Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 185 Captain Hook! Peter Pan!

On the pirate ship, accompanied by the sound of ding-dong-dong, two figures were fighting desperately.

However, facing Captain Hook who could madly change the effect of the power of the elves and constantly strengthen a single attribute, Qin Ming was in a passive state of being beaten throughout the whole process.

In terms of attributes, he was not as good as Captain Hook.

In terms of skills, he was also no match for the opponent.

Even the power added by the elves was much higher than his opponent.

When Qin Ming increased his strength, the opponent also increased his strength.

When Qin Ming increased his agility, the opponent also increased his agility.

If he was injured, he could use the power of the elves to heal, and if he was beaten, he could use the power of the elves to defend.

Even facing Qin Ming's chain of sonic hand knives! The opponent was really unable to dodge! He could also rely on the power of the elves to fly directly!

And this flying! It was not the half-baked flying ability imposed by the elf Jingle Bell!

The power of the elves in Captain Hook was stronger! It really made him fly!

Captain Hook, flying freely in the sky, kept taking out his musket to shoot Qin Ming. After firing several shots in a row, forcing Qin Ming to block the bullets with his arm guard, he found the right opportunity to accelerate and fly down again, and gave Qin Ming another sword!

Looking at the enemy who was already covered with wounds in just a short moment, Captain Hook swung the rapier in his hand with a serious expression on his face.

"Peter Pan! The reason why I didn't help the two of them kill you just now! It was to defeat you openly at this time! I said I would kill all Peter Pans! I will definitely do what I say!"

On the opposite side, Qin Ming, who quickly let the elves exert their power to help him recover from his injuries, twitched his eyes when he heard the words.

Facing this monster in front of him, whose attributes were obviously not high, but with the blessing of the elf's power, it was like a monster with 70 points of all attributes and A-level fighting skills, he really didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

This is not a question of whether he can beat it or not! It's that he can't beat it at all!

Superb swordsmanship and a terrifying basic panel have turned the opponent into an all-around monster, and the most important thing is that he can fly!

Under this kind of force that is almost a head-on crush, your skills are useless!

Can't beat him! That's it!

Qin Ming, who quickly recovered from his injuries, raised his arms again.

Looking at the enemy who was coming over aggressively, his pupils shrank, and he suddenly spoke in a cold voice.

"Elf! Open the door!"

Hearing this, Jingle Bell was stunned, and nodded quickly after reacting.

The next second, with the glow of magic, a huge energy channel appeared directly behind Qin Ming!

And the end of the channel! It was the dreamland!

Seeing this scene, Captain Hook, who was standing opposite, frowned instantly, and rushed out without thinking, rushing directly towards Qin Ming.

"Want to escape? Can you escape!"

Captain Hook, who was once Peter Pan, naturally couldn't have known what was behind the energy channel.

Thinking that Qin Ming was about to lose and was about to flee to the dreamland for refuge, he chose to attack without hesitation.

And he attacked! Qin Ming fled! The two rushed into the energy channel together!

The next second after entering, Captain Hook, who swung Qin Ming's arm with a sword, kicked out with his side leg and kicked Qin Ming out on the spot.

Swinging the sword casually, looking at the familiar environment around him and the pool in front of him that had changed a little, Captain Hook couldn't help but look up and sneered.

"Idiot! This is my territory! The three mermaids are my partners! You didn't escape here to escape! You are looking for death! You!"

Before he finished speaking, Captain Hook was suddenly stunned.

Because on the opposite side, Qin Ming, who was kicked by him to the side of the pool, had no time to struggle to get up, and the water surface behind him had already exploded. The three mermaids hurriedly got out of the water and reached out to support Qin Ming at the same time.

One checked his chest, and the other looked at the injury. The three mermaids looked very panicked at the moment.

"Are you okay? Honey! Are you hurt? Come on! Go soak in the water!"

Looking at the three mermaids who were so enthusiastic, Captain Hook's eyes widened for a moment, and he couldn't help showing a look of shock on his face.

Qin Ming, who was helped up on the opposite side, shook his hands, motioning the three to get out of the way, and then raised his arms again.

"Sorry! This is my territory!"


Captain Hook was shocked when he heard this. He turned his head and looked at the three mermaids, and his mind went blank for a moment.

What's going on? Don't these three guys claim to be the gods of Neverland? They usually ignore people! Their attitude is so arrogant!

Why are they so enthusiastic today? Could it be that this Peter Pan in front of them also has a deal with them?

Captain Hook, who found that something was wrong, gradually turned pale, and suddenly roared with a dagger in his hand.

"Three of you! Help me get rid of him and his elf! I am willing to help you spread the legend of Peter Pan for another thirty years! How about it?"

Hearing this, the three mermaids were stunned, and then they all looked at this side with strange eyes, and no one spoke.

Seeing that they didn't respond, Captain Hook's face sank.

"Didn't we cooperate happily before? It was you who gave me the magic bottle that sealed the elf! Why are you helping him now! Help me! I can help you become the only ruler of the island again! I mean what I say!"

As soon as these words came out, the three mermaids were shocked. They could not guess that the other party was trying to drag them into the water and force them to help.

After all, secretly giving him the magic bottle to block the connection between the elf and the power of dreams, so that she would lose the source of power and gradually become weak and die, this is something that can be said directly! And it was said in front of another elf!

This is clearly an attempt to force them to take action! After all, the elf who knew about this! How could he not be hostile to them!

Therefore, the three mermaids who reacted quickly shouted out in excitement almost at the same time.

"Slander! His slander! He is slandering us! Naked slander! I have never heard of any magic bottle that can kill elves!"

"That's right! We are like sisters with elves! Sisters!"

"Dear! Don't be fooled by him! You know us! You have a deep understanding of us! How could we, beautiful creatures born from fantasy, do such dirty things! He is clearly framing us!"

"Evildoer! Damn robber! Dear! Kill him! Skin him! Make him into a human bone totem!"

Encouraged by the screams of the three mermaids, Qin Ming, who had recovered from his injuries, came to Captain Hook again.

Looking at the dumbfounded old Peter Pan opposite, Qin Ming couldn't help but grin.

"Old thing! Didn't expect it! The world has changed! Now! They are my fish!"

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