Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 171: Counterattack

In another camp of Captain Hook, Qin Ming led a large army to attack again, rushed into the camp and started a large-scale looting and burning.

This is obviously a mining area, and the ground is covered with rails to help the mine carts run.

After being attacked, the pirates stationed here immediately launched a counterattack. Not only are they in large numbers, but some mine carts are even equipped with large weapons such as crossbows!

A large number of pirates rushed over pushing mine carts! A bunch of artificial tanks were made on the spot! Trying to use this mine cart weapon to deal with the enemy!

And on the mine carts, there are a lot of Indian pitchers!

They wear standard feather hats on their heads and hold Indian spears in their hands. When they get close, they raise their hands and shoot, which can be said to be a hundred shots.

Qin Ming, who was hit by a spear in the front, was actually shot back and flew out, and his defense was forcibly broken!

This shocked him who pulled the spear out of his body.

Looking at the attributes of the spear in his hand, he was even more stunned.

Name: Indian Spear (Captain Hook Act 2)

Category: Consumable (Green)

Attribute 1: Causes 50 points of fixed damage

Attribute 2: Ignores 15 points of physical defense

Introduction: No one knows why the stone spear can shoot out such a powerful force. Maybe this is the so-called power of the ancestors?

(Note: Non-space certified equipment, cannot be taken out of this world)

Terrible output! Powerful effect!

Looking at the spear in his hand, Qin Ming finally understood why he was broken by a small monster.

This is actually one of the three major artifact consumables for novices! The Indian spear, which is known as the life-saving trump card for novices!

The so-called three major artifact consumables! They are the Indian spear in the world of Captain Hook! The shoulder-fired rocket launcher in the world of Dino Fight! And the blood drop in the world of Three Kingdoms War!

All three are green consumables, and are relatively easy to obtain, powerful, and very cost-effective.

The Indian spear has a terrifying attack, and if used well, it can even kill low-level adventurers in seconds.

Needless to say, the shoulder-fired rocket launcher, once hit by this thing head-on, the whole person will be blown to pieces on the spot.

As for the blood drop in the Three Kingdoms War Chronicle? The damage of this thing is not too high, but the problem is that it can track automatically! And it can cause multiple stages of damage!

Imagine that you are fighting with someone, and a flying disc suddenly flies over and automatically chases you to cut, how terrifying the scene is.

The legendary three artifacts for novices can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of low-level adventurers, allowing them to gain the power to compete with senior adventurers on the spot.

And the consumables of the three artifacts for novices can enable newcomers to have the ability to threaten senior adventurers! Let the other party be afraid to use their weapons! Dare not to provoke you casually!

A small monster that is not even an elite monster can actually shoot Qin Ming with a spear, this is the best proof!

"Oh oh oh oh!"


Amid the howling, an Indian pirate holding a spear rushed out from behind the bunker.

But before he could throw his weapon, he was hit by a spear and was shot up on the spot, hanging on the wall.

Qin Ming, who threw a spear at the opponent, turned and walked out of the bunker, waving his arms and shooting a giant sonic hand knife more than one meter wide directly in front of him.

With the whistling wind, the wooden box in front was split in two on the spot, and the two pirates hiding behind were also hit and their bodies were cut in an instant.

With a rapier hanging on his waist, Qin Ming rushed to the front with great momentum, while the group of lost boys followed him with various weapons and howled.

The sudden appearance of the enemy here immediately attracted the attention of the owner of this port.

With a bang, just as Qin Ming was about to lead his men to rush to the huge pirate ship that was docking in the distance to unload cargo and replenish ammunition, a loud noise suddenly came out.

The next second, a huge black shadow shot over from the ship at a high speed, and Qin Ming was shocked and quickly dodged sideways.

The shadow brushed past Qin Ming and instantly shot out a poor guy behind Qin Ming.

And that shadow was actually a huge stone the size of a person!


Accompanied by a piercing roar, a burly giant with a height of nearly three meters jumped directly from the ship holding a steel pipe.

Three female pirates in thief clothes also fell with him!

As soon as he stood firm, the giant holding the steel pipe roared and rushed out, waving the steel pipe at the crowd.

The three female pirates holding scimitars, who looked almost identical, looked at each other and followed immediately with scimitars.

At the same time, on the pirate ship, several planks had fallen diagonally, and a large number of pirates were swinging along the planks or grabbing ropes, killing this side!

The pirates who were attacked! Started to counterattack!

Looking at the four BOSSs rushing in the front, even though Qin Ming was mentally prepared, he was still shocked.

After all, the second and third act bosses appear together, and the scene is too shocking!

Not to mention that there are three bosses in the third act!

Name: Southern Chief (Captain Hook Act 2)

Strength 50

Constitution 50

Agility 5

Spirit 5

Skills: Boulder Throwing (B-level) Pole Dance (C-level) Giant Club Strike (C-level)

Introduction: He is Captain Hook's right-hand man and the strongest warrior of the Southern Giants.

Name: Scimitar Dancer Papa/Lanlan/Coco (Captain Hook Act 3)

Strength 30

Constitution 30

Agility 30

Spirit 30

Skills: Scimitar Dance (C-level) Slide Slash (C-level) Flying Slash (C-level)

Introduction: One of Captain Hook's important subordinates, three sisters who are in tune with each other.

Several bosses led their troops to rush down here, and the protagonists in the Lost Boys' position also rushed up without hesitation.

The strength of these people is also not weaker than the boss, which is also the main reason why Qin Ming dared to challenge Captain Hook head-on.

After all, who doesn't have a few masters around him! If you don't take him down before the other party has completely gathered his troops, it will not be so easy to take him down when he calls everyone together and drives the boat to the door!

At the moment of the battle, the second protagonist, such as the double sword, has already dragged the afterimage behind him and used his signature stunt, Phantom Sprint!

This is a skill that almost everyone in the Lost Boys camp has. It is a C-level skill with an amazingly strong ability to charge forward.

Compared with the ordinary Lost Boys, the protagonists such as the second brother Shuangdao have an extra killer move!

The second brother Shuangdao summoned an energy sailboat to collide, the third brother clown called a bunch of penguins to help, and the fourth brother doll had the funniest ability. He actually threw out a bunch of candies and shot the enemies around like bullets.

Combined with the flesh bomb impact of the fifth brother and the energy aura of the eldest brother, the original Peter Pan, the five people can be said to have their own unique skills.

Except that the basic attribute panel is a little weak, their combat power is even better than that of ordinary BOSS!

Especially the second brother Shuangdao, the original child king, the leader of the Lost Camp before, who had to give up his position after Qin Ming was named the new Peter Pan by the elf Jingle Bell.

In the original game, this guy was very unpopular because of his short arms.

That treatment is just like the white man in Dino Fighter. He is either sitting on the bench or on the way to sitting on the bench. No one wants to play with him.

If you dare to choose him in the game hall, you will definitely be immediately greeted with the caring eyes of countless onlookers.

But that is just a game. As a guy who has become the big brother by virtue of his ability since Peter Pan left, his actual combat power is actually very terrifying. He is definitely the strongest among the four.

Now he is fighting with the Southern Chief, but he is not at a disadvantage and even suppresses his opponent in the opposite direction!

Just when everyone was fighting fiercely here, Qin Ming, who used his body to forcefully push away the crowd, had already grabbed the rope and swung onto the deck, ready to capture the thief first.

Even if he can't beat him in a hurry, at least he should activate the sunglasses ability at close range to see the specific attributes of the opponent, so as to collect intelligence for the next decisive battle.

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