Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 176 Wow! Golden Legend!

"Oh, look, who did Dingdangling bring this time."

"It must be another handsome little boy... Wait a minute? A man?!"

As Qin Ming followed Dingdangling into the dreamland, the calm golden pool opposite suddenly rolled up and splashed. The next second, three beautiful women emerged from it.

To be precise, they were three magical creatures with women's upper bodies and fish bodies in the lower body.

This creature also has its own legend in the real world, called mermaids!

The three mermaids, who were excited to see someone coming, were stunned after seeing who was coming.

As they looked at each other, the three of them gathered together and suddenly began to whisper.

"What's going on? Why did Dingdangling bring an adult this time? Did she suddenly change her taste?"

"Who knows? Maybe Dingdangling has grown up."

"I hate adults. They always have lecherous eyes and pollute the pool water."

The three chattered for a while, and seeing Qin Ming and Dingdangling approaching, they suddenly dispersed and swam back to the pool.

A mermaid leaning on the pool with one hand suddenly said with a stern face.

"Hey, Dingdangling, you are not following the rules. You know, no adults are welcome in the dreamland! Any!"

Hearing this, Dingdangling, who was floating in the air, froze, and quickly flew over to hold the mermaid's face, kneading it hard as if to please her and give her a massage.

"Of course I know the rules. He's not an adult! He's the new Peter Pan! He's so big just because... um! He grew too fast!"

"Ting Dang Ling, it's wrong to lie."

The mermaid closed her eyes and enjoyed the massage, completely ignoring Ting Dang Ling's words.

"You'd better follow the rules. After all, don't forget what happened before. Adults are greedy and they can't be trusted."

While speaking, the mermaid slightly raised her eyelids and glanced in the direction of Qin Ming.

But the next second, her eyes suddenly opened, widened, and screamed at the same time.

"Hey! What are you doing! Stop! I said! You are not allowed to get close here!"

At this time, Qin Ming, who had approached the pool at some time, was squatting there, holding up some pool water and looking carefully.

With his sunglasses shining, he was full of surprise.

Because this pool of water...

Name: Dream Water (Captain Hook's World)

Category: Special Consumables (Dim Gold Quality)

Effect: After entering the water and soaking, the body will mutate and stop growing, while receiving the blessing of Dream Water and obtaining special powers.

Introduction: The magical water condensed by the power of children's imagination is also the thing that maintains Neverland. Children remain innocent because of fairy tales, and Neverland has become a reality because of children's imagination.

(Note: This is a thing exclusive to this world and cannot be brought back to the Nightmare Space)

Naturally formed! Gold quality consumables! The quantity is so huge

Looking at the pool of water in his hand and looking up at the huge pool in front of him, Qin Ming was amazed. He didn't pay much attention to his mutant title, but now he finally realized the power of this title!

Just because of his high favorability with Jingle Bell, he first replaced Peter Pan and easily completed the most difficult title task.

After failing to defeat the enemy, he actually triggered special help and was guided by Dingdangling to this magical place!

If the normal process is followed! It must be extremely difficult for adventurers to gain Dingdangling's favor!

This is really...

"Get out of the pool! You damn guy!"

Seeing that Qin Ming completely ignored the warnings of himself and others, he stood by the pool in a daze.

The three mermaids in the water were completely furious now, and they swam towards him at an instant, and at the same time, they condensed liquid spears in their hands and threw them out with all their strength.

With three muffled bangs, the water gun accurately hit Qin Ming's body, but was knocked apart on the spot and did not cause any damage at all.

Seeing this scene, the mermaids rushed up, hung on Qin Ming and pulled hard, trying to drive him away.

These three mermaids have lived in the dream water for many years, so they are naturally not simple goods.

However, hand-to-hand combat was obviously not their specialty, and this aspect was exactly Qin Ming's home court.

So even if the three of them attacked together, they still couldn't do anything to him.

He pinched the face of a mermaid and threw the charming girl, who was only tied with two shell friends as a bra, into the water.

In a few strokes, Qin Ming threw all the three people who were entangled with him, and one of them was even thrown to the shore.

The mermaids who were thrown into the water were still full of anger. One of them raised his hand to condense a water fork and was ready to throw it.

As a result, before the water fork flew out of his hand, a muffled sound suddenly came into her ears.

With a whoosh, a flash of fire flashed in the air and flew past her hair.

The three mermaids who heard the movement turned their heads hurriedly and looked at the huge incision directly cut on the cliff in the distance, their eyes widened.

Before the three of them could recover from their shock, Qin Ming, who was standing opposite and swung out a sound-speed hand knife, spoke in a cold voice with a stern face.

"Playing games with children for too long is boring, right? How about we play some adult games? I'll give you two choices now! One! Let me go in for a swim! Two! Let's have a meal of sashimi! After that, I'll go in for a swim! You choose!"

Hearing the threatening voice from this side, and looking at the huge marks left by the slashing behind, the three mermaids who were originally aggressive, their expressions were very stiff for a while.

Before they could give an answer, a sharp sound of wind suddenly came out.

The next second! A cold light flashed behind Qin Ming! The second brother, the double-bladed Luo Fei'ao, who secretly followed him! Directly used the phantom sprint skill! Drag the afterimage to shoot at Qin Ming's back! Forced a sneak attack!

This move was fast and fierce! The double swords were directly inserted into Qin Ming's back!

It's a pity that Luo Fei'ao is only good at speed, but not good at strength, which caused this sneak attack to only hurt Qin Ming's flesh, but failed to seriously injure him at all.

Rolling to avoid Qin Ming's sweeping arm, Luo Fei'ao instantly pulled away, holding up the two swords in his hands, aggressive.

"You are not allowed to be so unreasonable to the mermaid ladies! You bad guy!"

In front, Qin Ming, who had his back to Luo Fei'ao, reached out and touched the blood on his back, rolled his eyes and sighed, and turned to look over here.

"What are you doing here? Get out!"

"Peter Pan... No! You are not Peter Pan at all! You are just a liar! A damn liar who disguises himself as a child! You don't belong here!"

The weapon in his hand flashed coldly, and Luo Fei'ao's eyes were extremely fierce, but extremely excited.

"This place does not belong to you! You took my place! And you dare to hurt the mermaid ladies! I will make you pay the price!"

As soon as Luo Fei'ao finished speaking, the three mermaids in the pool who saw the savior appearing cheered loudly.

"Luofio! You are Luofio, right? I remember you! You came here 20 years ago!"

The mermaid waved her hands excitedly and said hello, then suddenly pointed at Qin Ming and shouted.

"Kill him! Luofio! As long as you kill him! Protect the dreamland! Then we will let you be Peter Pan!"

As soon as these words came out, Luofio's eyes suddenly widened, and his face showed an uncontrollable excitement.

"Of course! It's my honor to solve your troubles! Ladies!"

First, he saluted gracefully, then raised his weapon again, and looked at Qin Ming fiercely in front of him, and Luofio's face quickly showed a hideous smile.

And Qin Ming, who saw this scene, sighed helplessly and twisted the arm guard of his arm.

"In theory, you can't kill children in the game. This is the iron law of the game industry, but since you insist on seeking death... Luofio, right, do you want to experience the cruelty of adults in person? Hmm?"

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