Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 184: Elves Duel

Just when Kasamoto Eri, who was responsible for patrolling the surroundings and blocking all enemies from escaping, successfully caught a rabbit and killed it cruelly.

On the huge pirate ship, Qin Ming, the current Peter Pan, was also confronting the former Peter Pan, the current Captain Hook.

Captain Hook, who looked very old and at least fifty years old, looked at Qin Ming expressionlessly.

When he saw the elf Tinker Bell hidden in Qin Ming's arms, he suddenly spoke in a cold voice.

"Young man, elves are fickle. They are not only naive but also cruel. Everything in the world is a toy in their eyes, including you and me. Your trust in her will only be betrayed and abandoned in the end."

Hearing Captain Hook's words, Qin Ming couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, his expression was very playful.

"She sees me as a toy, who knows what I see her as, maybe she is also a toy?"

Hearing this, the elf Tinker Bell quickly turned his head to look at Qin Ming, with a shocked look on his face.

Some bad scenes seemed to appear in front of her again. She screamed suddenly and flew into Qin Ming's clothes again.

"I'm not a toy!"

This scene made Qin Ming and Captain Hook stunned, and both of them looked confused.

After a long while, they looked up and looked at each other.

"You, what did you do to her?"

"I didn't do anything? She is so old, what can I do to her?"

"Then why is she not angry, but reacts like this? Under normal circumstances, shouldn't the elf be furious and turn his face on the spot?"

"Will it? Why don't I know? Maybe I am an elf with a better temper."

As soon as these words came out, Captain Hook's face on the opposite side suddenly darkened.

He raised his hand and silently drew out the rapier at his waist, and began to approach Qin Ming aggressively.

"Since the day I killed my elf! I swore! I would kill all Peter Pans! Without exception! And you! You chose the wrong profession!"

Looking at Captain Hook who was approaching quickly, and the final big BOSS in front of him, Qin Ming also raised his hand and drew out the rapier at his waist.

"Oh! Really! Then you are also Peter Pan! At least you used to be one! Will you kill yourself too?"

"…………Peter Pan died forty years ago!"

With a buzz! A cold light flashed instantly! Captain Hook roared and stabbed with a sword!

He was obviously a fencing master, and this sword stabbed quickly and accurately.

It's just that he has strong fighting skills, but Qin Ming's fighting skills are also not weak.

He quickly swung the sword and stabbed, accurately blocking the stabbing weapon, and then performed standard Western fencing! Fighting with Captain Hook on the spot!

As an adventurer with B-level fighting skills, Qin Ming's fighting ability is extraordinary.

However, he was not facing an ordinary BOSS this time! He is the ultimate villain in Captain Hook's world! The super boss of the sixth act!

This guy's fighting skills are even better than Qin Ming's! He has reached the legendary A-level!

After dozens of rounds of fighting, with a slight ding, Qin Ming felt his hand lighten, and the rapier that symbolized Peter Pan's identity was directly thrown out of his hand.

Captain Hook, who seized the opportunity, raised his hand and stabbed with a sword, accurately piercing Qin Ming's throat, but the tip of the sword made a crisp ding sound!

The rapier hit Qin Ming's throat! It was completely unable to break the defense!

Seeing this scene, Captain Hook was stunned. Before he could increase his strength, Qin Ming, who had lost his weapon, had waved his hand to knock away the weapon and rushed forward frantically.

When he rushed over, he did not forget to roar.

"Jingle Bell! Blessing state!"

Hearing this shout, Jingle Bell hidden in Qin Ming's chest immediately cast magic.

The power of the elves! Agility blessing!

With the magical power attached to him, Qin Ming's speed doubled on the spot. For a moment, he danced his two arms like windmills, constantly knocking away the stabbing swords, and sparks flew everywhere.

The sharp rapier chopped on the arm guard! Not even a trace could be left!

Captain Hook, who was forced to retreat continuously, saw that he could not stop the attack. Suddenly, he jumped back to distance himself, threw away the rapier, raised his hand and drew out the musket from his waist like lightning, pointed it at this side and pulled the trigger fiercely!

With a bang! Sparks flew everywhere!

Qin Ming, who was directly blown away by a shot, kicked the ground with his legs continuously, and took six or seven steps back before he could barely stabilize his figure.

An iron ball fell to the ground with a clang, and it had already been severely deformed when it landed.

Qin Ming, who had his two arms in front of him and was emitting heat from his arm guard, slowly lowered his arms.

This sudden shot was forcibly blocked by him with the golden arm guard!

The two of them were several meters apart, and they once again faced off silently.

Looking at the expressionless enemy, he looked at the magic glow on his body.

Captain Hook suddenly sneered and raised his hand to tear off his coat.

What was revealed under the clothes was a green tight leather armor.

And there was a glass bottle hanging on the belt!

The fist-sized glass bottle was now filled with liquid. In the transparent liquid, a small figure with a pair of glowing wings on its back could be seen curled up inside, motionless, as if asleep.

Captain Hook's elf! Or should it be called the elf corpse! It appeared!

He lowered his head and knocked on the bottle. As the elf inside glowed, Captain Hook's body also emitted the same magical light!

And it looked like it was even more intense than the light on Qin Ming!

Looking up at Qin Ming, who was staring with eyes wide open and a look of astonishment on his face, Captain Hook suddenly grinned.

"Don't think you are the only one who has elves to help you! I! I also have my elves!"

Elf power - Agility (agility value limit +30)


With a roar, Captain Hook raised his hand to grab the rapier beside him and rushed towards Qin Ming again, and this time the speed was at least half faster than before!

Faced with such a rapid speed! Qin Ming was completely unable to react!

He hurriedly raised his hand to block two attacks, and was quickly hit by the third sword on the shoulder. The blade was inserted into the flesh and blood, and he groaned in pain.

The Captain Hook in front of him, the final boss of this world, is actually much weaker than Qin Ming expected, but also much stronger!

Name: Captain Hook (Captain Hook Act 6)

Strength 40

Constitution 40

Agility 40 (+30)

Spirit 40


Peter Pan Swordsmanship (A-level passive, ignores 25 points of target defense)

Rifle Shooting (B-level skill, causes double damage)

Elf Magic Bottle (A-level skill, applies various elven powers to oneself)

Introduction: The former hero has become a demon, waiting for another hero to defeat him, but who knows what the next hero will eventually become?

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