Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 167 I am Peter Pan?

"He is Peter Pan, the Peter Pan who has been gone for 20 years!"

"He is not!"

"He is! He may not look like him! But he is indeed!"

"Humph! Since you say he is! Then let him fly! Peter Pan can fly! Let him fly! If he can't fly! I will throw you all off the cliff together!"

As soon as Luo Fei'ao said this, the four adventurers on the opposite side were speechless.

Turning their heads to look at the fat penguin uncle beside them, the four of them didn't even think of trying it for a while.

After all, with this physique, it would be a miracle if he could fly here!

At this time, the elf Jingle Bell, who had been sitting on Qin Ming's head, finally spoke.

She raised her head and chest, and suddenly reached out and pressed her chest and said loudly.

"That's right! He is not Peter Pan! Peter Pan is not a greasy fat uncle! The real Peter Pan is someone else!"

As soon as this was said, everyone around was shocked at the same time and turned their heads to look over.

Especially the four adventurers, they looked like they had seen a ghost.

No! This plot is wrong! Others may not recognize Peter Pan! But how could this elf not recognize him!

After all, she brought him back personally!

Feeling the surprised eyes of everyone, Jingle Bell had already flown over Qin Ming's head.

After turning her head to look at Qin Ming, Jingle Bell found that the more she looked at this guy, the more she liked him. Suddenly, she excitedly waved her hands at him and shouted.

"Actually, he! Is Peter Pan!"


As soon as Jingle Bell finished speaking, screams came from all around, and everyone was shocked.

Not only were they shocked, but Qin Ming, who was pointed at, was also shocked.

Pointing at his nose with an unbelievable look on his face, Qin Ming stared at Jingle Bell in front of him with wide eyes, his expression extremely confused.

"I am Peter Pan?"


"I can fly?"

"That's right!"

"Why don't I know it myself!"

"Because you have lost your memory! As long as you can get your memory back! You can fly! Become Peter Pan again!"

Tinker Bell became more and more excited as she spoke, not caring whether the people around her believed it or not.

And when Qin Ming heard her decisive words, he couldn't help but be at a loss for a moment.

Seeing that the other party was so sure, could he really be Peter Pan?

A muscular version of Peter Pan who is not good at wandering, but good at high-altitude bombing, who turns into a cruise missile on the spot when he sees someone, whooshes and crashes into them, and then bites them in the face?

This is bullshit! Whose fairy tale protagonist would be this style!

Thick skin + great strength + ruthless, aren't these the standard features of a villain!

If Peter Pan is really like this, why does he need Captain Hook to lead people here to bully others? Peter Pan himself has become a villain, okay!

And the camp doesn't need to be called the Lost Boys! Instead, it should be called the Missing Girls!

Peter Pan will have to rely on his ability to fly! Go out and catch little girls every day!

At that time, this is no longer a fairy tale! This is clearly an urban legend!

Seeing that everyone was unconvinced, Jingle Bell couldn't help showing an angry expression on her face and flew directly to Qin Ming.

"Peter Pan! Come! Fly one for them to see!"

Hearing this, Qin Ming turned his head expressionlessly and looked at Jingle Bell, just looking at her silently without saying a word.

Feeling Qin Ming's speechless gaze, Jingle Bell immediately put her hands on her hips.

"You fly!"

"Is there a possibility that I can't fly."

"Impossible! If I say you can, you can! Fly!"

"I really can't."

"Try it! Try hard!"

"This is not a skill that can be learned by hard work!"

"Try it quickly! Hurry up!"

Seeing Qin Ming standing there motionless, the impatient Jingle Bell flew over and started to push him hard.

Qin Ming had no choice but to jump on the spot to show that he had tried his best.


Qin Ming, who was jumping, suddenly felt his legs lighten, and the next second! His legs actually floated up!

The good news is! Qin Ming took off!

The bad news is! Only Qin Ming's legs took off!

Qin Ming, whose legs were floating upwards uncontrollably, was top-heavy and fell to the ground headfirst. Then he was dragged upside down by his legs and floated into the sky. From a distance, he looked like a balloon...

Qin Ming, who found that something was wrong, struggled hard while hanging in the sky, and checked his status at the same time.

Then he found that a temporary passive skill appeared on his body at this moment!

The power of the elves-flying!

Looking at the blessing skills on his body, Qin Ming's eyes were wide open.

Before he could recover from his astonishment, his legs sank, and he fell heavily to the ground again while floating in the air.

The elf Tinker Bell, who was looking at him falling down, felt the strange looks from the people around him, and hurriedly put her hands behind her back and smiled awkwardly.

"Well, Peter Pan may not be used to his previous abilities yet! So he is not very skilled in using them yet! But it doesn't matter! He won't be like this in the future! I promise!"

While she was speaking, she had already flown back to the top of Qin Ming's head, and swung her hands down vigorously.

"So! He is Peter Pan!"

After the words fell, the boys around were silent.

Looking at the big man who was struggling to stand up, who was nearly 1.8 meters tall and full of tendons, the boys were silent for a long time.

Finally, under the leadership of a little fat boy, they all began to applaud.

He is the one, right? Since the elves said he was, then he must be the one.

"Peter Pan! Peter Pan! Peter Pan!"

The uniform shouting sounded in the camp, and countless boys began to cheer.

Just as everyone was cheering, the greasy uncle version of Peter Pan, who was standing at the edge of the crowd, suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"If he is Peter Pan, who am I?"

As soon as the voice fell, the surroundings became silent again.

Everyone turned their heads and looked over here, looking at the embarrassed uncle Peter Pan, and then looked at the four adventurers who were about to sneak away because they saw that something was wrong.

After a few seconds of silence, everyone suddenly turned their heads to look at each other and nodded slowly...


Accompanied by several William screams, Peter Pan and the four unlucky adventurers were thrown out by the boys on the edge of the cliff, falling straight down and splashing into the water.

After doing all this, the boys nodded with satisfaction and left with their weapons.

The people who returned to the camp looked at Qin Ming expectantly, and the little fat boy even asked.

"Boss, what should we do next?"

Qin Ming, who changed his name in a daze and found that he had completed the green title task, trembled at the corner of his mouth when he heard the words.

Feeling the expectant eyes of the crowd, he raised his hand hesitantly.

"Uh, kill Captain Hook?"


As soon as the voice fell, the tsunami-like cheers had resounded in the camp.

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