time trying, finally figured out what the golden plot attribute points were for.

This thing is used to strengthen items!

That's right! The effect of the golden attribute points is similar to Qin Ming's talent skills! But it's completely different!

Qin Ming's talent is fusion strengthening, which greatly enhances the attributes and quality of the original items.

The final item is actually still the same item, but it has become a more powerful version.

And what about the golden plot attribute points? It's not just a strengthening, it's an evolution!

On the basis of the original! Forced magic modification and sublimation!

It can sublimate equipment! It can sublimate skills! It can even be used to sublimate titles!

Except that the adventurer itself cannot be used for sublimation, this thing can evolve everything.

It's just that evolution has uncertainty, and no one knows what it will be strengthened into.

When Qin Ming uses his talent skills to strengthen the pistol, the pistol will at least give him a choice and tell him the general direction of strengthening. No matter how much it mutates, it is still based on the original effect.

But this golden plot attribute point is different, its strengthening is completely random.

It is only responsible for strengthening. Whether the strengthening result is good or bad, and whether you can use it, it depends on fate.

As for skills, Qin Ming will not use it to strengthen, because his skills are perfectly coordinated. If one link is destroyed, it will only lead to a great loss of his own combat effectiveness. Qin Ming dare not take this risk.

Needless to say, most of his equipment is temporary. He originally planned to replace it in the future, so how can it be strengthened.

The only pistol that he does not plan to replace is extremely effective. What if it is destroyed by strengthening?

Then the only thing that can be used for strengthening and worth his risk is...

With the golden light flashing, the golden plot attribute points and the newly obtained Five Tiger Generals title gradually merged into one.

Looking at the title that began to glow, Qin Ming clasped his hands together and prayed desperately that it would not be abolished or mutated too much.

This title has only two effects, one is to determine the camp, which should not be strengthened.

The other is the increase in favorability. No matter how much it is strengthened, the effect should not be too distorted and deteriorated... It should be...

Under Qin Ming's anxious and nervous gaze, the dazzling light finally dissipated.

With a flash of white light, a brand new title appeared in Qin Ming's field of vision.

Strengthen! Done!

And this strengthening effect made Qin Ming dumbfounded and stupid, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether this strengthening effect was good or bad.

Title: General Fu Hu (Silver Quality)

Effect: Automatically join the protagonist camp after entering, and randomly select a female character to increase her favorability to 500.

Introduction: Conquer the dragon and the tiger! Right now! Tigress! I want you to help me practice!

Sitting on the bed, stroking his chin with his hand, looking at his new title, Qin Ming's expression was extremely tangled at the moment.

There is a life-and-death friendship when entering, this effect is really terrifying.

And this is just a silver-level title. If he continues to upgrade and creates a gold-level title, what will the effect be?

Could it be possible that you can get a wife right at the start? But the problem is that if you get a wife, what about the wife's original husband? What should he do?

Good guy! Buy one get one free! Not only a wife! But also a love rival! Maybe even a child!

What the hell is going on!

Just as Qin Ming was staring at the new title, the doorbell rang suddenly.

Without opening the door, Qin Ming already knew who was coming.

As he walked over and opened the door, he saw the familiar figure of the double-gun woman.

Standing against the wall with his arms folded, the double-gun woman looked as cool as ever.

Just by looking at the appearance, no one could guess that it was this guy. When he couldn't beat others, his mouth could beg for mercy like a machine gun.

The double-gun woman who successfully advanced was in high spirits at this time. After seeing Qin Ming open the door, she immediately raised her eyebrows at him.

"Hey! You're busy, brother!"

"Tsk, when you need my help, you always call me brother, but now that you've helped me, I'm downgraded to brother?"

"That's right, when I couldn't beat you before, I almost called you dad, not to mention brother, why didn't you say it."

Using her shoulder to push Qin Ming away, the two-gun woman walked into the room very familiarly.

Looking up at the house that hadn't changed, she shook her head and smacked her lips.

Closing the door and following Qin Ming in, she looked at the smug two-gun woman in front of her, put her hands in her pockets and spoke quickly.

"Didn't you succeed in the promotion? Then why are you still staying in the low-level adventure zone? Why don't you go to the intermediate zone to adapt to the environment?"

"There's no rush. The rest time for intermediate adventurers has been extended to three months, and the time can be stored. The treatment is much better than that of low-level adventurers, and there are many special benefits. I am now officially a regular employee!"

"Then congratulations."

"Congratulations, by the way, aren't you curious about what I did before I came to you after such a long time?"

Suddenly turning to look at Qin Ming, the double-gun woman narrowed her eyes and showed a sly smile on her face.

"I'll prepare a gift for you."


"Yes! We have a good cooperation in this world. I can pass the level with your help, not to mention that you also helped me get a golden equipment. I must thank you very much! Ding ding ding ding! Look! I have prepared a big gift for you!"

While speaking, the double-gun woman raised her hand and put an item on the table.

And this item is a human head...

Looking at the bloody human head package on the table, Qin Ming was expressionless for a while.

"So this is your gift? Give me a head as a souvenir before leaving? Do you think this thing can make me miss you? What? Is this the head of the Japanese emperor?"

"That's not the case. I haven't encountered that thing yet. I have no way to get it for you, but this thing definitely suits your hobby! This is my careful selection! It cost me a lot of money!"

Seeing that Qin Ming seemed dissatisfied, the double-gun woman quickly reached out and unwrapped the package, finally revealing the true appearance of the head inside.

And when Qin Ming saw this head, his mouth opened even wider for a while.

Because of this head, it looks a bit hideous and scary.

Name: Head of Kasamoto Eri (Metal Slug World)

Category: Consumable (Dull Silver Quality)

Effect: Agility +5 after use, and randomly obtain a skill of Kasamoto Eri.

Introduction: The protagonist of the plot who died at the hands of her companions, she never figured out until her death why the friend who was fighting against the powerful enemy together and killing the enemy in the previous second would choose to kill her in the next second.

Looking at the head of another protagonist in the Metal Slug World in front of him, Qin Ming looked stunned.

Before he could react from the shock, the double-gun woman had already come to his side, nudged his waist with her elbow, and showed a meaningful smile on her face.

"Your gun can summon subordinates by relying on human heads, right? It's a summon anyway. This head is much better than the one you bought before, and it's also the main character who uses the gun. The most important thing is that she is a woman, which is very suitable for your dirty brain as a beast in human clothing. Why don't you thank me for thinking of you so much!"

"You really are... Thank you!"

Looking at the two-gun woman with a mean face, Qin Ming really didn't know what to say for a while.

Although this woman thinks he is very dirty, vulgar, shameless, and full of low tastes, it can be said that she is thinking in a completely bad direction.

But Qin Ming has to admit one thing, that is, the two-gun woman is really accurate in judging people!

This gift! He likes it!

After all, if there is a choice! Who would be willing to take a big man as a subordinate! There is nothing wrong with his sexual orientation!

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