Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 177 The Ultimate Dream Water!

"Die! Bastard!"

With a roar, Luo Fei'ao suddenly accelerated and rushed over here.

And when he was halfway through, an energy sailboat suddenly condensed out of thin air beside him!

Stepping on this small sailboat, Luo Fei'ao charged with the opponent, with a fierce momentum and a ferocious expression.

And the move he performed! It was exactly the B-level stunt he knew! Dream sailboat!

Looking at the small boat flying in the air, Qin Ming, who was standing in place, tensed his whole body. He didn't even dodge, and just pushed it up with his shoulder.

Accompanied by a loud bang, the sailboat was directly smashed into pieces, and Qin Ming was also knocked more than two meters away on the spot.

He took the blow with his body, and at this moment, his eyes flashed red. He looked up and stared at Luo Fei'ao, who was stunned, and suddenly stretched out his big hand and pinched the other's head.

Ignoring the two knives that Luo Fei'ao was desperately chopping at his arms, he grinned and showed his white teeth, opened his bloody mouth and bit hard!

A-level skill! Essence absorption! Activate!

Strength is sucked away! Blood is stripped away!

Luo Fei'ao, who was originally extremely thin, shrank again almost the moment he was bitten.

Compared with him, Qin Ming, who had originally become extremely burly due to the significant enhancement of strength and physique, swelled up again and turned into a two-meter-tall man!

He pinched Luo Fei'ao's neck tightly, looking at the so-called protagonist in his hand, whose attributes were originally not as good as his own, only equivalent to the first act BOSS level, and even worse after being bitten.

Qin Ming suddenly laughed grimly.

"It's time to grow up now! Luo Fei!"

As soon as the voice fell, he pushed with his big hand and directly pulled Luo Fei'ao's head and slammed it against a big tree beside him.

Qin Ming shook the tree so hard that leaves fell all over the place. Without waiting for the opponent to fall from the tree, he had already swung his fists wildly, bombarding the opponent's face with fire again and again.

Each blow would cause the tree to shake. After seven or eight consecutive blows, the tree was forcibly broken by him and fell to the ground!

Luo Fei'ao, who was blown away by a punch, had a bloody face and struggled to get up from the ground.

Before he could regain his vision, he suddenly felt his neck tighten, and his head was clamped tightly by an iron arm!

He strangled Luo Fei'ao's neck with his arm and forcibly pulled the protagonist up.

Looking at him who was still struggling wildly, Qin Ming's arm had bulging veins, and his other hand suddenly pressed the opponent's head and twisted it with all his strength.

"Game over! Luo Fei'ao!"


A crisp sound came into his ears, and Luo Fei'ao's head was turned 90 degrees on the spot, and his struggling limbs fell on the spot.

Qin Ming, who threw his body to the ground, raised his head and took a deep breath, then slowly turned his head to look behind him.

In the water, the three mermaids who had seen the two guys fighting and were cheering loudly to cheer for Luo Fei'ao, saw that the aggressive Luo Fei'ao had not fought for more than ten rounds before his neck was twisted alive, and they instantly became silent.

The third one who didn't react was still shouting, but was slapped on the back of her head by her eldest sister, and finally shut up.

Looking at Qin Ming, whose figure had suddenly increased a lot and was walking towards this side aggressively, the three mermaids who reacted were so scared that they quickly got into the water and fled to the other side, hugged each other and began to tremble.

Qin Ming, who was too lazy to pay attention to them, came to the pool again, looking at the golden pool water, and the corners of his mouth gradually curled up.

He knew that this golden quality consumable already belonged to him.

It was just that the pool water was only of dull golden quality, and he still looked down on it...

Putting his palm into the water, Qin Ming's eyes flashed, and his innate skill: King of Broken! Activate!

With a buzzing sound! Huge waves suddenly appeared on the originally calm water surface! A terrifying vortex appeared in the middle of the pool! Gathering all the pool water from all directions together!

The three mermaids who were almost taken in by the water flow screamed in fear for a while and hurriedly hugged the stones next to them.

The elf Jingle Bell floating in the air looked at the pool that had changed dramatically, and her face was also stunned.

With Qin Ming using his innate skill, the pool water was quickly merged.

After activating the innate skill for a full minute, the huge vortex in the water finally dissipated.

The pool water, which originally occupied a large area, has now shrunk to one-tenth of its original volume, which even caused the three mermaids hiding by the pool to sit directly on the ground and be exposed to the air.

The extremely compressed pool water no longer emits golden light, but instead presents a milky white glow!

Its level has also changed greatly, no longer dull gold, but...

Name: Pure Dream Water (Captain Hook World)

Category: Special Consumables (Dim Legendary Quality)

Attributes: It can make all people and things that enter it undergo a complete transformation and remain young forever.

Introduction: The extremely purified dream water, the final crystallization of the power of fantasy!

(Note: Special items in the current world, cannot be brought back to the nightmare space)

Standing by the pool, looking at the white pool water in front of him, Qin Ming frowned.

He originally thought that all the water could be compressed and eventually forced to merge into one drop.

But it turned out that he was just overthinking. The pool water is not calculated by drops! There is a special algorithm!

Finally, after full fusion, the pool water compressed each other and finally broke through the level limit Qin Ming knew, reaching the grade above gold.

But that was all. Breaking through the gold limit had completely exhausted the pool water and could no longer be fused.

He reached out and held up the milky white liquid. Although he always felt that the color was a bit strange, Qin Ming still took off his coat silently and chose to walk in.

As the whole person was immersed in the water, Qin Ming suddenly felt a sense of relaxation, and countless liquids were merging with him through his pores.

Beside his ears, the prompt sound of the nightmare space quickly sounded.

(Ding Dong! Detection No. 441985 is merging with a special item, the special item effect is activated, and the body is evolving... Evolution is complete! Congratulations to the adventurer B-level skill (Unknown Fire Bloodline) for mutation!)

The prompt sound beside his ear made Qin Ming's eyes widen in surprise, and a puzzled look appeared on his face.

The mutation turned out to be the Unknown Fire Bloodline, a skill that can only be said to be dispensable? This was far beyond his expectations!

Qin Ming quickly opened the attribute panel and looked at the new skill that had mutated. He couldn't help but be stunned, and his eyes gradually widened.

Because he found that the degree of mutation of this skill was completely beyond his expectations!

Because this skill not only mutated! It also directly left Qin Ming's skill bar! It appeared in his body in a special way!

This way is called: bloodline!

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