Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 183 The Bomb Girl of Memphis!

"Huh, huh~~~"

A figure was staggering from a distance amidst the violent panting, leaving a scarlet blood line wherever he passed.

Feng, who was desperately stuffing the recovery props into his mouth, looked extremely embarrassed at the moment.

He was punched in the chest by his companion and almost died on the spot. He finally got a chance and jumped off the boat when his companion was killed.

Now his face was covered in blood, his facial features were severely deformed, and he was fleeing in panic.

He couldn't figure it out. He couldn't figure out why the monster on the opposite side would become so terrifying as if it had been turned on, just two worlds apart, and he was completely no match for it.

He couldn't figure out why Captain Hook, the final big boss, was still indifferent and didn't choose to come out to help when he saw that the enemy had already hit the ship and showed such a powerful force.

There were too many things he couldn't figure out, and now he didn't have the energy to think about it.

He had to run away, and run as far as possible before the monster caught up with him.

After all, his brother was just a high-level adventurer, a general of the King of Fighters team, not the leader of the team.

The King of Fighters team was not run by his family, and it had already cost a lot to get him an arcade resurrection coin.

Now he had no life-saving props in his pocket. If he didn't run, he would definitely die here.

Then there would be no chance of resurrection for the second time!

Running desperately towards the woods, Feng's eyes were wide open at this moment, and he kept turning his head to look back, with an extremely terrified expression.

He was always afraid that a big man would suddenly come out from behind, grab him and give him a farmer's three punches!

He was really scared this time, completely scared, and he no longer thought about revenge. Now he just hoped that he could escape back alive.


"Anima sexy!"

Accompanied by a mechanical male voice suddenly sounded from the front, Feng couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the movement.

Before he could stop, the ground beneath his feet suddenly exploded with intense flames.

Accompanied by a powerful shock wave! Feng, who was caught off guard, was actually blown up more than five meters high, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Because there was still white flame remaining in his body, his defense was still at zero, and he was even directly blown off a leg by the violent explosion!

Covering his broken leg, Feng, who fell to the ground, couldn't help but scream.

At the same time, the woods in front shook, and a girl in military uniform chewed bubble gum, carrying a light machine gun, and strode out from behind a big tree.

Looking at Feng, who was lying on the ground and looked extremely embarrassed, she couldn't help but grin.

"Oh! There's really a fish hooked! I thought our boss asked me to stay here! Is he teasing me!"

Hearing the voice, Feng quickly raised his head. After seeing the appearance of the person coming clearly, his eyes suddenly widened, and his face showed an unbelievable look.

"Kasamoto Eri?!"

"Hmm? You know me? Are you my fan? Oh! Hello, fans! Goodbye, fans!"

Kasamoto Eri was stunned for a second, then he suddenly grinned, and then he directly picked up the bright silver-class light machine gun in his hand and fired wildly at Feng who was lying on the ground.

The dense bullets scared Feng and made him scream. He dug the ground with his hands desperately, and then he ran out upside down with a weird posture.

Kasamoto Eri, who didn't expect the opponent to dodge the attack, couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face. After reacting, he turned the machine gun and started to fire wildly after Feng!

The dazzling flames kept flashing in the woods. Feng, who was chased by bullets and ran around everywhere, stood upside down for a while! He kept fleeing with the power of his hands!

He ran fast! His speed was amazing! For a while, he completely avoided the continuous tilt of a large number of bullets!


Click! Bang!

The huge flames lit up again! Amid a scream! Feng, who was running away upside down, was blown up more than five meters high again!

When he fell heavily to the ground, not only was his leg broken, but his left arm was also gone.

A-level skill! Memphis's bomb girl!

Every twenty-four hours! You can freely choose between C4, incendiary bombs, and tracking explosive bombs! For resupply!

As an A-level skill, the bombs summoned by this ability are naturally extraordinary in power.

Not to mention that Feng is still in a 0 defense state!

Two bombs blew him into a serious disability, and it was the first of the three bombs! C4 high-explosive bombs!

Feng fell heavily to the ground, holding his broken arm and wailing loudly, his expression distorted for a while, and tears and tears flowed in pain.

At the same time, footsteps sounded in front of him, and Kasamoto Eri strode over with a light machine gun, continuing to chew the bubble gum in his mouth as he walked.

"Stop struggling, idiot. I have buried C4 mines all over this forest. You can't escape!"

Looking at the unlucky guy with broken arms and legs on the ground, Kasamoto Eri couldn't help but shook his head mockingly.

"Are you the strong enemy my boss mentioned? Oh my God, I was so nervous for a long time. What's so strong about you? Are you strong enough?"

Listening to Kasamoto Eri's ridicule, Feng, who was lying on the ground with blood flowing, stared at her with wide eyes, his expression was extremely terrified for a while.

With broken legs and arms, he had completely lost the ability to escape, and he couldn't even use his skills. He suddenly opened his mouth and howled.

"Eye! Help, Eye! Come out and save me! Help me! Eye!"

The sound quickly spread around, and Kasamoto Miles' pupils shrank when he heard these words, and he instinctively grasped the light machine gun in his hand.

She stopped chewing gum and silently scanned the surroundings with her eyes, trying to find traces of another enemy.

However, time passed by, and no matter how the wind howled for help, there was still silence all around.

There were no footsteps, no enemies appeared, and the grenades and C4 bombs that had been buried in the soil were not detonated.

Looking at a quiet forest, Feng, who gradually stopped shouting, widened his eyes.

Miles Kasamoto, who was standing opposite, couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Damn, you reacted very quickly and gave up the rescue immediately. It's a shame I prepared so many gifts for you."

Knowing that the enemy had given up on his teammates and would never appear again, Miles Kasamoto silently released the detonator on his other hand, and then raised the light machine gun with both hands again.

"It seems like your teammates won't be able to save you, so besides shouting for help, do you have any other tricks?"

Hearing this, Feng looked away with a stiff expression and looked up at Miles Kasamoto.

Looking at the muzzle of the gun pointed directly at him, he felt cold all over for a moment.

" brother is!"


"Sorry! Wrong answer! Gameover!"

With a direct burst of bullets, the enemy who had already been severely wounded was beaten into pieces on the spot.

Then he even pulled out a grenade, pulled off the lead and threw it away.

Looking at the bodies that were blown to pieces on the spot, Miles Kasamoto, who continued to chew gum, turned around with the machine gun on his shoulder and looked around.

"Hey! That guy who's not dead! You reacted quickly enough this time! But you'd better pray that you don't meet me again! Don't mess with my boss! Otherwise, you won't be so lucky every time!"

He raised his hand to take out the detonator from his pocket and pressed it hard.

The next second! All the remaining C4 bombs and grenades around him exploded! Violent fires merged into one piece! It covers half of the forest!

When the smoke dissipated, the originally good forest had been blown into ruins, with broken and burning tree remains everywhere.

Miles Kasamoto, who was standing in the middle of the wreckage, the only area not covered by fire, put away his weapon, chewed bubble gum, put his hands in his pockets and turned around to leave.

At the same time, on the top of the mountain in the distance, the blindfolded girl who had been hiding behind the stone and silently observing the situation here finally withdrew her gaze at this moment.

With a sigh of relief, she turned around and sat on the ground. After a moment of hesitation, she reached out and pulled off the King of Fighters team badge on her shoulder and threw it away.

The King of Fighters team is in big trouble this time. The opponent's growth rate is extraordinary. She doesn't know if others can afford to offend him. Anyway, she knows that she can't afford to offend him! I don’t even want to mess with it!

So the King of Fighters team can’t stay any longer! withdraw!

I have special talents and skills. I can work as an official in any team I go to. There is no need to hang myself from a tree.

After standing up and taking one last look at the woods, the blindfolded girl turned and left.

And a long time later, in the messy woods, a bush suddenly exploded.

Kasamoto Miles, who had sneaked back without knowing when, and was hiding there quietly, looked at the still silent woods around him, couldn't help but shook his head, sighed helplessly, and got up and left.

On the spot, only a body that had been blown to pieces was left.

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