Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 173: A fierce battle between two heroes

He tried to break out again, but he backed off at the last moment.

He didn't dare to use the super special move of the True Eight Girls, fearing that Qin Ming would attack him again. He grabbed Feng, who had taken a bite, and used a glacier flash step to distance himself from Qin Ming again.

Looking at the aggressive enemy on the opposite side, he realized that it would be difficult for him to defeat Feng alone, so he finally gave up the idea of ​​fighting him alone to wash away the shame, and instead roared.

"Nu! What are you waiting for? Do you still want money?"

As soon as the words fell, Nu, who had been standing next to him smoking a cigar, immediately raised his hand and threw away the cigarette.

"Didn't you say that I don't need to take action first!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's work together to kill him!"


He raised his hand to take out the headscarf, wrapped it around his head, and the adventurer named Nu ran towards Qin Ming instantly.

First, he dodged the cutting of the sonic hand knife sideways, then jumped up and kicked... but he didn't kick.

After landing, Nu's raised left arm suddenly burst into flames, and he roared and threw a quick uppercut at Qin Ming!

"Oh, oh, oh, oh!"

The King of Fighters World! The special skill of Ralph, a member of Team Nu!

C-level skill! Gatling machine gun!

He immediately hit Qin Ming with a series of punches! For a moment, the fire was flying everywhere! The murderous aura was soaring... but it was still unsuccessful!

Looking at his combination of punches hitting Qin Ming's face, but he didn't even see blood. Qin Ming, with his neck stiff, didn't move, and just stared at him.

Finding that this move didn't break the defense, Nu couldn't help but widen his eyes, and a look of seeing a ghost appeared on his face.



As soon as he cried out, a hand knife wrapped in flames had already slashed from the side at high speed, hitting Nu's neck!

The high-speed rotating air wave above cut his skin, bringing up a lot of blood on the spot. The huge force carried by his arm even knocked him to the ground with a bang after spinning in the air.

He landed heavily, causing a lot of cracks on the deck. He hurriedly rolled away from the spot and avoided Qin Ming's pursuit and trampling.

Then he covered his bleeding neck and stood up quickly. After returning to his companions, he stared at Qin Ming with wide eyes and screamed.

"No! Captain! This kid's strength is not right!"

"Nonsense! If he is easy to beat! Why would I pay you to help!"

"But you didn't say he was so tough! He must have advanced defensive skills! It costs extra money to deal with him!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Kill him!"

With a roar, Feng Meng disappeared from the spot.

And Nu, this guy gritted his teeth and suddenly rushed towards Qin Ming with a roar. During the charge, a dazzling white light flashed on his body.

B-level super-killing move! Horse-riding machine gun punch!

After approaching, the body flew forward! With a ferocious expression, Nu hit Qin Ming with his shoulder, trying to knock him to the ground and give him a personal massage on the face.

He used the famous skill of Ralph, a member of the Angry Team! The killer move known as the face-riding kill!

Nu was on! He successfully hit Qin Ming! He hit Qin Ming!

…………Unfortunately, he still didn't hit him!

(Ding! Skill hit! Competing with the opponent's strength! The target's strength value is not lower than your own, and the skill failed to activate!)

Hearing the nightmare space prompt sound in his ear, he hit Qin Ming with his shoulder, but he didn't hit him. Instead, he was thrown out. His eyes were wide open for a while, and his face was full of disbelief.

Special skills such as throwing skills and grappling skills are generally very unreasonable. Once hit, it will be death or disability, and the most important thing is that it is impossible to resist.

But the difficulty of activating is also very high.

When Nu's horse-riding machine cannon punch is launched, it is necessary to compete with the opponent in strength.

If the opponent's body is already unbalanced and he does not mobilize all his strength to resist.

Or if his strength value is not as good as his own, then the skill will be forced to be launched successfully, and what awaits the opponent is a whole set of face punches after being thrown down!

But once the strength value competition fails! Then the skill will also fail to launch! Subsequent moves cannot be performed at all!

In order to make up for this defect of the skill, Nu has been increasing his strength value with all his strength! Now his strength value has reached 50 points!

But even with such a high strength attribute! He still couldn't beat his opponent! How terrifying is the strength value of this guy in front of him!

Didn't the captain say that he is good at physique!

Before Nu was knocked to the ground by the rebound, he suddenly felt his head tighten in mid-air and was grabbed by someone.

Holding Nu's head, Qin Ming's face was ferocious at this moment, and he swung him up and smashed it wildly at the ground next to him.

Nu, who weighed more than 160 kilograms, was now in Qin Ming's hands, but he was like a rag doll, being thrown around by one hand, and had no ability to resist.

In a moment, the deck was smashed with cracks, and Nu was completely bruised.

However, this Nu was also a tank adventurer with double points of strength and physical attributes. Not only was he very good at fighting, but he was also very strong at carrying.

If it were an ordinary adventurer who was caught and ravaged by Qin Ming, he would have died long ago.

But this Nu was only injured, not even seriously injured!

Qin Ming's pupils shrank when he saw this scene, and suddenly opened his bloody mouth, ready to bite, and activated the essence absorption skill.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden howling of strong wind behind him.

It turned out that the wind that had been wandering around looking for opportunities finally showed up at this moment.

And as soon as it showed up, it used its strongest skills.

True Eight Maidens! Jiao!

"Ahhhhhh! Die!!!"

While roaring, Feng waved his hands wildly and aimed at Qin Ming's back with a whole set of cuts.

Every time he swung his claws, he could bring a touch of blood.

This time he used the A-level skill! Finally succeeded in breaking the defense!

As an A-level skill, the most terrifying thing about the True Eight Maidens is that it has a special effect, that is, it can ignore defense!

No matter how high your defense attribute is, this move can ignore it and force you to cause full damage.

This is also the main reason why Qin Ming was severely injured by it last time. This move is simply unbearable!

However, now that he was hit by this move again, although his back was also cut and scarred, the injuries were reduced by about half compared to before.

Although his back was bloody, it was just a superficial wound!

After all, the terrifying 11-point damage-free effect! It doesn't matter whether you can ignore defense or not!

This damage-free ability! It is too restrained for this kind of continuous attack!

Qin Ming, who was attacked from behind, had a ferocious look on his face, and threw the enemy in his hand to the back.

Seeing this, Feng quickly flashed away from the spot.

However, he escaped, but suffered from the anger that was thrown.

He screamed and hit the cabin head-on, smashing the wooden board directly, and the whole person flew into it completely.

Two new stars who were trained by the King of Fighters team worked together to deal with one person, but they failed to defeat the opponent with all their strength, and one of them was severely injured on the spot by the opponent!

The blindfolded girl in the distance was stunned by the scene.

After she realized what was happening, she shuddered and hurriedly turned around to run away, no longer daring to watch the excitement.

After all, with her small body, if she was really caught by the other party, she would be squeezed to death!

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