Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 178 Evolved Bloodline

Name: Fantasy Unknown Fire Bloodline

Classification: Bloodline (A-level)

Effect: Can control the Fantasy Fire, ignoring the target's defense equal to half of its own strength.

Introduction: The bloodline power from the legendary nine-tailed fox was originally extremely thin, but now it has regained its brilliance in another way.

Lying in the water, Qin Ming looked at the Fantasy Unknown Fire Bloodline that was directly classified as a bloodline and upgraded to A-level on the spot, and suddenly raised his hand and swung it hard.

The next second, a milky white flame appeared in his palm!

This flame is very special. It has no temperature at all. It will not go out even if it touches the pool water. It can be condensed in the water.

It lost its high temperature ability, but it gained terrifying destructive power.

As Qin Ming swung it out, the white fire hit the stone next to it and quickly penetrated into it!

In just a blink of an eye! The stone was completely swallowed by the flame! Destroyed from the inside out!

It's not burning! It's destruction! Extreme corrosion and obliteration!

Looking at the stone that turned into powder and scattered in the water, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction, and couldn't help but smile.

Then he suddenly took out a scroll from his arms, opened it and learned it.

In order to deal with the possible troubles this time, Qin Ming not only prepared a lot of consumables, but also specially prepared a big gift for the enemy.

This gift is not the scroll in his hand, this scroll is just an ordinary C-level skill book.

His so-called big gift is to integrate this skill with infrared vision! Upgraded to a new skill of A-level!

Originally, he was still having a headache, between Shiranui and Sonic Knife, which one should he choose to upgrade.

Now that the skill has become a bloodline and has been automatically upgraded, he doesn't have to worry about it.

Sonic Knife! Evolution!


Name: True-Sonic Knife (Street Fighter World)

Grade: Grade A

Effect: Shoots out a rotating airflow, causing damage equal to the strength value x2. After charging for two seconds, it can cause up to x4 damage, and can be fired continuously, with the maximum number of continuous shots being 1/5 of the spirit value.

Introduction: You'd better not let me catch you! Otherwise, you'll be in trouble!

Seeing his newly upgraded offensive skills, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction, and his smile became brighter and brighter

Raising his hand to condense a white rotating airflow, he suddenly swung it to the side with all his strength.

The next second! Four wind-breaking sounds rang out in succession!

Four identical half-meter-long sonic knives! Just whistling and slashing forward!

The sound of clicking became one piece! Four deep gaps were cut directly on the cliff in the distance!

Four-shot version! Sonic Knife!

Upgraded to Grade A, the power of the sonic knife does not seem to have changed at all, and the newly enhanced ability seems to be useless.

After all, if it's continuous firing, Qin Ming can do it without the blessing of skills, at most he is a little slower.

This upgrade seems to be a loss.

But the problem is this A-level sonic knife! It can not only fire small knives continuously! It can also fire the charged version of the sonic knife!

In other words! If there is a crazy person who doesn't care about his life and tries to use his body to block Qin Ming's charged knife, then what awaits him will not be one! But four consecutive ones!

How brutal will that scene be! You can imagine!

If it doesn't hit, it's fine! If Qin Ming catches one! He will die instantly!

Qin Ming, who was soaked in water, was very satisfied with the new power he gained. He looked at the flames and airflow in his hands, then looked down at the milky white pool water around him, and suddenly remembered something, so he pulled out his pistol and shot a shot into the sky.

The next second, with a flash of light, a figure holding a light machine gun quickly appeared beside Qin Ming.

Gun call! Hyena brother Kasamoto Eri! Appearance!

Looking at the beautiful woman who suddenly appeared, the three mermaids who were hiding in the distance and the elf Jingle Bell who was also in a daze, their eyes widened instantly.

Before they could recover from the shock, and before the heroine Kasamoto Eri could see the surrounding situation clearly, Qin Ming had already reached out and grabbed her, and dragged her into the water by force.

Good things cannot be enjoyed alone! Since it has been made! Let Kasamoto Eri, the little brother, also soak in it!

Maybe she can also mutate!

Sitting in the water, Kasamoto Eri was confused, and the white liquid began to gather towards her quickly.

It turns out that this pool of water is also effective for summoned creatures! Kasamoto Eri! Evolved!

But it is not the skills that have evolved, but the body, that is, the basic attributes.

Name: Kasamoto Eri (Metal Slug World)

Strength 30

Constitution 30

Agility 50

Spirit 30

Status Enhanced! All attributes +10!

With the upgrade of the Dream Water, if the original Kasamoto Eri was still weak in close combat, then now she no longer has this weakness.

At least she is no longer powerless to resist.

Qin Ming, who found that this Dream Water really has an effect on summoned creatures, suddenly brightened up.

Then he took out another gong and hit it hard.

With the neighing of the warhorse, a majestic black warhorse quickly rushed over from a distance.

It was the brilliant silver warhorse that Qin Ming had forcibly fused with a large number of consumable items before! All attributes reached 25 points! And the powerful mount with doubled movement speed!

Although Qin Ming didn't think much of this ordinary-looking war horse.

But in line with the principle of not taking advantage of the bastard, he was also prepared to throw the war horse into the water for a dip. The water couldn't be taken out anyway, so it would be useless if he didn't use it.

As the war horse is immersed in the water and merged with the dreamy water, an enhanced version of the war horse appears.

However, its strengthening effect is far inferior to Kasamoto Miles, with all attributes only increased by 5 points.

But a war horse with all attributes of 30 is enough to be called terrifying.

After the strengthening was completed, Qin Ming quickly put away his horse and soaked comfortably in the pool water. He even put his arms around Kasamoto Miles who was curiously looking at the pool water next to him, ready to enjoy this unique high-end hot spring.

Just as he was enjoying the peace, a scream suddenly came from the side.

The harsh sound startled Qin Ming, and he hurriedly opened his eyes, thinking that another enemy was sneaking in.

But when he looked up, he discovered that the person who screamed was none other than his cheap friend in this world, the elf Jingle Bell.

This elf, whose favorability for Qin Ming has reached 580 points, is speeding towards this side at this moment. After approaching, he holds up the small toothpick in his hand and screams.

"Peter Pan! Who is she? Who is she?!"

Following the elf's hand, Qin Ming quickly turned his head and looked at Miles Kasamoto next to him.

Miles Kasamoto, who was pointed at, pointed to his nose with a puzzled expression.

"Are you asking me?"

"Adults are not welcome here! No woman is welcome! How did she get in! Who allowed her to come in!"

Hearing Miles Kasamoto speak, Ding Dang Ling became more excited and her tone became sharper.

"Drive her away... No! You go too! Peter Pan! You betrayed your agreement with me! You are no longer Peter Pan! Get out! Get out of Neverland! Get out!"

Ding Dang Bell was flying in the air, waving his staff excitedly and performing various magics randomly.

Qin Ming looked over and tried to poke his eyes with the staff.

As a result, he failed to hit the target, but was caught by Qin Ming.

He looked at the crazy struggle in his hand, kept poking the back of his hand with the staff, and even opened his mouth to bite his little one.

Looking at her, she didn't know why she was so crazy. Her favorability towards herself dropped rapidly. Not only was it cleared on the spot, it was also reduced to -300.

Qin Ming, who found that she didn't listen to anything he said, shrugged helplessly, took out a bottle of Coke, drank it all in one gulp, and stuffed the guy directly into his mouth.

The jingle bells huddled together in the bottle finally fell silent for a short time.

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