Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 182 Overwhelming

On the way here, Qin Ming had specially activated his Essence Absorbing Skill to increase his own status. At this moment, his basic attributes were 41/51/15/26.

Although agility is no longer considered weak, it is still his shortcoming.

If it were a normal duel, he still couldn't keep up with Feng's speed. After all, this guy's glacier skills were too buggy and his movement speed was too terrifying.

Even if you have 30 points of agility, let alone 15 points of agility, you may not be able to catch his traces.

But the problem is that Qin Ming is not fighting alone at this moment. There is a helper hidden in his clothes.

That’s Tinker Bell! This mythical creature has unique A-level skills.

The power of the elves can apply various amplification states to Qin Ming. It not only allows him to fly and heal, but also amplifies various basic attributes.

strength! agile! constitution! Spirit! Everything can be enhanced! It’s just that you can only have one status on your body at the same time!

Qin Ming instantly changed to enhanced agility! For a time, the agility value was piled up to 30 points! The reaction speed has been doubled!

In this case, Adventurer Feng could no longer crush him with speed and had to concentrate on guarding against him.

But the problem is that as an adventurer who is used to fast and slow, how could he expect that Qin Ming, who was originally as slow as a tortoise, could immediately keep up with him!

Qin Ming, who punched down and smashed half of his enemy into the deck, now looked ferocious.

Qin Ming, who finally caught him without giving the opponent a chance to struggle and escape, pinched the opponent's neck with one hand and condensed white fire in the other! Aiming at Feng's face, there was a series of greetings!

Three punches down! Feng’s originally extremely handsome face! He was beaten to a bloody pulp!

His body was penetrated by white flames, and his defense was deducted by a full 25 points!

How could he, a guy with speed, have such a high defense! Therefore, the defensive ability was cleared on the spot! Completely turned into a paper puppet!

Qin Ming, who took half of his enemy's life in three punches, was still preparing to continue attacking while holding the opponent.

But at this moment, the wall on the side suddenly burst open, and a terrifying air flow spewed out.

The same trick again! It’s the same style of play again!

Use the wall as cover! Successfully completed Charged Fury! Take action!

A-level super sure kill! Cosmic phantom!


The anger that dragged out the afterimage shot towards this direction with a whooshing sound, at a speed that could be described as lightning.

It's just that this time Qin Ming was very agile and mentally prepared, so he already had reaction time.

Although he still couldn't dodge this extremely fast punch, it was enough for him to make a move in his haste.

And the actions he made! It was actually the wind that I was holding in my hand! He suddenly raised his head to block it!


A loud noise came into my ears! Ang, with his eyes wide open, couldn't stop the move in the middle, so he just punched his companion in front of his eyes.

Even with the help of the contract, the damage of this punch was reduced by 75%, but the power of this cosmic phantom was still too strong after all.

With blood flying, he punched Feng's chest completely, and then his fist hit Qin Ming's chest with undiminished power!

There was another muffled sound, and Qin Ming, who had bulging veins on his forehead, pushed his feet on the ground and slid two meters away, and forcefully took the blow with his chest.

The palm that stretched out grabbed hold of the arm that had been hit angrily, and even dragged him out together.

Elven power - constitution (maximum constitution value +15)

20 points of injury-free! 60 points of physical fitness! 10 points of extra defense! This is Qin Ming's current extreme defense state!

The sound of gliding stopped, and the anger of his companion was strung on his arm. He looked at Qin Ming across from him with wide eyes and a face of disbelief. He couldn't believe that someone could forcibly withstand his strongest blow with his body.

On the opposite side, Qin Ming, who stopped moving with his legs on the ground, stared down at his chest.

There, there was an arm lying in front of the angry iron fist!

He used his other arm as a cushion to forcefully take the blow, and blood could not help but flow from the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the golden armguard with 50 points of extra defense, it was actually hit with a lot of cracks by this punch. Qin Ming, with veins bulging at the corners of his eyes, suddenly roared.

One hand held Nu's arm, and the other palm suddenly raised, with blazing white flames burning above it, and he aimed at Nu's elbow and struck down with all his strength!

Handheld version! Sonic hand knife!

The blessing attribute is changed to: strength!

"I'll let you hammer it!"

Click! Blood splatters!

Bai Yan's terrifying defense-breaking effect cleared all of Nu's defenses on the spot!

Then, with a full blow that was piled up to 60 points of strength, it directly cut off Nu's arm!

Feng lost his support and fell straight to the ground with a big hole in his chest.

As for Nu, who was holding his broken arm, he screamed and retreated, his facial features twisted together in pain.

Before he could struggle to retreat, a violent gust of wind suddenly sounded.

opposite! Qin Ming threw away his broken arm and suddenly opened his hands left and right! The violent airflow gathered towards him!

Super sure to kill! Charge up the sonic hand knife! Five consecutive shots!

Buzz buzz!

Five rays of sword light instantly lit up on the pirate ship! Standing opposite was Nu, who was screaming! The body was cut into pieces almost on the spot!

Having been penetrated by the white flame, he had no defense at all, so how could he withstand such a level of cutting!

Along with the splashing of blood, a large number of broken limbs and arms were scattered all over the ground.

Nu, who was highly expected by the King of Fighters team and focused on training, died in Qin Ming's hands in such a confused way.

Nu, who was favored by the team and trained as a key seedling, must have a good talent, and may not even be much weaker than Feng.

His talent is called: Shadow Master, and the effect is that you can choose a plot character, and after the favorability with the other party reaches 500 points, completely copy all the skills of the other party!

That's right! All! Any level of skills can be copied!

His machine gun fist! His fighting skills! His cosmic phantom move! All came from this!

If there is a chance to get along with a stronger person in the future! He can even copy stronger skills! Even the legendary S-level skills!

Of course, being able to learn is one thing, and whether the attributes meet the standards and whether they can be perfectly displayed is another matter!

He can only copy skills, but not bloodline and attributes.

Looking at the head rolling to his feet, Qin Ming, who had used his ultimate move, raised his leg to step on it.

Looking down at the face that was unwilling to close his eyes, Qin Ming was expressionless for a while.

"You are very strong, but it's a pity that you provoked me, you are looking for death!"

As soon as the voice fell, he crushed the head directly with the force of his feet.

Then he turned his head to look to the side, but found that the other guy had disappeared, which made his eyebrows raised immediately.

"Run away again? Provoked me! Where do you want to run to!"

Turning his head to look into the distance, Qin Ming took a step and was about to rush out to chase, but his footsteps suddenly stopped.

With his eyebrows slowly wrinkled, he quickly turned his head to look behind him.

As a result, he found that in the shadow of the cabin, a figure was slowly walking out.

Before the person appeared, the voice had already reached Qin Ming's ears.

"As expected of this Peter Pan, you are really good at this."

Looking at the person who came out of the cabin and quickly stopped, Qin Ming's mouth twitched slightly.

"Captain Hook? Or should I call you Peter Pan?"

"You should call me Captain Hook. After all, I have not used the name Peter Pan for a long time."

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