Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 186 S-level skills

With the roar, Qin Ming, who had recovered his condition, fought Captain Hook again.

A buzzing sound came out, and several sonic hand knives were shot from the front, but Captain Hook flew up and easily dodged them.

However, before he could fall down this time, the magic bottle hanging on his waist suddenly began to tremble violently.

The next second, the magic bottle containing the elf's corpse cut the rope and flew out automatically, and was caught by the mermaid sister.

Seeing this scene, Captain Hook's expression changed drastically, he screamed and ran in a panic.

"Stop! That's my elf!"

Before the words left his mouth, a loud noise had already reached his ears.

Qin Ming, who was blessed with the power of elves, hit his body hard from the side like a heavily armored tank.

As the magic bottle left, Captain Hook, whose elven power had dissipated, could not withstand such a level of impact. He was knocked away on the spot.

As he rolled to the ground, his body flexibly dodged left and right, avoiding the pursuit of several sonic hand knives by a hair's breadth.

Captain Hook, whose clothes were cut off, raised his hand to draw his gun, aimed at the three mermaid sisters in the distance and pulled the trigger hard.

However, under the screams of the mermaids, Qin Ming stretched out his hand to block the ammunition that was fired at high speed.

With a ding sound, the bullet hit the arm guard, causing sparks to fly on the spot.

Qin Ming, who relied on protective gear to survive the blow, was hit and staggered violently even though he was blessed with the power of the elves.

Looking up at Captain Hook, who was charging towards him crazily, he roared, his body burning with white fire, and he accelerated towards the opponent and launched a countercharge.

With a bang, the two of them collided hard together, and the air waves formed caused the surrounding vegetation to sway.

Captain Hook's body was also ignited by white flames, and his defense was cleared on the spot.

Without the blessing of the power of the elves, his attributes were no longer crushing Qin Ming. He raised the iron hook in his right hand, pointed it at Qin Ming, and beat him desperately, cutting several bloody wounds on Qin Ming's back on the spot.

Qin Ming roared, picked it up, and hit the cliff in the distance at full speed! Directly knocking out countless cracks in the cliff!

The two people here were fighting each other to the death, attacking each other crazily.

On the other side, the three mermaid sisters who used magic to summon back the magic bottle looked at each other while looking at the bottle in their hands.

After a slight hesitation, the three of them suddenly nodded at the same time. The eldest sister raised the bottle in her hand and smashed it to the ground.

As the glass bottle shattered, a faint starlight lit up from the bottle, and the elf corpse inside quickly turned into light and dispersed.

And the countless rays of light turned into a torrent and flew forward, starting to gather in the direction of Qin Ming's body.

No! wrong! It’s not Qin Ming’s body!

The final gathering point of these radiances! It’s the jingle bell in Qin Ming’s arms! This new elf!

The power of the previous generation of elves! Along with no longer being blocked by the magic bottle! Finally back!

The dazzling light gradually lights up! It even lights up the entire dreamland!

Ding Dang Ling, whose whole body was glowing, began to undergo drastic changes in his original skills.

It's increasing! It's changing! Until it is completely transformed!

S-level skills! The power of fantasy elves! Sublimation completed!

Ding! You have been blessed by the power of S-level elves!

Elven Power-Strength (maximum strength value +50)


The power inside his body doubled on the spot, and Qin Ming couldn't help but howl out.

The muscles all over his body were tangled, with veins protruding from the top. He suddenly punched out!

Hearing the noise, Captain Hook tried to lift his hook to block, but the hook in his hand was shattered to pieces by this punch!

It had already been penetrated by white inflammation, causing it to become extremely fragile.

Now he was hit from the front with a brute force of up to 90 points!

I don’t know what level of iron hook equipment it was, but it was directly hammered into countless pieces!

After the iron fist broke the hook, it hit Captain Hook's face with unabated force, knocking the already extremely old-looking Peter Pan on the spot, with his legs dangling in the air and hit the cliff wall.

Amidst the rumbling sound, countless dense cracks appeared on the surface of the hard cliff. Captain Hook's entire head was embedded in the stone, and his facial features became a blur of flesh and blood.

Before he could struggle to stand up, the second iron fist followed!

Then the third punch! The fourth punch! The fifth punch!

With a loud rumbling sound, the cliff completely collapsed.

Among the countless rubbles scattered, Qin Ming grabbed Captain Iron Hook's head and threw him out.

Captain Iron Hook rolled and slid more than ten meters away, holding his hands on the ground as his body staggered and struggled to stand up.

With blood all over his face, he struggled to open his eyes and tremblingly raised the rapier in his hand that had been bent by a punch.

"That...that's my...elf..."


As soon as the words were spoken, five rays of white cold light already lit up in the gravel ahead.

The giant sonic hand knife, which was more than two meters wide, slashed at high speed in a continuous manner.

When they flew into the air, they suddenly changed their directions, drew various arcs, and accurately hit Captain Hook's body.


The loud sound reached my ears, and the five sonic swords instantly slashed across Captain Hook's body, and then struck the stone at the back, splitting the boulder in two on the spot, cutting into countless pieces, and the gaps were extremely smooth.

With a sharp friction sound, the cut stone slid down the cut and fell to the ground, shaking up a lot of smoke and dust.

Captain Hook, who was frozen in front, stared with his eyes wide open and did not move.

A second later, the rapier in his hand broke into several pieces and scattered all over the ground with a clanging sound.

And several blood lines immediately appeared on his body. As his body leaned back, his whole body turned into a lot of fragments and scattered completely...

In the pile of rocks opposite, Qin Ming, who used a series of charged sonic hand knives to forcibly shake off the rubble and killed the enemy in one blow, finally dropped his hands.

Feeling the surging power in his body, he slowly clenched his fists, and the white flames on his body boiled and entangled.

"Your fairy tale ends here! Peter Pan!"

While speaking, Qin Ming suddenly stretched out his left hand.

The next second, accompanied by the sound of wind, the elf Jingle Bell immediately flew over and landed steadily on his arm.

Turning his head to look at this little guy who had merged with the previous generation of elves and whose skills had been upgraded to S-level, Qin Ming couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

After picking up the key that Captain Hook had exploded, he immediately signaled the elf to open the energy channel and walked out with a stern face.

Now he is in a very good state! Better than ever!

Then it's time to reap the fruits of the battle! Let those pirates who are fighting with the Lost Boy see what a real BOSS is!

The light gate flashed, and Qin Ming quickly appeared on the battlefield with the elf. He looked up at the crowd fighting around him, took a deep breath, and suddenly opened his hands to the left and right.

The white flames and airflow condensed! With his palms slapping forward with all his strength!

A-level super kill! Charge-sonic hand knife! Start!

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