Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 166 Adventurer Appears

"Hey! Qin Ming! Good morning!"

With a golden light trailing behind her, Jingle Bell flew directly towards Qin Ming and greeted him as soon as she approached.

And watching this legendary mythical creature approach, Qin Ming couldn't help but tremble.

"Good morning, Jingle Bell."

While speaking, Qin Ming also raised his hand to adjust the sunglasses on his face and activated his reconnaissance ability.

Name: Jingle Bell (Captain Hook World)

Strength 5

Constitution 5

Agility 5

Spirit 50

Skills: Elf Power (A-level)

Introduction: A carefree elf living on Neverland. She is naughty, arrogant, and girly. She is also the mascot of the Lost Boys Camp. As long as Neverland does not perish, she will never die.

Accompanied by the greeting, this little guy, who is only the size of a palm, sat on Qin Ming's head without any hesitation, and just looked up with interest at the middle-aged version of Peter Pan being bullied.

Feeling the insignificant weight coming from the top of his head, Qin Ming's expression became even weirder for a moment.

Wow! The effect of this silver title! After all this time, it was exerted on the elf!

But what's the use of having a high favorability with this elf! What can she do with it!

Don't get me wrong! Qin Ming's "what" means what kind of help! That's all! There's no other meaning!

Just when Qin Ming was stunned, Peter Pan, who was chased and teased by a group of people in the distance, also accidentally saw Qin Ming here.

His eyes lit up, and he suddenly pointed at Qin Ming and shouted.

"Wait a minute! Didn't you say that adults are not welcome here! Then where did he come from!"

As soon as these words came out, the camp became silent in an instant.

Qin Ming, who was originally watching the show, couldn't help but shudder in his heart when he heard the words, and his expression immediately became serious.

He never expected that he would be burned by the fire just because he came out to watch the excitement.

The Lost Boys turned their heads and looked at each other, and finally looked at Qin Ming at the same time.

Just when the scene was quiet, Jingle Bell, who was sitting on top of Qin Ming, suddenly spoke.

She stretched out her hand and pointed at Peter Pan, and suddenly shouted.

"Qin Ming is just a child who is a little anxious! He is different from you, a fat and greasy uncle! He dares to sow discord! Bad guy! Beat him!"

As soon as Jingle Bell finished speaking, cheers rang out all around, and a large number of boys in the Lost Boys camp rushed towards Peter Pan again with weapons raised.

This scared Peter Pan so much that he turned around and ran away, and Jingle Bell, who was watching him rolling and crawling away, snorted coldly with her hands on her chest and nodded with satisfaction.

For this former best friend, who had lived together for countless years, but abandoned them and chose to leave because of an outsider woman, and had been away for more than 20 years, Jingle Bell was very disgusted at this moment.

Because in Jingle Bell's eyes, this was a betrayal, an intolerable betrayal.

Especially after she secretly went to the real world several times and observed Peter Pan's situation, and found that in order to leave Neverland, he had chosen to abandon all the memories of Neverland and voluntarily gave up his relationship with everyone, Jingle Bell became even more angry.

Under Jingle Bell's command, Peter Pan was directly caught by the boys and even forcibly hung up.

Just when Jingle Bell was about to judge and punish this betrayer, a burst of footsteps suddenly sounded.

The next second, with the door being pushed open, four figures quickly appeared in everyone's sight.

"Wait a minute! Spare his life! He is Peter Pan!"

Hearing the voice, everyone turned their heads at the same time, and after seeing the appearance of the person coming clearly, their expressions instantly became angry.

"Another adult!"

The four people standing at the entrance of the camp were four adults, both men and women.

And their identity is adventurers!

The four people who forced their way into the camp at this moment did not pay attention to the aggressive boys of the Lost Camp around them. They were now staring at Qin Ming, who was at the innermost of the crowd, with a look of seeing a ghost.

They were still wondering where the fifth person in the team went. Shouldn't everyone be born in the same place?

Now, after seeing Qin Ming, they suddenly realized.

It turned out that the fifth guy who disappeared! He directly mixed into the protagonist's camp! He has means! Did he use some special props?

Just when the four people looked at Qin Ming in astonishment, Qin Ming was also frowning at them at this moment, and his eyes were very vigilant.

After finding that he didn't know these people and his enemies were not mixed in, he relaxed his frown.

Just when the two sides looked at each other, Jingle Bell, who was sitting on Qin Ming's head, suddenly spoke up and asked a question.

"Who are you! Neverland is impossible to enter without the guidance of our elves! Unless you are Captain Hook's people! Tell me! Are you Captain Hook's people!"

As soon as Jingle Bell finished speaking, the boys around him had already raised their weapons aggressively.

Looking at the machetes and various weapons in their hands, the four people at the door quickly took a step back and swallowed nervously.

Looking at the hundreds of people who were gathering in front of them, one of the female adventurers in the group of four couldn't help but grit her teeth and whispered to her companions.

"I say, isn't this a fairy tale? Why would the children in the fairy tale hold a machete and cut people when they disagree with each other? What kind of dark fairy tale is this?"

The companion beside him twitched his mouth and his face fell.

"A group of wild children who have no restraint, no control, and have never been to school, guess what kind of character they will be, let alone cutting people, it's good that they don't eat people! Don't forget that they can fight against a group of pirates!"

Under the boys' relentless pressure, the four retreated one after another. In the end, one of them reacted faster. Knowing that he couldn't explain it clearly, he hurriedly chose to change the subject.

"Dear Ms. Jingle Bell, we have long heard of your name, and we finally meet today! In fact, we came to protect Neverland! After learning about Captain Hook's evil plan, we secretly hid in his ship and followed him to the island!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he praised her, which made Jingle Bell's face slightly relieved, but she still did not relax her vigilance against the four people.

"Adults are not welcome in Neverland!"

"We know, so after defeating Captain Hook and his crew, we will leave, and the most urgent thing now is not to worry about whether we stay or go! But how to wake up Peter Pan!"

Quickly taking a step forward, under the vigilant eyes of the boys around them, the four adventurers came directly to Peter Pan.

Looking at this middle-aged greasy uncle who is completely different from the legend, neither as light as a swallow nor handsome, but with a beer belly, the four secretly grinned.

To be honest, let alone the boys who don't believe he is Peter Pan, even the four of them don't believe it!

After all, the legendary Peter Pan can fly! And what about this one in front of them! Can he still fly!

Have you ever seen a penguin that can fly! Is that a good picture?

But now, in order to stay, they can't care so much. Even if they have to brag, they have to make the people around them believe that this is Peter Pan.

After all, if even Peter Pan can't stay, then the four of them can't expect to stay.

"He is Peter Pan! The former hero! The legendary figure who defeated Captain Hook! The leader of the Lost Boys Camp! Peter Pan!"

"Impossible! He can't be Peter Pan!"

As soon as the voice fell, a loud shout came from the crowd, and a figure walked out.

And this guy with colorful hair and the oldest boy in the camp is the current leader of the Lost Boys Camp: Lofio, the second double knife in the game.

With two short knives inserted in his waist, he looked extremely angry at the moment.

"How could he be Peter Pan! Peter Pan has left long ago!"

Looking at the appearance of the current leader, the four adventurers looked miserable.

Although they knew that the current leader in front of them would not be willing to see another person appear to seize power from him.

If they insisted on confirming Peter Pan's identity, it would only lead to his hatred of them.

But now they have no choice but to do this. If they can't confirm Peter Pan's identity and let him stay, then they can't expect to sneak into the camp, let alone participate in the subsequent operations.

So today, this Peter Pan must be who he is! He must be who he is not!

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