Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 163: The parting gift from the Double-gun lady

Double Gun Po knew the general effect of Qin Ming's pistol. Even if Qin Ming didn't say it, she could guess it.

After all, Qin Ming had just bought Talma's head and summoned Talma right after. Even a fool could see the problem.

But she only knew that Qin Ming's gun could summon plot characters by relying on human heads.

She had no idea what the specific level of the pistol was and that the head had been strengthened by Qin Ming.

After sending out the specially prepared farewell gift, the spark of love did not collide. Instead, Double Gun Po and Qin Ming, who had become bad friends, sat together with their arms around each other.

After watching Qin Ming solemnly put away the gift, Double Gun Po saw that the trivial matters were settled, and her face showed a serious look, and finally talked about business.

"I say, old dog, did you offend the team members in the nightmare space?"

After these words came out, Qin Ming couldn't help but be stunned, and his expression became serious.

Seeing his change, the double-gun woman who already had the answer in her heart could not help but roll her eyes and sigh helplessly.

"The people in the team are not easy to mess with. They are like a group of dog-skin plasters. Once they stick to you, they will not let go. And they are a group of people to deal with you. Even if you are talented and grow fast, you can't stand their large number. If each of them takes out a thousand points, they can raise a father together, not to mention that there are many big fathers in their team! So you have to be careful!"

"…………How do you know that I have a feud with the people in the team?"

"When we entered the world of Three Kingdoms 2, I received a reminder from the nightmare space that there is Someone tried to use props to track us, followed us into the world to cause trouble, how could they do such a wicked thing! Harming others and not benefiting themselves! Except for the people in the team, there is no one else! How do you say I know! "

"The last world? !"

"Yes, don't look at me with that look. Our relationship was not as close as it is now. Of course, I can't notify you directly, otherwise what will you do if you just quit the job?"

Flipping through her bosom, she finally took out a scroll and handed it to Qin Ming. The double-gun woman's expression was very serious.

"Take this, just in case, this is the last thing I can do to help you."

The scroll that the double-gun woman handed over was nothing else, it was the forced return to the city prop that the double-gun woman lent to Qin Ming for self-defense before, and he returned it afterwards: the game currency exchange voucher!

You can forcibly return to the nightmare space and end the current task after paying a certain price!

Looking at the scroll in the double-gun woman's hand, Qin Ming frowned, nodded after a long time, and raised his hand to take the scroll.

"Thank you. I'll take the scroll. As for the balance of 10,000 points, you don't have to pay."

"Forget it! Let's put it this way! I'm debt-free now, very safe, and I don't need to use points at all. On the contrary, you are in danger now, very dangerous. I know the nature of the team too well. Once they target someone, they will never let go until they kill him, because they are afraid that the other party will retaliate against them after they get up. So they either don't offend him, or they will do everything they can to kill him. There is no exception."

"Never an exception?"

"Yes! There is no exception! Of course, if you are willing to join them, they can also cancel the pursuit and take you with them. But then you will face other team members. The stronger your talent is, the easier it is for other teams to target you. The competition between them is fierce."

After trading 10,000 points and completing the previously signed contract, the double-gun woman breathed a sigh of relief, squinting her eyes and showing a faint smile.

"Okay, I've given you everything. It's time for me to go. See you later, little brother. Although I don't know what your talent is, I believe it will be very strong! Even stronger than mine! If nothing goes wrong, we'll see each other in the intermediate adventure zone!"

At the end, the double-gun woman had already extended a hand.

Seeing this, Qin Ming nodded slightly and reached out to shake it.

"Old buddy! See you in the intermediate adventure zone!"

"Remember to be careful when you are in heat in the future! Don't be in heat with adventurers! They are untrustworthy! Be careful of being set up by a honey trap!"

"You'd better take care of yourself and improve your combat effectiveness. Otherwise, next time you meet a master, you may not be able to beat him and kneel down to beg for mercy, but it may not be useful."

After the voice fell, the double-gun woman got up and left.

When she came to the door, she turned around and gave Qin Ming a thumbs up, grinning with a bright smile, and then completely disappeared in the room.

Watching her leave, Qin Ming sighed, leaned back on the chair, and slowly closed his eyes.

To be honest, he was adventuring with the Double Gun Lady this time. Because they cooperated so well and got along so well, he even had the urge to form a formal team with her.

If he wasn't afraid of writing too many protagonists and not being able to control the rhythm... the other party had already been promoted to the intermediate adventure zone! And his talent was too special! Qin Ming would have formed a small group with the other party!

Forget it, a master is a master wherever he goes. Without his help, the other party wouldn't be doing so badly, not to mention that he still has a one-sword Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand!

Now, even if I face her, I can't guarantee that I can win with full confidence.

If a stranger bumps into her, it's a question whether he can withstand her first sword!

After all, the side effect of the Azure Dragon Crescent Blade was too buggy, and the power of the first kill was simply outrageous!

She was no longer in danger after becoming an intermediate adventurer. As she said, the one in danger now was herself...

Qin Ming couldn't help but sneered as he picked up the scroll in his hand and shook it. Looking at the silver-shining forced return item, he could not help but sneer.

"Good fellow! You guys are still haunting me! I just wanted to kill two of you! You just kept biting me! It seems that I killed too few people at that time!"

He put the scroll in his arms, and then took out all his points and counted them.

He found that he had a huge amount of 25,000 points at this time, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he quickly stood up and walked outside.

There was a tough battle to fight next, and he was going to strengthen an item in the end.

But the number of consumable items in his hand was not enough, even if he counted the consumables exchanged for favorability from the Five Tiger Generals world.

So he was going to buy some more consumables! Make the final strengthening! Then have some fun with these dogs that chase and bite people!

He wanted to try! Are these guys really the same as the legend says! They won't let go once they bite someone!

Are they really not afraid of being killed! Or are they simply not killed enough!

And the last item he was going to strengthen was the head sent by his good dog friend Shuangqiangpo! The head of Lishimoto!

He was going to strengthen this head to the brilliant silver quality, and then merge it with the original head of Talma to create a golden quality summon!

By then! I'm sure this little brother will be very capable! In all aspects!

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