Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 174 Cosmic Phantom!

The revenge trio were injured and fled in the blink of an eye, leaving Feng standing alone.

Looking at Qin Ming nervously, sweat slowly flowed down the adventurer's forehead.

He never expected that the monster in front of him could grow to such an extent just two worlds apart.

Although he was very reluctant to admit it, he knew in his heart that he was no longer his opponent!

It’s all because of the negative effects of that KOF invitation! It’s all caused by the 20% attributes that were deducted!

Moreover, his own resurrection also delayed the growth of a world! This resulted in being distanced by the opponent!

If you are not affected by these! Just rely on yourself to obtain the terrifying talent that can double any attribute points! How could he be so frustrated!

Just the attribute crushing alone can crush your opponent to death!

Seeing that with the blessing of equipment, even though his attributes had been deducted, he still reached a full attribute panel of 35 points, Feng felt extremely angry for a moment.

He has never been so frustrated in a fight. He has always used his attributes to crush others, but this is the first time he has encountered an opponent who dare not go up and confront him head-on!

Even when facing major plot characters before! He has never been so cowardly!

His teeth were gritting as he looked at Qin Ming, who was standing on the opposite side and staring at him silently, obviously waiting for him to attack first. The veins on Adventurer Feng's forehead suddenly bulged, but he didn't dare to approach casually.

Seeing that he didn't dare to step forward, Qin Ming couldn't help but rolled his eyes and took the initiative to find trouble for the other party.

Just when Qin Ming took a step forward, a loud noise suddenly came to his ears.

Qin Ming was startled when he heard the noise, and instinctively turned his head to look to the side.

As a result, the wall of the cabin nearby exploded! A figure covered in flames! It's shooting towards this side like a cannonball!

That fist wrapped in fire! Just like that at lightning speed! It hit Qin Ming in the face!

A-level super special move! Cosmic phantom!


Terrifying shock waves spread in all directions! It even caused countless items to tumble and fly!

Qin Ming, who received a punch from the front, was sent flying directly by the punch. His body smashed into the railing and left the pirate ship. He drew an arc and fell to the ground below with a whoosh.

Cosmic phantom! Rage Team Ralph’s strongest stunt!

It may not be the most powerful move in the King of Fighters world! But it must be the toughest move!

The charging time is up to three seconds! And it can’t be used until it’s fully charged! It is extremely difficult to perform! The effect is also extremely terrifying!

For a charge-based skill like this, the longer it is charged, the more lethal it will be.

And how powerful a move like Cosmic Phantom, which is extremely laborious to perform, would be! One can imagine!

Its positive destructive power! It must be far ahead of Qin Ming's charged sonic hand knife!

It even surpassed Feng Nazhao! A true eight-year-old girl blessed by the power of blood!

Hiding in the cabin, after accumulating energy for three seconds, he finally unleashed the fury of this earth-shattering blow. At this moment, his whole body was exuding heat waves and he was panting.

Before he could take a breath, he suddenly roared, ran with all his strength, and jumped off the pirate ship along the gap in the fence.

"Don't give him a chance to breathe! Chase him! Kill him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped off the pirate ship. The next second, he was holding on to the edge of the ship, struggling to crawl back.

This made Feng, who was about to jump off, couldn't help but be stunned.

He stopped in a hurry, looked down, and immediately understood why Nu was running back.

Because on the ground, he was hit by a punch and flew more than twenty meters away, rolling several times before sliding to a stop. Qin Ming, who was severely injured by the punch on the spot, has almost recovered from his injuries!

At this moment, he was pulling a pirate, biting the other person's neck, and frantically absorbing the blood from the other person's body.

After forcing this guy to become a human, he threw the mummy on the ground and suddenly slowly turned his head to look in the direction of the pirate ship.

With his face covered in blood, he stared with a pair of ferocious eyes, stretched out his hand and forcefully cracked his chin, trying to restore the crooked chin.

Regardless of the injuries on the face or the cuts on the back, they are almost gone!

Seeing this scene, let alone being angry, even Feng, who had fought against Qin Ming before, was dumbfounded.

He swallowed nervously, his eyes shaking wildly, but in the end he did not dare to jump off the boat and continue the pursuit.

Qin Ming, who reached out to wipe the blood on his mouth, raised his head and took a deep look at his enemy, then turned around and left.

We have figured out the specific situation of the opponent, and there is no point in continuing the fight.

The main thing is! No trace of the real owner has been found yet! It's too dangerous to fight now!


As the leader Qin Ming retreated, the Lost Boys quickly followed suit, leaving only countless pirates cheering loudly.

At this time, Nu, who was standing next to Adventurer Feng on the ship, reached out and rubbed his wrist vigorously, looked up at the direction Qin Ming left, and suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"Hey, boss, I'll give you the money back. Can I not accept this deal?"

Hearing this, Feng did not answer, but turned to look at him silently.

Feeling the cold gaze of the other party, Nu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Just kidding, just kidding. I seem to be the kind of person who has no professional qualities. Oh, he just needs to be tougher. Don't worry, I can definitely deal with him next time."

Although he said that, the anger at this moment made his heart feel extremely bitter.

Good guy! He took a punch from Cosmic Phantom! He was still like nothing happened! What kind of monster is this!

40,000 points? If I had known that the opponent was so difficult to deal with! He would not have accepted the 100,000 points!

This deal! He lost money!

Just when the few people here looked bitter and did not dare to chase him.

Qin Ming, who was walking back away from the pirate camp, suddenly held a tree and coughed violently, and a large amount of blood gushed out of his mouth.

Cosmic Phantom, which is known as the strongest single-target ultimate move in King of Fighters 97, is not so easy to take, not to mention that Qin Ming was completely unprepared at the time.

Even if he urgently used the Essence Absorption skill to recover his condition, he was still seriously injured.

After all, this is a magical skill that is said to be able to end the game with one punch! You hit the opponent with two sets of combos! It may not be as high as this one!

The reason why he was not knocked out by a punch is because Qin Ming’s defense and physique are awesome enough.

Seeing Qin Ming suddenly vomiting blood, the flying elf Jingle Bell flew towards him and asked about the situation with concern while activating his own ability.

With a flash of light, the power of the A-level elf was activated, and Qin Ming suddenly felt that his condition had improved a lot.

This made him look up at the elf in surprise.

Wow! This little guy's skills are really versatile!

It can make people fly, strengthen basic attributes, and can also be used to heal injuries.

She is all-powerful!

"Peter Pan, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, I won't die, let's go back first."

He stood up and wiped his mouth, turned his head and looked at the pirate camp again. Qin Ming's eyes were very gloomy at this moment.

This first duel was considered a loss for him. After all, he really didn't expect that the opponent would have such an outrageous skill!

This single burst skill! It restrained his defense ability too much! 11 points of damage reduction is of no use at all!

But there will be no next time! The opponent's trump cards have almost been played! I haven't done anything yet!

The elf's attribute blessing is useless! I didn't call out the protagonist-level helper Kasamoto Eri!

Besides, I still have a trick, a trump card specially prepared to deal with them, but I didn't reveal it.

The next time we meet, it won't end so hastily...

On the way back, Qin Ming's eyebrows were getting tighter and tighter.

He was not worried about the problem of the two enemies. After finding out the situation of the other party, they were not to be feared.

What made Qin Ming feel headache was another reason, which was also the main reason why he chose to retreat actively just now.

If he continued to rush up and fight hard, Qin Ming was actually not afraid at all. After all, for safety reasons, he synthesized several consumables of blue quality or above this time.

As long as he ate one and recovered his condition, Qin Ming was still confident that he could beat the two to death with random punches.

The main reason for his active retreat was the Captain Hook beside him.

This is not to say how strong the attributes of this final boss are. On the contrary, the main reason for Qin Ming's retreat was! He was too weak!

That attribute doesn't look like a final boss at all!

He! Is a fake!

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