Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 181 Enemy Again

In the Lost Boys camp, with the sound of footsteps, Qin Ming, who had been away for half a day, finally came back.

With the elf still sitting on his head, he was very satisfied with his harvest this time.

As for Jingle Bell sitting on his head? At this moment, this little thing still maintained a shocked expression with her mouth wide open.

The wonderful scenes that lasted for several hours before brought a huge impact to her young mind, and even made her worldview change drastically.

She inherited the memory of the previous elf and thought that the so-called love was to live carefree with the person she liked.

I never thought that the process was so complicated!

And her body shape was not right! She was only a dozen centimeters! She couldn't replicate the process just now!

In the Lost Boys camp, the boys who saw Qin Ming return stood up and surrounded him.

When seeing the elf with a stupid expression, some people couldn't help but whispered about the situation, trying to express their concern.

It's a pity that Jingle Bell didn't pay any attention to their inquiries, and was still immersed in the shock just now.

On the contrary, Qin Ming helped to deal with it casually, and then immediately talked about business.

With everything ready, he was ready to lead his men to officially fight with Captain Hook and his men.

However, the enemy was outnumbered, and fighting hard was not a good idea, so he planned to rely on the defense line of the Lost Camp to defend and wait for the attack!

The children who received the order quickly dispersed and began to urgently arrange the defense line.

Qin Ming, leaning on the rapier, stood in the square, looking up and thinking about the problem.

After making up his mind, he suddenly raised his hand to grab the elf above his head and lifted her in front of him.

He opened his mouth and was about to speak, but the next second he was suddenly stunned.

Because he found that the elf's favorability had changed strangely at this moment.

The biggest change in her favorability was that her sixth line, which originally required 800 points of favorability to reach, that is, the passionate love standard, was strangely reduced to 600 points at this moment!

Can this thing actually change? !

Before Qin Ming, who was holding Dingdangling, could recover from the shock, his eyes widened.

Dingdangling, who was carried to the front, finally regained consciousness at this moment. After seeing Qin Ming's big face right in front of him, he suddenly stretched out his hands and legs randomly and shouted.

"Wait a minute! What are you doing! Stop! I can't do it! I will die if I do that! Stop!"

"Huh? What's the mess? Hey! Do me a favor later!"

"Although I can be resurrected! But it will definitely hurt! You can't do this to me! I'm your friend... Ah? Help? Just help?"

"Nonsense! What else can you do except help!"

Qin Ming, who was holding Dingdangling and didn't understand what she was talking about, spoke seriously.

"You will act with me later and help me with magic, okay?"

"Just a magic? Okay! Of course no problem! After all, we are good friends!"

Knowing that things were not what she thought, Dingdangling breathed a sigh of relief.

After nodding and agreeing to Qin Ming's request, she lowered her head and remained silent for a moment, then suddenly raised her head and spoke.

"You really don't need me to help you do something else?"


"Don't look at me like this! I can do magic! I can get bigger!"

As she spoke, Dingdangling had already waved the staff in her hand vigorously.

With a flash of light, she immediately grew from a little thing of more than ten centimeters tall! She quickly grew into a giant little thing of more than thirty centimeters tall.

Looking at Dingdangling, whose size had doubled on the spot, Qin Ming had a blank expression on his face, and after a long time he reached out and gently patted her head.

"Well, magic is good, don't use it next time."

After saying that, Qin Ming turned and left.

Dingdangling, who reacted, hurriedly followed and tried her best to explain.

"I just don't have enough power! If I have enough power! My magic will continue to grow stronger! I can become even bigger! My predecessor could grow himself to more than half a meter! Hey! Did you hear me? I can really grow bigger!"

…………An hour later, accompanied by the sound of chaotic footsteps, the pirates' attack began!

Captain Hook, who summoned almost all the pirates! Leading a black mass of hundreds of people! He attacked the Lost Camp directly!

The giants took the lead! The scimitar pirates assisted! The two sides surrounded the buildings and walls! A tug-of-war directly started!

Captain Hook was guarding the rear, standing there majestically to supervise the battle, and the lackey deputy captain was beside him, looking extremely conspicuous.

The fight here was so intense that no one could do anything to anyone for a while.

At the same time, an uninvited guest had quietly arrived on the huge pirate ship in the distance.

Qin Ming, who knew that Captain Hook, who led the attack, was just a fake, took advantage of the fight between the two sides and went back to the pirate ship, trying to catch the leader first.

As soon as he got on the ground, he suddenly turned sideways and quickly dodged an arrow.

Looking at the arrow that was slightly trembling on the wall behind him, Qin Ming turned his head expressionlessly.

On the opposite side, Feng, who quickly put away his longbow, also narrowed his eyes slowly.

Looking at the duo standing opposite, Qin Ming couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

"Sure enough, you have the means to confirm my location. No wonder you can find me so accurately every time."

Hearing this, the adventurer Feng still had no expression on his face.

"Stop talking nonsense. Number 441985, this is where you die today!"

"Oh, really."

He raised his hand slowly, and a ball of white fire suddenly boiled on his palm. Qin Ming's face instantly became extremely hideous under the reflection of the flame.

"This line is also what I want to say to you! You dog-skin plaster!"

As soon as the voice fell! Qin Ming had already thrown out a sound speed hand knife!

The high-speed rotating white hand knife slid through the air at a high speed, but failed to hit the target. Instead, it was dodged by Feng with a flash.

It was just that he had just dodged the first attack, and the three hand knives that followed were already on his face! Several attacks were connected, leaving no gaps in between!

Unexpectedly, Qin Ming's skills this time would be so rapid. Feng hurriedly used the glacier again, and disappeared on the spot with a sliding step along the strong wind.

Nu, who was standing next to him, saw his companions had already started, and he charged without hesitation.

He took a sip of beer, activated the special consumables, and forced his strength value to +10 in a short period of time. He roared and rushed towards Qin Ming! He actually launched his ultimate move on the spot: the horse-riding machine cannon punch!

The last time this skill failed to be launched successfully, it was because his strength was not enough to crush Qin Ming.

And now with the use of special props! He didn't believe that he couldn't crush Qin Ming!

With a bang! Nu rushed forward with a residual image behind him! He hit Qin Ming with one shoulder!

As a result, accompanied by a loud bang! He was actually forcibly knocked out!

Qin Ming, who also hit him with one shoulder, had an extremely ferocious look in his eyes at this moment!

Nu's enhanced power! Still couldn't crush Qin Ming!


Magic blessing status: Elf power-strength (strength value limit +15)


With a roar, Qin Ming, whose strength value was piled up to 60 points at this moment with the blessing of the elf power, grabbed the cannon next to him and forcibly lifted up this huge monster weighing hundreds of pounds and threw it out.

Nu, who had just stood firm in the rolling on the opposite side, felt a black screen in front of his eyes. The next second, he was hit by the front of the cannon and directly blasted into the lower cabin!

Qin Ming, who blasted an enemy away with one blow, now had bulging veins in his neck. Feeling the sound of the wind behind him, he turned around and punched out.

With a buzzing sound, the rapidly rotating white air wave hit the wall at high speed! A half-meter long mark was cut on the top on the spot!

Feng, the adventurer who relied on the glacier to avoid this attack, appeared and was about to launch a skill, but suddenly felt a black screen in front of his eyes. An iron fist was already close to his face!


A loud noise spread all around, and a fierce punch hit Feng's face, forcing him to lift his limbs up. Qin Ming's body fell to the ground in a U shape, and his entire arm was covered with terrifying white flames!

This time, he! He completely kept up with Feng's speed! He caught the opponent's movement!

Elf power-speed!

Agility value limit +15!

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