Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 169 Final BOSS! Captain Hook!

With a bang, the evil fat chef flew into the kitchen and smashed the counter to pieces.

He struggled to get up, raised his big knife and rushed forward again, but Qin Ming easily blocked the weapon with his arm guard.

With a ding and sparks flying, the evil fat chef's full-strength attack failed to break the defense at all, but the blade broke off a piece.

The golden arm guard's 50-point additional defense effect is simply outrageous.

He swung the big knife away with force, and swung a backhand punch on the evil fat chef's neck, sending him flying for the second time.

Without waiting for the other party to struggle to get up, Qin Ming, who was walking towards him, had already grabbed the iron pot next to him and swung it with all his strength.

With a bang, the iron pot hit the fat chef's body heavily, and the boiling soup inside splashed all over the other party, causing the fat chef to scream repeatedly.

He waved the machete and frying pan randomly, and went up to hit four times in a row, obviously using some skills.

As a result, Qin Ming raised his arms to block the four consecutive attacks, and used his arm guard to block them without any injury.

After blocking the attack, Qin Ming kicked out again, and kicked the fat chef out for the third time.

With the continuous improvement of attributes, Qin Ming's combat power at this moment can basically crush the ordinary first-act BOSS.

The attributes of the BOSS fat chef in front of him are actually quite good. Both strength and physique have reached 40 points, and he has four C-level skills. Although he dare not say that he is among the top in the ranks of first-act BOSS, he can definitely stand on his own feet. At least he is definitely not a bottom-ranked chicken.

However, this kind of high-attack and high-defense BOSS is not Qin Ming's opponent at the moment in a head-on confrontation, and he can't even force Qin Ming's skills!

Even if he doesn't use the ability of essence absorption, Qin Ming's strength and physical attributes are now above the opponent!

Just when Qin Ming was suppressing the evil fat chef, he was striding forward, and suddenly heard a nightmare space prompt sound in his ears.

(Ding Dong! You have been blessed by the power of the elves!)

Qin Ming was stunned when he heard the voice, and looked down to find that he had a temporary blessing state.

Elf Power-Strength (Strength Value Upper Limit +15 points)

Before Qin Ming could come back to his senses from his surprise, the elf Jingle Bell, who was sitting on his head and holding his hair tightly, was emitting light and shouting excitedly.

"Kill him! Peter Pan! Kill him!"

Hearing this, looking at Jingle Bell's excitement, Qin Ming couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Then he suddenly took a step and ran wildly, rushing towards the evil fat chef opposite.

He bumped into the opponent with one shoulder, forcibly lifted the fat man up, and smashed him against the wall behind.

With a loud bang, a big hole was directly knocked out of the wall. Qin Ming, who rushed out of the building together, threw the evil fat chef to the ground, rode on him tightly, and aimed at his face with a set of combination punches.

The fists wrapped in flames and air waves were like heavy artillery, and each punch was extremely powerful. As the fight went on, Qin Ming even raised his hand to condense a sonic hand knife, holding a high-speed rotating air wheel, and slashed the opponent's neck fiercely.

His strength was already 41 points with the blessing of various equipment! Now he has obtained 15 blessings from the power of the elves! It once surged to 56 points!

If the essence absorption is turned on again! It can even reach the limit of the second stage! That is 60 points!

BOSS? This scene now! Qin Ming is the BOSS!

After a set of continuous combination punches, Qin Ming pinched the fat chef's neck with both hands, dragged him to the ground and hit him hard, causing the opponent's head to hit the stone on the ground.

The fat chef who was attacked also waved his weapon desperately to beat Qin Ming, trying to make him let go, but it was a pity that it was useless.

In the end, it was Qin Ming who was furious and grabbed his collar, lifted him up high, and fell with all his strength, hitting his raised knee hard, crushing his spine on the spot!

With a snap, the evil fat chef's body was smashed into a V shape, his eyes widened for a moment, and blood kept pouring out of his mouth and nose.

Before he could struggle and resist, an iron arm had been extended from the side, clamping his neck tightly, and began to shrink and twist with all his strength!


Another crisp sound came into his ears, and the evil fat chef's body stiffened, his neck was twisted to 90 degrees on the spot, and his limbs drooped, and there was no movement at all.

Qin Ming picked up an ordinary silver key from the ground, looked up and looked around, looking at the robbers who began to flee in all directions, and the Lost Boys who were cheering loudly, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

He didn't expect that this mission would be completed so easily, which was completely different from the previous one where he had to try his best to complete it after several dangerous situations.

I don't know whether I have really become stronger or the difficulty of this world is too low.

Just as Qin Ming was sighing, he suddenly felt the sound of wind in his ears.

Turning around, he found that the elf Jingle Bell was now hugging his ears tightly with a red face and kissed him twice.

"So cool! You are so cool! Completely different from the previous Peter Pans! The way you fight is so barbaric! I like it so much!"

Ding Dong! Jingle Bell's favorability towards you +80!

Qin Ming couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the prompt sound in his ears.

That must be completely different. The previous Peter Pans were all a group of children. Even if they were cruel, they were physically strong. He couldn't be fierce even if he wanted to.

Now that he has suddenly become an adult, and an adult who often fights with others, it would be strange if the visual impact of his fight can be the same.

Pulling away the jingle bell that was holding his ear tightly, Qin Ming strode towards the crowd and began to clean up the battlefield with his head down. At the same time, he was still hesitating about one thing.

That is, whether he should take this opportunity to completely deal with the troubles that followed him in.

If it is for safety reasons, he can choose to retreat directly after completing the main task.

At that time, the other party will lose a tracking prop in vain, and they will definitely be disgusted to death if they follow him in without even seeing him.

But the problem is that there is only a thief who can steal for a thousand days, but there is no one who can guard against thieves for a thousand days.

Since the other party dares to follow him in, if he doesn't discuss life with them, wouldn't it be a waste of their enthusiasm!

Standing in the middle of the camp, Qin Ming frowned and made a decision in his heart.

Don't leave! Wait for two more days! Anyway, there are still 48 hours to evacuate!

It's best to be within these two days! I can find and kill the three guys who chased me in!

Just when Qin Ming was lost in thought, a violent roar suddenly sounded.

Qin Ming, who heard the noise, looked up in surprise, and saw a large ship in the distance slowly approaching along the water. On the top flag of the ship, there was a classic skull pattern!

This is a pirate ship! A giant pirate ship!

As the water swayed, the huge ship slowly stopped, and at the bow, a large number of pirates stood at this moment.

They shouted and shouted with weapons in their hands, constantly demonstrating towards this side, and some even pushed cannons and fired randomly at the shore.

The rumbling sound was continuous, and the houses around the shells kept bursting. The Lost Boys hurriedly hid with their heads in their hands as wood chips flew all over the sky.

When the bombardment ended, the pirates on the ship suddenly made way to the left and right.

With the dull sound of footsteps, a burly man wearing a gorgeous captain's uniform, a captain's hat on his head, and an iron hook in his left hand quickly walked out.

With one hand holding a rapier and the other hand holding a hook hanging down, the middle-aged captain looked down at this side with an expressionless face and a very cold look in his eyes.

"See you again, Lost Boys, why are you the only ones here? Where is your Peter Pan?"

The final boss of Captain Hook's world! Captain Hook has appeared!

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