Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 172 The offensive and defensive situations are different!

With a bang, Qin Ming, who had let go of his hand, flew to the ground and stood steadily on the board. He just held the silver rapier that symbolized Peter Pan's identity with one hand and looked forward with a serious expression.

On the opposite side, Captain Hook, who had been standing at the bow to watch the battle, also turned around quickly and looked over.

Throwing his coat with the hook, and at the same time raising his hand to draw the rapier from his waist, Captain Hook looked at Qin Ming with a very gloomy look.

"You dare to challenge me alone! So arrogant! Peter Pan!"

Lifting the hook and pointing it at Qin Ming, Captain Hook's smile gradually became ferocious.

"But do you think I will really fight you alone? I'm a pirate! What rules do pirates have! By the way! Three friends said they know you and want to talk to you. How about you catch up first?"

While speaking, Captain Hook had already stepped aside to make way.

And in the cabin next to him, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, three figures quickly walked out and appeared in front of Qin Ming.

The person who led the way was none other than Adventurer Feng!

As the saying goes, enemies become more jealous when they meet. After seeing Qin Ming, Feng suddenly stopped and showed a cold smile on his face.

"Long time no see! Old buddy!"

Hearing this eerie greeting, Qin Ming, who had been watching Captain Hook and the surroundings silently, finally retracted his gaze at this moment.

He suddenly raised his hand to touch his ear, and raised his eyebrows with a puzzled look at the enemy opposite.

"Huh? Who are you? Have we met before?"

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Adventurer Feng's face froze instantly, and the corners of his eyes began to tremble violently and uncontrollably.

"Hehe, are you trying to irritate me? There's no need to do this, because I'm already very angry!"

"Oh, look at your face, you're very angry, be careful, don't get cerebral thrombosis at such a young age."

Qin Ming's teasing words made Adventurer Feng's eyes red.

Veins bulged on his arms, and he could no longer bear it. With a push of his feet, his entire figure disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Mobile magic skill! Ice River!

He appeared behind Qin Ming with a whoosh, and at the same time raised his hands and grabbed with all his strength!

With the cold light flashing in his hands! The terrifying tornado appeared again!

The ultimate move! I watched TV... cough! Dark crying!

He grabbed Qin Ming's collar and used the wind of the killer move directly, and instantly launched a violent cutting.

The rotating airflow tore around Qin Ming crazily, and forcibly condensed a wind column on the spot.

In just a blink of an eye, Qin Ming's black coat was torn into pieces, revealing the red vest inside.

But the power of this move was only this. Qin Ming, who stood in the tornado with an expressionless face and did not move, just let the enemy launch the skill, and was too lazy to even block it.

A large amount of airflow as sharp as a blade slashed at him, but it actually made a harsh friction sound, and it was completely unable to cut his skin.


Not breaking the defense!

Feng, who was originally performing the skill with a fierce expression, opened his eyes wide and looked unbelievable after seeing this scene.

Especially when he noticed Qin Ming's slightly raised eyes, silently looking down at him, and his mouth opened subconsciously.

With a whoosh, Feng dodged Qin Ming's hand grab with an ice-cold step, and quickly distanced himself from Qin Ming, and couldn't help screaming.

"Impossible! I have clearly strengthened this skill! It has already targeted your defense! I have especially strengthened the Dark Cry! How can it not break the defense!"

The original Dark Cry is only a C-level skill. With the blessing of the blood of the snake, the power can be comparable to ordinary B-level skills.

Feng's blood of the snake is not complete, but a defective version, so his skills are far less powerful than the original.

After resurrection, seeing that his previous proud move could not break the enemy's defense, he chose to grit his teeth and take out the precious golden plot attribute points, forcibly mutating and strengthening this C-level skill to B-level! Trying to avenge his previous shame!

Even when he took action just now, Feng had already thought a lot in his mind.

He had imagined the shock on Qin Ming's face after being hit hard by a move that he could have ignored.

He imagined the embarrassed look of the opponent kneeling on the ground begging for mercy when he couldn't beat him.

But he never expected it! This B-level mutant version of Dark Cry, which has been upgraded to one level! It still can't break the opponent's defense!

What a joke!

On the opposite side, Qin Ming stretched out his hand to pull the red vest, and at the same time pulled off the remaining rags on his body, looked up at his shocked enemy, and suddenly grinned.

"Hey, hey, hey, you don't think that you are the only one who has grown up during this period of time? Your ability can be improved, but I can only stay where I am?"


"So, you, a sissy who likes to scratch people with your nails in a fight, still only know these three tricks? If that's the case, then I can only say that you disappoint me."

Qin Ming, who was tense with muscles, moved his shoulders vigorously, and veins suddenly bulged in his neck.

"How about I show you how I have grown!"

As soon as the voice fell, violent flames gushed out from Qin Ming's body, and with the left hand that had been charged for a long time, a huge flame sonic hand knife instantly cut through the air!

The two-meter-high sonic hand knife standing upright on the ground just forcibly cut through the deck of the pirate ship, leaving a hideous mark on the top, and slashed forward with a whoosh.

Seeing the flames coming, Feng fled from the spot in an instant. Before he could steady his steps, the second flame had already rushed towards him.

Standing in place, Qin Ming waved his hands frantically, continuously slashing out one sonic speed hand knife after another.

The high-speed rotating flame airflow frantically cut the surrounding cabins, cut off the railings and shredded the wooden boards, and in just a blink of an eye, the surroundings were chopped into thousands of holes.

The adventurer Feng, who was dodging around Qin Ming, was chased and beaten for a while.

After all, he didn't dare to get close at all!

He still remembered how he was caught and beaten up at close range before.

Having suffered a loss once, how could he dare to take the initiative to get close to Qin Ming.

But if he didn't get close to Qin Ming, he, a guy with most of his skills in close combat, couldn't compete with Qin Ming's sonic speed hand knife at a distance.

Therefore, Feng was fighting very hard now.

If the last time they met, he was full of vigor and could rely on his strong talent and attributes to suppress Qin Ming.

Now, after dying once, his attributes have been greatly deducted, and Qin Ming has completely grown up.

The second time they met, Feng did not have the strongest attribute advantage, and he did not dare to fight in close combat, and he could not fight in long-range attacks. He could no longer suppress Qin Ming! He even began to be suppressed by him in reverse!

Only three worlds apart! Between the two of them! The offensive and defensive positions have already changed!

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