Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 175 The Secret of Neverland

Name: Captain Hook (Captain Hook Act 6)

Strength 20

Constitution 20

Agility 10

Spirit 10

Skills: Rapier Triple Hit (C-level) Rifle Shooting (C-level)

Introduction: The leader of the Hook Pirates and Peter Pan's mortal enemy.

The highest attribute is only 20 points? Can this be the final BOSS? This is bullshit!

Qin Ming, who found that something was wrong, had been secretly observing the surroundings, and even turned on his infrared vision skill that he rarely used.

Relying on skill reconnaissance, he quickly sensed the fluctuations of a living creature inside the cabin next to him, and the outline was exactly the same as Captain Hook!

The Captain Hook outside was a fake! He really had been hiding in the cabin and secretly observing him!

I haven't looked at him directly, so I can't confirm his specific attributes, but I think for a final big BOSS, his combat power will definitely not be weak.

The two powerful adventurers were already difficult enough. If they were suddenly attacked by the opponent whose attributes were not determined at all...

For safety reasons, Qin Ming chose to retreat temporarily.

Back to the Lost Boys Camp, Qin Ming quickly treated his injuries and began to take out paper and pen to organize information.

A guy who knows the skills of Ralph in the King of Fighters world, and even the super-killing move of Cosmic Phantom, plus Feng with the blood of the snake.

In addition, there are the real and fake Captain Hook.

The opponents this time are not easy to deal with!

On my side, in addition to the help of the protagonists, there is also a little elf who has a very high favorability for me because of the title.

In addition, the master of blasting, Eri Kasamoto, has not appeared. As long as she finds a good shooting point, this protagonist who has been strengthened to gold quality by herself will definitely be enough to give the opponent a pot!

Now that the enemy is in the open and I am in the dark, he has a great advantage.

As long as he guards against the ridiculously lethal Cosmic Phantom of the enemy's helper and doesn't get hit by this move, everything will be fine.

Qin Ming quickly fell into deep thought while tapping the pen.

Before he could sort out his thoughts, a ray of light suddenly flashed by.

It turned out that the elf Tinker Bell flew in front of him, and was looking at him with her hands behind her back and her head tilted.

Looking at this magical creature in front of him with strange and changeable skills, with the appearance of a girl, except for her small size and a pair of glowing wings, she was no different from an ordinary girl, Qin Ming couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Is there something?"

"Yes! Something! Peter Pan, Captain Hook found two powerful helpers from somewhere, I'm afraid we are not opponents, so I decided to be the guardian of Neverland! Officially allow you to enter the dreamland!"

"Huh? Dreamland?"

Hearing this word that he had heard once before, Qin Ming was stunned.

Tinkler, floating in front of him, folded her hands and nodded vigorously.

"That's right! It's the land of dreams! Dreamland is a magical place! It's out of reality! All creatures living here will be affected by Dreamland! They have magical powers!"

Flying around Qin Ming, Dingdangling looked proud.

"Of course, other people generally have acquired powers, but I am a native creature born in Dreamland! I am the guardian of Dreamland! Peter Pan, you have not been baptized by Dreamland. Now that the enemy is at hand, I specially allow you to enter the core of Dreamland to be baptized! In order to gain power to fight against pirates! Hurry up and thank me!"

Hearing this, Qin Ming's face quickly showed a look of sudden enlightenment.

He was still wondering why the children in the Lost Boys Camp could fly over the eaves and walls, and were so powerful that they could even fight against a group of vicious pirates.

Why would they listen to the command of a little guy, even if the other party lied with open eyes and pointed at themselves and said that they were Peter Pan, they were willing to believe it against their conscience.

It took a long time! Their special abilities were all given by the elf Tinker Bell!

The ordinary Lost Boys received initial enhancement, and the leaders, that is, the other four protagonists, received further enhancement, thus possessing their own special abilities.

With this interest involved, it is all up to Tinker Bell to say.

Even the original Peter Pan's flying ability should have been acquired after Tinker Bell took him to Neverland... Is this really a fairy tale world? Why is it getting more and more wrong!

Qin Ming would naturally not refuse if there were benefits to be gained. After all, he also wanted to see what benefits he, an adventurer, could get by going to the so-called dreamland.

Could it be an enhancement of basic attributes? Or gaining some new skills?

But the problem is that his skill bar is already full!

Qin Ming, who had packed up his things, quickly got up and followed the elf Tinker Bell out of the room.

When the Lost Boys outside learned that Qin Ming was going to be taken to the dreamland by Tinker Bell, they couldn't help but show envy on their faces, knowing that Qin Ming was really going to become Peter Pan.

Especially the original leader, the second-in-command, Luo Fei'ao, who looked gloomy at the moment, and couldn't understand why Ding Dangling was so good to Qin Ming.

He tried to please her so much, and had known her for so many years, and was even brought in by her personally.

But Ding Dangling finally chose Peter Pan to be the leader instead of herself.

After Peter Pan left, she kept missing the past and was still unwilling to recognize her identity.

I finally gave up on Peter Pan! But she picked another Lost Boy at random! Let him be the new Peter Pan!

No! He is not a boy yet! He is an adult!

Why would she trust an adult so much? Doesn't she hate any adult? Hasn't she always allowed any adult to enter Neverland? It is said that it would taint the purity of Neverland!

Looking at the backs of Jingle Bell and Qin Ming leaving, Luo Fei'ao's face was gloomy and uncertain, and his hands slowly tightened the two swords on his waist.

After a long silence, he finally made up his mind. After confirming that no one was paying attention to him, he took a step and followed secretly.

Qin Ming, who had no anti-tracking experience, did not notice the stalker behind him at all.

Even if he noticed it, he probably wouldn't pay attention to it. After all, he was just a protagonist, and he was not afraid.

At this moment, he had followed Jingle Bell to the deepest part of the Lost Boys' camp, which was in front of a huge cliff.

Dingdangling flew out suddenly, holding a small magic wand in her hand, and began to fly back and forth.

As the magic wand dragged out golden light, it converged in mid-air, and a magic portal suddenly condensed!

Through this transmission channel! Qin Ming saw a land of birdsong and flowers!

And among the flowers, plants and trees! There was also a pool of water! The pool of water emitting golden light!

The legendary dreamland! It appeared!

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