Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 168 Something Wrong with the Fairy Tale World

In the Lost Boys camp, a large number of boys are sorting out their weapons and preparing to set off.

Although these guys are just a group of children who have not grown up, perhaps because they have lived in the magical land of Neverland for many years, their physiques are very strong, even stronger than ordinary adults! None of their attributes are less than 10 points!

Especially the leaders, that is, the protagonists in the original game, whose attributes are stronger than each other.

The second brother, the double swords, the third brother, the clown, the fourth brother, the doll, and the fifth brother, the fat man, these guys are all BOSS panels.

Although their combat power is definitely not as good as those monsters in the Three Kingdoms 2, nor can they be compared with the BOSS in the high-difficulty world.

But in a one-on-one fight, they are definitely not inferior to the BOSS in the first act of the ordinary world.

With their help and the boys in the Lost Boys camp, the difficulty of this world is really only D-level!

Just when these plot characters were sharpening their knives, Qin Ming in the room was confronting the elf Jingle Bell.

Looking at the small light ball flying in front of him, Qin Ming was speechless.

"I say, it's fine if you lie to others, but why do you lie to yourself? Don't you know whether I am Peter Pan or not? The half-baked flying magic on me just now was given by you, right?"

After saying this, Jingle Bell, who was floating on the opposite side, couldn't help but snorted coldly and immediately retorted.

"First! That's not half-baked magic! It's magical elf magic! It's just that you are too heavy! Second! You are Peter Pan!"

"I'm not!"

"I don't care what you were called before! Anyway, you are Peter Pan now!"

"What about the original Peter Pan?"

"Him? Hasn't he been thrown into the river? Why do you care about him?"

Holding her hands on her chest and snorting coldly, Jingle Bell turned her head fiercely, with an extremely indignant expression.

"He left us alone! Now he's in trouble and begs to come back! And he's become so fat and ugly! I don't need him anymore! He's no longer Peter Pan! From now on, you're the new Peter Pan!"

"But I can't fly at all!"

"When you have time, come with me to the Land of Dreams, you'll learn it naturally after taking a dip!"

"Land of Dreams?"

"Yes! Otherwise, how do you think Peter Pan learned to fly in the first place?"

Looking at Qin Ming with raised eyebrows, Dingdangling's expression was very arrogant at the moment.

"It's because I chose him to be Peter Pan! He can become Peter Pan who can fly! If I don't choose him! Then he is nothing! The same goes for you! If you dare to betray me! I'll throw you out of Neverland!"

When he said this, Dingdangling paused slightly, and suddenly added a sinister sentence.

"Do you know what happened to the children who were thrown out of Neverland? They were separated from the crowd for many years, and their bodies had not developed for many years. Their relatives no longer recognized them. What do you think will happen to a helpless child who suddenly returns to the real world? Hmm?"

Flew in front of Qin Ming, stretched out his hand to hold Qin Ming's nose, and pushed his little head directly up.

Tinkling, who was looking at Qin Ming's face, said coldly with a straight face.

"So! You are Peter Pan! You know!"

After saying that, Tinker Bell turned and flew away, leaving Qin Ming standing there in a daze.

After a long time, he stretched out his hand to support his chin and closed it with force.

Well! After all this time, this is really a dark fairy tale! Even the protagonist like Peter Pan can be replaced at will!

No wonder the requirement of the green title is to replace Peter Pan as the leader of the camp and become Peter Pan.

When Qin Ming first saw this title task, he was still wondering how to replace it. After all, Peter Pan is a person, not a title of status.

Now, he understands it all.

This Peter Pan is really just a status symbol! All the guys chosen by the elf Jingle Bell! Can become Peter Pan!

Damn! I have escaped into a fairy tale! Why is society still so dark! This is a fairy tale for people!

Will he be able to see the story of Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and Cinderella in the future!

At this moment, Qin Ming, who was forced to change his name, had his worldview somewhat collapsed.

An hour later, with the sound of the assembly call in the camp, the Lost Boys all gathered together, holding various weapons in their hands.

As the new leader, the legendary Peter Pan, Qin Ming, who looked not small at all, was also forced to change into a green suit and made a shining appearance.

There was even an extra weapon in his hand, a weapon that symbolized the identity of the leader, the weapon previously kept by Lofio, the Peter Pan Sword!

Name: Peter Pan's Sword (Captain Hook's World)

Category: Weapon (Brilliant Silver Plot)

Equipment Requirements: Peter Pan Identity

Effect 1: Attack Power 25-30

Effect 2: Energy Aura (Release the energy in the sword, quickly form a large number of energy auras around you, and launch indiscriminate shooting, cooling time 1 minute)

Introduction: This is a symbol of Peter Pan's status, and it is also the inherited weapon of Peter Pan from generation to generation. Yes, yes, it is from generation to generation, you know what I mean.

(Note: Special world equipment, cannot be replaced in this world)

Holding the inherited rapier in his hand, Qin Ming stood on the high platform with his chest and head raised.

Looking at the crowd below who looked up at him, he suddenly raised his weapon and roared.

"Kill Captain Hook!"

"Kill Captain Hook!!!"

A roar of anger rang out from below, and several flags were even raised in the crowd, with a crossed-out hook pattern on top, which was the anti-Captain Hook flag!

The team of hundreds of people walked towards Captain Hook's camp in the distance with such momentum. Qin Ming walked in the front, and Jingle Bell sat on his head. This elf was not innocent and cute at all, but full of evil.

Target! Captain Hook's camp!

The sudden attack here immediately attracted the attention of the robbers in the camp. In an instant, the alarm bells rang loudly, and countless robbers began to gather in a hurry.

But before they finished gathering, accompanied by a loud bang from the gate, they were knocked to the ground by force, and countless Lost Boys had already rushed in with weapons.

In just a blink of an eye, the pirate camp was in chaos, and the two sides fought madly. The fierceness of the battle did not show that this was actually a fairy tale.

Qin Ming, who was walking in the front, raised his arm and used the golden arm guard to block the big knife's chop, then punched the pirate in front of him on the neck, knocking him to a circle in the air before landing with a bang.

He killed one person with one punch, and amid the cheers of the elves, he kept advancing along the way, and soon saw the big boss of this mission, the evil fat chef, in the center of the camp.

With a loud bang, a fat man in a chef's uniform broke through the wall, holding a frying pan in his left hand and a kitchen knife in his right hand, and made a brilliant appearance!

Then he just jumped out! The next second, he was hit by a flying kick from Qin Ming! He was kicked back to the kitchen on the spot...

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